Delves soaked the players?

Depends how you look at it - shrinking M+ playerbase has less people to play with, M+ players wont like it and it is not good thing for them.
It was the same with raiding when M+ emerged, some players switched to M+ only and raiding pol suffered.

Well yes ofcourse no one likes there own player pool shrinking but if doing m+ and the people you meet there where any fun the people that enjoy Deb’s would still do m+ they not only stop cause there is something new the stop.cause they have something new and the old thing sucks

true.but for me i need to solo delves all tiers and not with group from 8+ if i do with party im running m+ and we waiting for season 2 with brann in tank mode and we see how it goes.

You can skip them with like 580 ilvl so

M+ should not exist in the first place.
There should be Normal, Heroic, and Mythic, and thats is. You done Mythic - ok, you’re cool, now turn off your PC and go touch the grass.
Imagine trying new class:

  • holy paladin, because it’s the only class I havent tried yet;
  • use level 70 boost that comes with the expansion;
  • did the campaign already, so aim to spam dungeons to level up;
  • queue, get in, a tank with 13M (thirteen millions hp) pull half of a dungeon;
  • my heals do 100k normal, 200k crit;
  • tank dies;
  • everybody leave;
  • I do dungeon with AI npcs, that do better or at least equally ok compared to any player, wait as long as it takes for me to actually figure out where to go (hello, Dawnbreaker), never complain its too fast, too slow, heals too weak;

I repeat, M+ should not exist in the first place, it teaches players bad practice. All timed content should not exist. I refuse to participate, my piece of mind is more important than your raider score.

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So everything you dont like or is too incompetent to do should not exist?

World would be back to the stoneage then.


Your exagerating normal leveling dungeon experience says nothing about M+. And you probably didn’t look well, since there wasn’t even a timer.

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Yeah, its probably my fault, I’m too incompetent at playing games, I think I should do somethign else then. Enjoy your long queue. Its my fault, not the dps/heal level scaling or habits of M+ tanks queuing normal dungeons for some reason.

People rushed leveling dungeons long before the existence of M+. That is why we got M+ now, to keep dungeons relevant. You can’t rush those.

Have you actually considered not leaving after a wipe? I know a lot of people only accepts instant success, but those players are actually the problem.


Why do you assume I leave after wipe?

Because you said so.


Communities, guilds, group of friends, m+ teams, bnet lists full of people to play with.

Be thankful you atleast have all of that for pve and able to still play group content, in pvp we also have all the same but unable to progess with group content anymore because soloqs vacuumed majority of other modes players and wow rated system is built only on participation so even if we can play dead and deflated modes there is no progress to be made there with this system.

You still have all the mentioned for pve and able to play m+ in group through of those means and lack of players in m+ overal doesnt hurt your progress. In pvp ppl simply cant progress with their friends anymore and are forced to play soloq which is like equivalent of delves I guess.

Read it again.
“everybody leave” doesnt mean I leave first.

And then you leave too, after the first. Normal dungeons just fill up again. Don’t leave.

Anyway; you ignored the more important part;

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Another wrong assumption. Sometimes I do, sometimes I dont, it depends.
You also ignored most important part:

Then dont? I also dislike PvP with passion yet I am not demanding PvP to be removed from the game because Lynlia doesn’t like it. I simply…uhm…don’t do it?

If you join a random LFG then expect random people to show up. Some want it slow, some want to rush. Random people in LFG have no obligation to run the dungeon “your way”. Want to run stuff your way? Make a pre-made with like minded people if you want to run dungeons exactly as you want it.

You opinion is stupid and should not exist yet here you are :smiley:

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Vuperas were a mistake and should not have exited in the game.

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You totally forget the best part about delves and the very reason i personally prefer and love doing delves and wish blizzard would expand them and maybe even combine the idea of delves with island expeditions and torgast.

There is no loot drama or any other drama either because i can F-up as much as i want and can without some nobody over the internet going into a dum dum frenzy when there is even the slightest setback.

To me delves are way more fun than dungeons well atleast how people do modern dungeons because i bloody hate the gogogogogoooooooooo crap that dungeons have become.


That and bad changes and the seasons been out for like 5 months