Delete this

Never mind close the thread. Nothing will change anyway :sob:


There is already a thread on this, you might want to post in there instead of breaking the rules and making multiple threads on the same topic:

That thread is about letting all races choose a faction. This thread is focused on the Vulpera only

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Yeah, lets add even more convenience. Its not like convenience ruined the whole game.

Well, I didnā€™t agree with you in that thread, and Iā€™m not going to agree with you in this thread either.

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Not looking for your agreement. Looking for Blizzardā€™s agreement

I doubt theyā€™ll agree to this. They want to maintain some level of Faction Identification even if theyā€™re moving to Cross Faction playing/guilds.

Vulpera are horde, they were helped by the horde during BFA and allied themselves that way.

If you want to play a furry race and be alliance just be Worgen.

Iā€™ll also add that cry baby threads like this was are what has really hurt this game.

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There are neutral Vulpera outside of Kiroā€™s caravan.

People who are gatekeepers continue to ignore this on purpose.

Me: butā€¦ā€¦ there is a Neutral Vulpera in booty Bay, Dazar alor, and Kul Tiras

Gatekeepers: I canā€™t hear you.

As if Iā€™m playing Vulpera for the furry aspect. I like the lore, otherwise I wouldā€™ve rolled a worgen a long time ago.

Iā€™ll also add that gatekeepers who want the game to run their way are also ruining the game. Let other people have fun, and If you donā€™t like a feature, then simply ignore it and donā€™t use it.

The High elf customization for void elves angered a lot of forumers, and yet blizzard still added it so that the people who did want it can enjoy them and become happy. Itā€™s optional.

The game is constantly changing. A few years back you couldnā€™t transmogs whites or greys.

A few years back, they told us High elves will never be playable.

A few years back cross faction guilds or groups was a impossible idea

Now look where we are.

Change is beautiful

Stop accusing people of trolling when they donā€™t share your same ideas.

Itā€™s a tale as old as time. ā€œThis person shares ideas that I donā€™t agree with, so heā€™s obviously trolling.ā€

Then stop accusing people of gatekeeping because they like the game the way it is.

If itā€™s really that big of an issue that you need to be alliance to play Vulpera, then the problem isnā€™t that canā€™t play Vulpera as allianceā€¦ just saying.

That is the definition of gatekeeping.

You yourself hate the Vulpera and constantly call them ā€œdesert ratsā€ in my other thread.

And yet, you want them to remain horde for some reason. Why is that :thinking: if opening up for the other faction will make some people happy :thinking:

Itā€™s not gate keeping.

There is no problem with having limitations to Race/Faction/Class whatever. In fact having these choices in the game makes it better.

Again that is not GateKeeping.

Again, just grow up.


itā€™s funny how this npc appears in every thread.

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If wanting a small change in the game that will make me happy is childish, then call me a child.

Perhaps wow is filled with boomers and I need to go play a game that is more open minded about positivity, removing restrictions, and positivity towards change.

A game like FF14 and Sims 4 might do. For now.

And remember, wow is constantly changing. So who know what the future might bring :wink: today itā€™s body 1 and body 2. Tomorow itā€™s cross faction.

I think if there is a game which already does this for you. then why would a long established game need to change just to fit 1 players preference? Youā€™re right, if another game does something more the way you like it, then play that game. I play WoW because I prefer the way WoW does what it does.

WoW was a success because it was innovative. However these days it seems to be chasing what other games are doing rather than coming up with its own ideas. This is partly because someone comes along whoā€™s played another game and say ā€œOMG, this game does this? Why doesnā€™t WoW. OMG!ā€.

Personally I donā€™t want to see Vulpera (or a few other Horde races) being made accessible on Alliance (and vice versa) because it doesnā€™t fit the lore but that doesnā€™t mean Ameerah is trolling for wanting and asking for the change. We just want different things and see things in different ways. If blizzard made the change it would make me roll my eyes but wouldnā€™t really affect me that much so Ameerah can ask and keep asking.

Changes I would like to see are legacy content making drops either accountwide instead of soulbound or removing the armor restrictions that stop a cloth wearer collecting a plate mog or particular weapon. Does that also make me a ā€œtrollā€ that needs to ā€œgrow upā€?

You are actually being quite aggressively rude at this point simply because you donā€™t agreeā€¦ there is no need for it at all. Just say you donā€™t agree with the idea and walk away without taking it to a level of personal insults.


No, because of how you present yourself.

But Iā€™ll also point out that I think:

Would be very bad for the game as well.

If I come across as rude its because the OP has made the same thread multiple times rather than just carrying on an already active thread on the topic that he started.

And lets remember he started throwing around derogatory insults when he accused me of being a GateKeeper!

I donā€™t know about gatekeeping, but thereā€™s definitely some backseat-moderating going on in this thread.

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Yeahā€¦ calling someone a crybaby isnā€™t starting the personal insults is itā€¦ being called a gatekeeper is so much worseā€¦ :roll_eyes: