No changes to the classes that are overtuned - yet DK is slapped with a giant nerf to DS and AMS
this is by far the dumbest nerfs i have seen, sure nerf necropolis abit and reduce some spellwarden not death strike…
The nerfs arent justified whatsoever, especially with the lack of similar nerfs to other overperfoming classes, all our defensives, and to top it off the abom limb nerf is insane
Now we move slow, and also are made of paper, and when you finally catch up to the enemy, deathstrikes heal approx 12% of the damage you received in that time
yea i have no idea how other classes are not getting similair treatment atleast
I was also really happy about dk s place in pvp. After this nerf Iam really sad I wasted the little time I got on leveling my dk to 67.
Oh and it’s hilarious to me how dh and warlock get away almost completely unscathed yet dks get hit with these over the top nerfs. Blizz is really overdoing it with this. Rerolling to dh and facerolling every m+ and Arena
It baffles me how clueless they are about the game. In most arenas, my top healing spells are DS, rune of Spell warding and Necropolis.
DS is an active ability that you need to spend resources on, so you trade damage for health and you have to play around it, cause you need to use it near bursts or it’s useless. It’s also impacted by dampening and healing reductions.
The other two are passive abilities. So instead nerfing just Necropolis and rune, they don’t touch the latter and also nerf DS and AMS, which you have to use with awareness due to the short duration.
I’m speechless.
Let’s go destroy dks again
DK gets trashed again. Many people don’t understand how huge these nerfs are.
Dk has zero physical defensive CDs. Dk has higher hp then other classes (20%) exactly because we have little to no counterplay available if focused, we can’t teleport, jump 200 times, dash, sprint, charge out and around a corner. We only have our healing, which was already nerf by 25% at launch, AND indirectly by buffing general healing reductions to -50% in PvP, which affects classes that rely on healing to survive more then those that rely on kiting, movement, other mitigation, stuns, etc.
Even before the nerf, death strike healing was laughably easy to counter by any experience players, monks, rogues, dh, warriors could simply either disarm buring burst, pop dodge or parry, stun, on top of mortal strike to make us unable to cope with the damage. Also, GL kiting a DH off you with chains of ice. It became so useless that it makes me consider removing it from my bars, given that everyone is pretty much immune to slows now in real scenarios.
This is already on top of the years long problems that PLAGUE this spec:
- I have to press 7-8 GCD abilities to start bursting.
- Slowest class in game officialy after palas got 2 x charger.
- Little to no burst damage. Popping everything becomes some sort of “high sustain”, but not the kind of nuking someone during a stun.
- Little oportunity to outplay others. You are expected to do fine up to a level then get outplayed by other classes, that’s why if you check all the past 4 pvp seasons, there was to my knowledge 1-2 dks worldwide that got rank 1, and only 2% of classes over 2400 were dks. This is 10x less then the usual suspects, mage rogue priest warrior etc.
I was looking forward to playing only pvp this season, as it looked really fun in pre patch and this week in BGS. Guess it’s good that I have all classes at 60, so I have time until wednesday to level up a real class to PvP with.
I can agree these nerfs ARE THE MOST OUTRAGEOUS nerfs I have EVER seen.
This is literally and undeniably the worst tuning I have ever witnessed.
Blizzard DO something about this ASAP.
Meanwhile Fury warriors and affliction warlocks DOUBLE the healing of healers and they go and gut Dks??? Please blizzard just go and see the stats what is this?
Dk’s are literally good at nothing now, not great damage and needs insane ramping. Cant survive melees nor casters. 0 mobility. even healing reduction which was one the best aspect of Uh is not even close to the uptime and % of other classes like ferals and fury.
I was lowkey excited for DK’s for this season 1 of DF, but with this nerf we’re in the gutter for yet another 1st season. IDK who is working in blizz and decided that these huge changes was the way forward, but this has gotta change and I’m becoming frustrated that our voice doesn’t seem to be heard by the devs.
I see I was completely delusional to think that DK’s would have a nice season for once, guess we gotta wait until the last 2 PvP seasons where our HP is upscaled so high our DS becomes meaningful again.
Nerf Abom Limb because it was “unfun” to be pulled every 4 seconds. Well, now DK’s are unfun. Thank you blizz, for butchering the class once again.
Next they’ll say it’s “unfun” for other classes that Abom Limb even does damage, so they’ll just make it a cool visual effect the DK can enjoy while getting pummeled.
I don’t wanna complain but look how many talent you nerf for pvp and dks survival and abomination limp plus nerf. Where is small tuning??? The sad part is you give tallents and you taking from us. How is feeling???
If your note got logic for abomination read dks notes for pve and pvp because thouse ppl playing the class.
New name for this class Dead knight
I knew they would do this bullcrap again
Same as BFA s1 and SL s1
Why would they not just nerf will of necro and ams…
Im not even going to finish leveling of my dk now , i dont want to be a F chains dispenser again and getting F in the butt by every class!
make sure to hit the unsub button cause i did and boy i can’t wait for the crap tornado that is coming towards blizzard.
Yes already did!
And i wrote why too , this is just a slap in the face!
They do just not respect time investment of the player , im just glad i did not fully equip my dk yet with honor gear or that the season had started
This heavy handed sheit needs to stop
The dhs with fodder and everyone else can heal to full in a matter of seconds.
DKs will be first kill target again and only thing we can do is kite , kite and kite , hope that a actual dps helps us out!
Someone really hates DKs at Blizzard
Such stupid nerfs indeed, my only lvl 70 atm that’s fully geared is my DK and I was loving pvp on it, but now it feels like we’d die instantly once those nerfs hit…
That’s about the most rational explanation I have given how these nerfs are dished out. They are so bad that they reek of emotion not actual data. I don’t know what to say. I mean I’ve been playing this DK since WOTLK launched and I’m used to getting nerfed, but nothing comes close to this. And especially considering there are certain classes out there like the DH and they got as slap on the wrist at best. They hit us with 50% nerfs. So yeah, it’s no longer about statistics it’s about feelings.
Not even needed to nerf ds, when dodged or parried or disarmed is useless lel. They gutted my hype once again
Why did they add these talents if they then nerfed them to zero utility in combat? Why did they give us the ability to choose and upgrade them if it was all nerfed at the end?
Why did they do that?
Will of the Necropolis - the first talent
Anti-Magic Barrier - the second talent
Abomination Limb - the third talent
Improved Death Strike - the fourth talent
and still including basic skills:
- Death Strike
- Anti-Magic Shell
You just made a total of 6 skills useless in the basic class tree. How does this balance against the other talents, which, after all, you so painstakingly sought to make them competitive with each other?
Why did you add these talents? You should have added others when the time was right.
Your calculations are as accurate as the last nerf on mastery - which only confirmed once again your lack of competence in counting numbers.
I don’t have the nerve for it anymore. You mentally torment people.