Delete this

stop interacting with the npc guys

it’s an energy leech, don’t get caught up in it’s gatekeeping net

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By having fun? And creating stories for our characters?

God forbid we have fun in this game and be unique.

We can ask whatever we want. If it fits within the lore, as Izhan mentioned, as well as myself, then it’s fine.

Agreed 100%

Tryhard fanatics are way more damaging to the game.

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The RPG in MMORPG means Role Play Game, it’s means nothing more than I am choosing to play a Mage in this Adventure Fantasy game. No part of that tells me I should be making up my own storylines and playing Dramaschool with my friends.

Go back 20-30 years and there were single player RPG games, where you did just that. There were no RP events because there was no way to connect with people. You were a Mage in an adventure game, living the adventure of the game.

It’s just that these days people decide to take RP too far.

I’m not trying to stop you from doing that, you can do what you want to do. It’s when I start seeing requested changes to the game which affect my game is where I draw the line.

Which the particular request in this thread DOESN’T!

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Izhan and I already explained how it does fits the lore.

We don’t need to repeat ourselves 1000 times like a NPC’s

But that roleplay game is built upon something Billy. Its built upon lore and the world and fantasy of the game.

How is us asking for things within this ruining the game? If you don’t care about roleplay or the fantasy aspects. How does stuff like this affect you in any way? We just ask for things that makes sense within the Roleplay world of the mmo we are in.

The gameplay stays the same even if a Vulpera appears on the Alliance.

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To turn this thing around: People who want this game to be nothing more than a lobby with instanced mini-games are the ones ‘taking it too far’ imo.

But neither of us get to decide ‘what’s too far’ overal. We only decide what’s too far for our own taste.

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Yes, people who ERP are taking it too far.

Meanwhile, people who want more freedom options to reflect their character choices is perfectly fine for RP, and Blizzard actually supports this. As we see they added Wildhammer tattoos hairstyles to Bronzebeard, they added high elf skin and hair colors to void elves including a tentacle toggle for hairstyles, they added a sand troll skin for Darkspear.

This is all for roleplayers to have more choices.

But it doesn’t. You can’t make up your own Lore!

Another prime example why the RP community is bad for the future of WoW.

But it doesn’t. Choosing your race as per Class/Faction race is about making choice because of the limitations. Removing those limitations simply makes the game worse.

Yes, I’ll continue to play WoW, but the game will be less enjoyable because of how it’s been watered down.

But just because you’ve gone through some crazy mental gymnastics to justify why Vulpera would fit into the Alliance, doesn’t mean that there is any actual justification in it.

They’re a horde race. They don’t fit alliance in anyway shape or form.

Which has just made the game a little less enjoyable for the rest of us.

If you wanted to play Blood Elf, just play Blood Elf.

There was no need to ad Void Elves to the game, they were a ridiculous addition.

We see roleplay options and lore as completely different things it seems then. I don’t make my race or choose my characters with limitations in mind.

I am a immersion nerd. And the Lore and the World and the characters and themes decide my choices…

I think you care about Roleplay choices too. But differently from me and others… they are a gameplay choice to you and not your inspiration.

But there are allot of us who have it the other way around… Are we ruining the game for you if those choices where about the World building and the lore? And not about the gameplay stuff?

Billy Billy Billy……

Is the Kul Tiran NPC walking around Ogrimmar part of our doing?

Is the Neutral Vulpera outside of Kiro’s caravan who speak to both the horde and Alliance part of our doing?

Is the Pirate Vulpera, some of which are neutral based in Kul Tiras, others are hostile to both factions based on our Lore?

Is Valeera sanguinar (a blood elf) being loyal to the Wrynn family (ruiling family of stormwind) based on our lore?

These are all part of the actual lore. We didn’t make any of these up. If you were an actual roleplayer, you would know we take the lore very very seriously.

We don’t make stories from our behinds.

We make stories with creativity (using the in-game Lore) hence why I made my Human a Wastewanderer. Part of the neutral humans in Uldum/ Tanaris. This is perfectly fine.

And as I’ve said, Blizzard supports this creativity. ( as we see with customizations).

Edit: by the way this is the OP. I race changed my character so can’t use him on the forums

I recently bought my first ever version of DnD… my lil lad was reading about it in one of his gamer magazines and got interested in the idea of having a go.

DnD the original RP game, the inspirisation for the Warcraft franchise including their popular MMORPG World of Warcraft :thinking:

School holidays start Friday so we will delve into the game with the fancy die sets I also purchased and I shall teach him the joy of delving into character just like I do in WoW :laughing:


Great. But WoW is a game built on Progression. You enter the world and the first thing you do is start levelling. Originally it was 1-60.

One of your original choices was do you play Horde or Alliance. You then chose your Race/Class on what sort of role you wanted to play in that levelling experience. How did the Racials work with the class. Did the racials work well in PVP or PVE etc etc.

You then earnt gear as you levelled which helped you beat challenges to help you progress further. Until you reached a point where you needed to enlist other players of similar progression and power to help you move further through the game and end game.

The game was built on progression, with goals. Yes, it has been left open, which has been great. But you can’t deny the primary focus of the game.

There is also a reason why there’s another thread saying how popular the Classic servers are. Because Vanilla was a much better game than the new watered down version of WoW. And each time a request like this comes through the game gets a little bit more watered down and little less enjoyable.

Never played classic. And never got interested in it now.

I’m happy here in Retail

From my understanding WoW was based more on Warhammer than DnD, although both were an inspiration. However, from what I heard WoW itself was apparently originally being designed as a Warhammer game until it was cancelled.

I played Vanilla - Wotlk and bit of Cata/Mop before breaking until BFA.

Vanilla was an amazing game to play, the most immersive version of the game, you could lose days playing that game.

Although I have gone back and played Classic servers. I’m not committed to it because I’ve played through it before. I want a new game, which is why I play retail. But if retail were more like Classic, that would make alot of players happy.

Anyway just to update everyone I did infact faction change to a Vulpera, seeing as that’s the only option for me to do unfortunately.

I will use this horde Vulpera to Roleplay a neutral Vulpera outside of Kiro’s Caravan, like the Vulpera in Vol’dun and Kul Tiras we see.

Hopefully, in the future when wow changes and allows more freedom I can make the switch to alliance so I can enter Stormwind or Boralus without being killed. For now, I will remain horde unfortunately (but neutral in RP)

Your right… I can’t… But then you also cannot deny that several of the Horde races where favored for this exact reason alone… Lets not rehash the better racial arguement… There is a reason we have such a faction imbalance today… Racials are not the only reason. But they too had progression in mind.

And nothing is stopping your game from being about progression anymore when it comes to races… It only gives you more options. Thats not a bad thing if its not all in favor of one faction only. In a game where we want both to be healthy.

Take into account players like me… Roleplayers or others who also are inspired by race and fantasy to choose their race. The more options there are… the better for both sides t here is for all of us that more can play the faction they want. And be a part of progression.

More races options for both factions based of inspiration and fantasy is not a bad or unhealthy thing for the game as a whole. Unless you only care about one faction being better than the other.