Delves solution

Delves are fine just abit more tuning so classes who strugles against auto attacks are fixed so keep it up blizz


Oke so delvs are not allowed to be entertaining for people that also do m+ or raid? Cause why should a raider do a delv when this steals gis vault he worked for in raid?


Then people simply wouldn’t do delves anymore. Blizzard need to find a solution to balance the difficulty of delves themselves, whether that be they remove grouping for delves, or they stick to their guns and say ‘this is it, this is how difficuly delves are going to be for the rest of this season’ instead of playing games with people changing the scaling every other day.

So all casual gamers play solo? You never find 2 friends running together or a group of 3?

I am a casual player and I play with one other person, the delves were never meant to be a solo only, they were advertised as content that can be run solo, or in groups.

It’s a hard no from me, as what you are suggesting just restricts some of the player base, although I can see that some might want that, in the end it’s not how Delves were advertised by Blizzard themselves.


well if blizz intended for that to be a thing from the getgo. then howcome they strugle to make it challenging enough for group players. but also to challenging for solo players?. would think this was ounder control if the purpose was to be group based gameplay

I will agree that they have had some troubles with scaling and ensuring a ‘balanced’ gameplay. But even in ‘group content’ like raids, there is always ongoing balancing, but this is as it’s always been, there are always tweaks/nerfs to systems, classes etc.

This does not take away from the fact that Delves were advertised as content that could be run solo, or in group.

aye. also advertised to take 10 mins. we arent close to 10 min runs if you run solo cus you die way to easy… so closer to 20 even 30 at times e.e

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It says 10-15 mins on average I agree, but they have been doing a lot of tweaks/changes, maybe there is more to come. If not we are left with a more challenging 20-30 mins run. We can talk about balancing in any of the umpteen threads we have on Delves at the moment, but my issue is making them solo only. You state that because it’s for casual players it should be solo, my argument is there are casual players who run with friends, and therefore what you suggest is restrictive. Nobody stops me from doing Mythic+ or Raids if I choose to do so, no restrictions there, so I don’t understand why Delves should have this restriction of solo only. It’s gatekeeping content away from other players.


aye no one is stopping you. but the game is old now and blizz have stopped realm merging to populate realms. so you who can do group content with your friends/family/guild isnt restricted. while low pop realms are restricted to pugs which blizz have actively made sure isnt fun because toxic players isnt being handled. So in a way the solo players who dont want drama dont want the crap that comes with m+ pvp and raids are restricted to delves only as a source of proper gearing. So how is that fair then? i have to pay money to maybe just maybe land on a realm that is populated and has guilds who wants to play with others. When this is the type of game blizz has made then we can just fine split up the comunity by making delves a solo thing only. Again nothing stops you from doing the delves. It only stops you from having your friends carry you.

And having such a restriction makes it way way way easier for blizz to tweak it properly to fit the players who are solo players (which is over a million of the playerbase by now)

I don’t raid or do Mythic+, I have stated I am a casual player, Delves are the thing that brought me back to WoW, the idea of being able to run these without the holy trinity of tank/dps/healer, where myself and the person I play with can run these as a duo.

I never mentioned having friends to carry me, again I say I run delves with one other person, we are both dps so not what could be called an ideal composition. If you wish to throw out insults instead of debating in good faith, then I think our conversation is over.

In the end it still comes down to it’s the balancing you are upset with, and the knee jerk reaction is to make them solo so it’s balanced for you as a solo player. Ignoring how it might affect other players who play in group. Every other content in the game is open to all, pvp, mythic+, dungeons, raids etc, it’s all open to everyone, it’s us as individuals that choose not to do certain content for whatever reasons. There is now a new content Delves that give us the opportunity to ignore the content we don’t want to participate in, but you want to gatekeep this. I will say again as I said earlier, a hard no from me and not what Delves were advertised as by Blizzard themselves.

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Sounds Rad. But then you should not benefit from gear you aquire outside Solo content…

Checked your armory. 9 of your peices… Gone ! :smiling_face:

I think you want to check again. none of my gear is from group based content. it is world content which is solo at the realms i play. and delves which again i clear solo.

Don’t start new threads…

You most definitely soloed the epic chest in the theater event… :rofl::rofl:

Or the dungeon quests for rep… and make sure you dont do the timewalking quest this week !!

Look… Delves are created for those that dont participate in organized group content. They participate in unorganized group content.

Its not made for casuals, or, solo players… So your suggestion only creates a false “us vs. them” narrative that is bad for the community.


Cant realy control what you find insulting. but if you find me saying carry you as a insult then that is on you. cus in the end if you play with others then they carry you aswell as you carry them either it is trough healing trough mistakes. grabbing aggro from what you over pull. or just simply nuking the mob toghetter doing big dps.

insulting wasnt my intention atleast and i apologize.

With decent gear, 8’s are most definitely around 10-15 minutes - even solo. Idk what levels you’re doing and with what gear, but here anything under 8 is closer to 5 minutes than to 15.

Vault works fine as is, as does being able to group for delves. And I say this as someone who enjoys doing them solo and occasionally in a group.

Blizzard just needs to balance them properly and all is well.


Apology accepted and no worries, I maybe misinterpreted your intent :slight_smile:

We will have to agree to disagree on this subject though, because you say:

I would say that there are other players who play in group who also don’t want the drama that comes with m+, pvp and raids, not all casuals play solo. And as Uda rightly stated, it was never stated it was for casuals or solo players either. It was just another end game pillar open to the community. You may get mythic raiders who also run other content for transmogging, or a pvp player who also dabbles in pve, we can go on and on, there is no ‘one size fits all’ in WoW. Gatekeeping any content from other players is a red flag for me, because we all pay to play this game and therefore we should be able to play all the content available if we choose. People can then be selective in which content they prefer to do and tailor the game to their gamestyle, I class that as a win for everybody.


Aye i have understood that wrong about the solo thing i mean. Atleast i hope blizz does not lissen to the wowtubers. I find it troubling that players like Bellular, Taelesin, Soulsobreezy talks about delves not being challenging enough when they are fully raid geared. So troubling thoughts for me when those heavy playing players speak up about something i like doing.

But yes i accept that my ideas was extremly bad. downside of making a thread right there and then when it pops into your head. And being unable to remove the thread after since people have posted on it. Blizz should realy change that :sweat_smile:

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No. It should be group-able.
I looked forward to something to do with my other half; sadly - delves are quite terrible.

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