Delves, a proper system or a massive fail


Does anyone have more info on what type of rewards you can expect? Because my biggest fear is that it will be another system which is only good to get some starter gear for m+ and raids and not competitive with raids and m+ loot wise.
Atm this is the only system which is keeping me interested in retail wow and if the system is as I fear, I won’t play it.

This is all we know so far. I suggest checking out streamers like the Signs Of Kelani as his busy making vids and is playing the alpha. I am sure there are others too.


Apparently it goes up to HC raid equivalent.


I am more curios of items that drop and are not for your class if they will be warband items, and if so can it go up to the level you are currently playing such as HC.



Items from Delves will scale based on the difficulty level of the Delve, and will cap out at an equivalent of Heroic Raid or Mythic +5 (in post Dragonflight Season 4 numbers) keys.


Depends many factor, but it has room for future possible improvements, like:

-Heroic, mythic (race mode? 2v2, 3v3, 5v5, ffa) modes

-Timed run?

If that is the case, I guess I got my answer. I will ofc see how things play out during alpha and beta before making my final decision. But Delves were one of the key attractors for me because I finally thought we’d get a proper way to gear up solo.

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For years dungeon loot wasn’t competitive with raids, yet people still did them. That wasn’t considered a failure I’m pretty sure.

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that depends on how they tune them .

if they will be chalenging then people will just do m+ and ignore them

if they will be total joke - then yes people will spam them intensivly

They’re gonna be able to be as hard as 15s are now and drop loot appropriate to their difficulty.


I guess it will come down to a few factors. Are they fun. Do they give good rewards. How accessible are they (do we need a currency to enter or other requirements).

When I think of the previous incarnations of such things Bliz have done I hope they won’t repeat these:
Currency to enter.
Timers (like Torghast got or Visions had with Sanity).
Replayability, are they just s set instance that is repeated?
Variable difficulties. Normal, Heroic and Mythic or maybe Layers like Torghast. For me I would probably need them to be on the easier side but others might prefer a challenge.

I stopped doing Visions quite quickly as I had to farm a currency to enter and then there was a timer.
I stopped doing Torghast when they added a Timer, plus there wasn’t much by way of rewards anyhow.
Forbidden Reach Vaults I stopped very quickly as I needed keys from Rares that couldn’t be soloed.
The Sniffen Treasures I did them all but there wasn’t much replayability as there weren’t much rewards. These was enjoyable enough though.
Follower Dungeons I did them all once for the quests but not seen the need to do them again. Not much rewards from them. Also fun enough for a go.


As far as we know, no.

No timer. One of the ones we’ve seen does have a step counter mechanic though but it’s very lenient.

13 major locations each with 3-4 different versions.

Five difficulties so far. From what I’ve tested 1 and 2 are very easy.


You’re not talking about how players experience Delves, you’re talking about gear.

And I agree with you, couldn’t care any less about the experience of it, just give me my Heroic gear at the end.

That does sound positive. I guess it will come down to rewards for how often I do them. Sniffen Treasures were fun enough once but without a good reason to do them again I didn’t.


if there wont be any special piece of gear, it wont be played much, besides transmog farm
higher m plus/myth raid is just better for gearing atm

Ofc he is

It Has been proven milion times if there is no gear people just cba.

That’s why those corruption realms back in bfa were very very popular because they rewarded very decent gear if you did all masks


Do what you are saying they are compelte waste of time since you gotta do m+ anyway for GV and crests.

Its all about tuning. Unless they will be much much easier then M + then its better to just do m+

The rewards don’t need to be gear but that is probably the most incentivising reward.
But it could offer good xp for leveling alts and it would be quite popular.
It could offer good rep for maxing out the factions. Although with Account Wide reps now this will have limited replayabilty.
It could offer cosmetics, this worked for Mage Tower and Plunderstorm but also will be farmed out quickly enough.
If it offered other player power rewards like sockets or similar then it would be considered Foced Content and he hated.

No you’ll get GV progression as well as crests appropriate to the difficulty of the delve you do.

They’re adding a “World content” portion to the vault that will include delves.

If you already do M15s on a regular basis you won’t get any power progression from delves, which is fine. If you do then you may still want to complete them for achievements and cosmetics. Most people who play this game will get power progression from them, and those that don’t mostly don’t want another thing on their weekly to do list.


I really hope we don’t get a timer on them. It’s so tedious that everything has to be up against the clock.

The idea behind them was to give open world/casual players content. Not yet another race against the clock.