Delves have made Keystones in the +2-6 range redundant

Right now I need to do +7 keys to get the same reward from my vault, as a tier 8 delve. The difference in difficulty between a t8 delve and even a +5 keys is astronomical right now. Delves are maybe on par with a +2 key in terms of difficulty.
So if I want to get gear, why on earth would I even set foot in an M+ dungeon now, unless I have the gear/skill to just farm +7 or higher? The only advantage lower keys have, is you don’t need coffer keys to get good end of dungeon rewards.

Keystone Level End of Dungeon Initial Upgrade Level Great Vault Initial Upgrade Level
2 597 Champion 1/8 606 Champion 4/8
3 597 Champion 1/8 610 Hero 1/6
4 600 Champion 2/8 610 Hero 1/6
5 603 Champion 3/8 613 Hero 2/6
6 606 Champion 4/8 613 Hero 2/6
7 610 Hero 1/6 616 Hero 3/6
8 610 Hero 1/6 619 Hero 4/6
9 613 Hero 2/6 619 Hero 4/6
10 613 Hero 2/6 623 Myth 1/6
Delve Tier Level Bountiful Delve Rewards Initial Upgrade Level Great Vault Initial Upgrade Level
1 561 Explorer 2/8 584 Veteran 1/8
2 564 Explorer 3/8 584 Veteran 1/8
3 571 Adventurer 1/8 587 Veteran 2/8
4 577 Adventurer 3/8 597 Champion 1/8
5 584 Veteran 1/8 603 Champion 3/8
6 590 Veteran 3/8 606 Champion 4/8
7 597 Champion 1/8 610 Hero 1/6
8 603 Champion 3/8 616 Hero 3/6
9 603 Champion 3/8 616 Hero 3/6
10 603 Champion 3/8 616 Hero 3/6
11 603 Champion 3/8 616 Hero 3/6

I assume they expected that delves 8 would be harder, but now nerfing them would create even more outrage, so they just leave them easy. over the course of the next weeks i am sure they will also nerf m+ dungeons , but considering how easy 8 delves are, they will never be on par

guess the only plus to m+ is that the loot pool from the delves isnt the best and polluted with trash trinkets?

They have created a bit of a problem here. A lot of people are going to go into that level of key with that level of gear and get slaughtered.

Because T8 Delves only give two Crests. So with each upgrade need 15 Crests you can only upgrade one item once every 2-3 weeks by only doing T8 Delves. But if you time M+4 Keys you only need at maximum two Runs for upgrading a Hero Item and at worst three untimed Keys.

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M+ is a snoozefest, while T8 is more difficuly solo, especially for certain classes.

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Compared to what level? I went into Stonevault +5 yesterday with a group of friends, all of which are easily farming T8 delves solo on different specs/classes, and that M+ was defenitely not a snoozefest. While the dungeons themselves aren’t balanced at the moment, I would put T8 delves on par with +2/+3 keystones, and like I mentioned above, the disparity in rewards are huge.

M+ is only really competitive for rewards with end of dungeon drops, where it gives better baseline loot than delves, if you run out of Coffer Keys. And of course crest/valor stone farming.

At the same time I don’t think it’s reasonable to demand that +8 keys should be easily doable with 600ilv. I think Blizzard has painted themselves into a corner here, because delves was supposed to be it’s own end game content for solo players. But how can you balance it properly when some specs can jump in at 570ilv level and crush T8, but others might struggle at 595-600? I doubt they will ever do a tuning pass for all the delves pr spec, so that just leaves certain specs/classes behind because their solo capabilities are poor.

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I did a +3 yesterday and it was no difference in difficulty compared to m0. In the meanwhile I have to put way more effort into a T8 delve in the sense of having to carefully pull mobs so I don’t get absolutely annihilated. I’ve done T8 delves on a ~598 spriest and ~585 devoker and the difference between those 2 specs is already night and day.

i think you got it in reverse?

i hardly can die at all in a delve t8 and it is just incredible boring.
+8 key isnt quite easy in ilvl 600 while delves is t8 ia already easy in ilvl 580