Delete this

:100: preach

Stop it Anizah >:c /Slap… I slap you.

Play fair. Don’t pile on with me against Billy. Its fair concerns and things Billy thinks about. Who isn’t a roleplayer like us.

Thank you tho :sparkling_heart:

there are neutral Humans in the world as well, but nobody is asking for humans to brought to the horde. :man_facepalming:

Actually I have seen someone ask for it on the US forums. This happened specifically after BFA when a Kul Tiran NPC was spotted walking around Ogrimmar tagged as a PVP horde character. He is still there today.

Perhaps we should find a middle ground. If Blizzard allowed the opposite faction to enter the capital cities (with PVP off) for Roleplay purposes of neutrality. Would you allow it then?

Why should I take you into account when you don’t take other people into account?

If you took others into account, we would never see ridiculous requests on these forums.

Anyway guys I’m out of this thread now. (it will be muted after I post this). I’ve said my part, and you’re just going to continue arguing with me anyway. You guys are free to carry on chatting away.

But just you know, requests like these are spoiling the game for others.

Gl and I hope your RP gets you to your Hollywood dreams.

Because if fantasy and rp stuff like we care about don’t matter into your gameplay or choices why should we? When there is existing lore and reasoning already in for it?

Your just making a problem just to make a problem…
Especially when it comes to Vulpera… Who’s only racials are a 2% fire resistance and a campfire heartstone that doesn’t play into endgame what so ever.

Its just spiteful

You must admit. Its funny to see how much suddenly horde players care about Vulpera remaining in the Horde all of a sudden. If there is anything to take away from this

After all the hate

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Annizah, dear, like with other nuisances, just use that handy ignore function
I know, you are a better person than me, and you always forgive and try to see the good in everyone
They say life is tooshort to hold grudges, I know
But I think life is too short to be letting people get away with the same crap over and over again :roll_eyes:
So save yourself a headache and just use ignore and don’t let them to bait you in to argument that are ultimately pointless, because they never wanted to argue, just wanted to troll and upset you

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True that :100:

I Roleplay my Vulpera as neutral and I don’t care what the haters will say.

You can catch me outside Stormwind’s gate selling shirts I collected from the desert. (Hopefully away from the guards eyes because I stole from the guards something and they never forgave me)


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I actually just clicked into this thread by accident in my notifications.

I don’t get new notifications on this thread or even see it on my list because I have muted it as I said in my last comment.

But luckily I did accidentally click and see that you chose to reply to someone who you “knew”, or at least thought wouldn’t see it. And chose to call them rude because they’re expressing a concern which goes against the request in the thread.

Sorry if being rude and agressive is simply disagreeing.

However, what is more rude and aggressive is making comments like this when you know (think) they won’t read it.

Good night everyone.

Your not being rude for disagreeing… But you ‘‘accidentally’’ falling into this thread is about as believable as a rapper just falling dick first into someones hole in a court case…


Had they not called the request “ridiculous” as a last resort (last comment) and then mentioning Hollywood dreams, I wouldn’t have replied.

Edit: also what’s taking the mods so long. The thread should be closed I think.

The thread should have been closed straight away for being a repeat topic.

As long as people reply and stay within the forums rules this is considered an open discussion thread. It wont be closed…

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It technically isn’t, and I explained
Why to you 2 times now. If not 3

The original topic was about allowing all races to choose factions

This is focused on the Vulpera specifically. A whole different scenario.

But seeing as i recently had a forum vacation over something silly, I don’t wanna risk it and deleted the thread/ topic

For the record Billyblue. You where right about me when it came to the paladin stuff and their tier stuff.

I just want to say something right. You put me in my place when it came to expectations and toxicity there.

I know your not a bad person for any of this. This was a honest opinion and take on this thread… Your not rude or a bad person for this.

Look, there is no need for petty squabbling, so I will click out of the thread for good now.

But I will re-iterate, that is a really fine stretch in calling that a difference, and still could have been a conclusion reached in the previous thread.

And a reminder, this is a discussion forum, where we are free to discuss topics, even if we disagree on the subject we are welcome to discuss. If you’re not open for discussion then maybe use the In-Game Feedback and Suggestion Tool. that tool goes straight to the Devs, and yes I have seen suggestions I’ve put in there come to the game. So it does work.

Considering I’ve been chatting with you for the past 1 day, I think I am open to discussion. You and I simply disagree on many things, and that’s fine.

My main complaint is that you can deliver your messages in a more…. Polite way. Without using words like “crybaby”, “drama school”, and such.

That was my main problem.

I was initially wrong for using the word Gatekeepers, but that’s nothing compared the words I’ve seen here.

I will stop here for now.

Good night

Oh I have been rude. And I acknowledged that and apologised to OP for being so.

But it also gets quite hard to remain so calm when there are 3 or 4 people replying at any one time, from different directions and different opinions. Especially when one like Ani and Are seems to be completely targeting me.

But yeh, I still can’t wait to get my hands on that Ret Transmog :slight_smile:

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Strange. I have the feeling you are targeting me. I guess we are both wrong about each other

Perhaps we should take the words of Tarzan Zhu. “Turn back from one another, and walk away”

Ah MOP…. Fantastic expansion. Still one of my favorites