Delves should be solo content only

Delves will always be stuck in an awkward position perhaps, they need to support group play, as otherwise fewer people will do them, will not encourage Blizzard to make the feature grow, on the other hand, they need to be viable and exciting for people who choose to play solo.

Whatever the fix, new scaling has to be part of it.

Oh I didn’t think you were one of those people.

And don’t get me wrong: Overal I am NOT a fan of difficulty challenge. But in a progression system that’s a must: You get better gear to overcome that next difficulty. It’s a thing.

In world content that doesn’t exist, so I disagree with making that harder.
It would only make it more tedious; not more fun.

This is itself an issue, perhaps if questing was more engaging, people wouldn’t skip it by “rushing to endgame”. I certainly remember enjoying questing previous to cataclysm, not so much now.

If it were a choice, then I’d be in favour of it: A toggle to make world content harder, for instance. That way, it’s up to players.

I don’t want to be forced into a difficulty.

Just like with delves now. I’ve been doing t7’s.
Nothing beyond yet. I am waiting on purpose.

Sadly I think modern WoW has an audience that want conflicting things.

For example we both love WoW, but certainly don’t want the same experience out of it.

Blizzard is kinda stuck, because whatever they do, someone is upset as the audience wants conflicting things.

Very true. And then there’s dozens of other experiences that other players like/want.

Which is why choice is usually the best thing.

Hahaha. Just look at the forums.
Most if not all complaint…er threads are player A wanting for X to be removed and another thread where player B wants X to remain.

With the exception now when people are mostly talking about delves cause everyone is up in arms and in emotions regarding the changes…but like any fashion trend, it will cool down and people will be back to bickering about X.

Let’s see if this makes both of us happy with Delves and leave it at that.

The m+ season opens soon, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be times when I want to challenge myself alone, the Mage Tower was probably the best time that existed.

Slightly off topic, but it has to be said, that is a great guild name :slight_smile:

Hi Tah,
Not a direct reply to this post but you said you didnt want to explain yourself again. Could you point in the direction of the post where you did explain.

Like I said in my post early I think I am missing exactly what your issue is and i’m interested in looking at it from that pov.

In the video you linked it was stated that players who were as you put it were ’ out door content players ’ had been let down and that delves were a way to give ‘End game pillar content’ doesnt it do that ? my char im posting on has raided done M+ but i have other chars too they normally get leveled for herbing mining etc. I dont raid on them rarely even LFR Hell i dont even do dungeons on them. I have done a 7 think I can push a 8 maybe a 9 and that is pushing it currently.
The delve system is giving me a challenge. I need to gear up and the content I will do on those chars never really had a gear progression but here it is.
I admit i cheated and did an 8 with some friends and that will help but I still want to do that level on my own and higher level delves. It is going to take a while to get geared up to that but its fun to need to do that.

I have to approach the different delves in different way think about how i can get the kill. In some ways its like raiding but just on my own.
Sure they are easier in a group but so what I like the idea of working my way up to those high levels and people running them in groups really doesn’t change that.

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Pick a lane. You can’t act like it’s easy while also saying you needed a healer while outgearing the content with an OP spec.

That’s just silly.

EDIT: I take this back. My bad everyone.

I’d rather wait for today’s upcoming changes and see if that makes my stance any different.

My current issue was that a lot of delve mechanics for ‘difficulty’ just feel like they are made for group content and as a solo player you’re just trying to deal with that. I don’t think that makes for fun content.

Another issue is that group delves were far easier than solo (this has since been addressed by Blizzard, but the damage is done, honestly). I think if something is designed with a certain type of player in mind, then stuff like that should not happen.

Another issue is with there being a lot of players who already have their multiplayer endgame content (be it M+, raiding or rPvP), posting and demanding changes and such to delves to suit their needs. Ignoring the fact that this content was never made with them in mind; of course they’re free to play it. But they should let the people who have been short served for years, finally have their thing and not try and ‘claim it’, so to speak.

Then of course there’s the unintended side effects of the nerfs.

Anyway… I hope some of my concerns will be addressed later today with the upcoming fixes.

Uhm…what? I am sorry but I have no idea what you are even talking about? Where did I say something was easy?

Isn’t this whole thing you Tah and Rich arguing about how difficult it is to solo?

We were arguing about making delves “solo only, no friends allowed”.

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No. I think that’s one of the few things we generally agree on. :blush:

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Well I take back what I said. I’ve misread.

Apologies to you, Tah and Rich.


No worries. The forums can be a confusing place.
Especially on days like these. :sweat_smile:

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Delves will always have their place, heavy key pushers spend time alone too you know :slight_smile:

All that matters now is that Blizzard fixes it so that it’s not insanely scaled, and preferably does something to make it more long lasting, either more Delves, more tiers, or why not both?

They could even do something to make it so it’s easier for world content players than other players, for example “collect 1000 dust from doing world quests to enter a bountiful delve” (this is bad example but you get my gist I hope)


The saddest part of all of this is that this thread has probably achieved nothing, the game will be as broken in a year as it is today.

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well you have something .

and you still dont push it :slight_smile:

like we anticipated you wont :slight_smile:

but rather destroy fun for those who do :slight_smile:

nothing changed in this regard :slight_smile: