Delves will ruin entry level m+ for sure

I leave you alone with your conspiracy.
Gather 5 people who havent gotten anything in the last 5 runs and the system ‘has to drop’ an item for all 5. But we get only 2.

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ye bad luck/good luck protection in video games are very conspiratorial indeed. unheard phenomenon.

% aren’t set in stone
a 40% chance doesn’t mean that out of 5 rolls you are guaranteed to get 2
it means that every individual attempt the dice is rolled seperately with a 2 out of 5 odds

bad luck streaks are possible
this is just how math with chances work

different arguement, possible, but unlikely simply because what purpose would this even serve?

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^^ This

It’s why M+ gearing feels so much better than raid gearing, plus you can just keep going back.

Five players and it’s always two drops that are specific to the loot specs/classes of the players present.

There is no great conspiracy it’s just RNG, same as some people do delves and just get trinkets constantly. Most of which aren’t very good.

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Why do people always leap to the “Make the other thing just as miserable as what i’m doing!” (Or remove it) as a supposed “solution”?

I’m sorry you had a run of bad luck in M+, i got a stack of cloaks from Delves last week, also a far from ideal outcome, but that’s just RNG being RNG…

Delves haven’t ruined anything, M+ (Well, all group content) has always been pretty crummy for loot, but it’s put into stark contrast (But not really, as i mentioned just now), so it just seems worse than before.

it will ruin entry level keys where new players are supposed to start their journey.

thats what the entire thread is about.

why would anyone bother spamming 50 low keys to get a few pieces if they can just afk in some delves and get more or same loot and skip directly to +7 where the real loot is.

it has already started.

Delves loot helps people getting into M+.


it does. but it also lowers the active participants of sub +7 m+ by such a large amount that it will ruin it.

The activity in those keylevels is going through the roof at the moment…

ye thats not because its literally week 2 of the season.

Not delves, but people doing the invites ruin m+
I know making own grp with friends helps, but ppl wanting 610 ilvl for +2 since week 1 is killing progressing m+ in pug


but why shouldnt they demand that ? when there are soooooooooo many players with 610 from deleves? why take someone that is the actual targeted audience of the key level when you can take a super overgeared fella from delves ? ( one of my points )

IMO, Blizz dropped the ball by buffing M+, now the jump into M+ is too daunting for many people, don’t blame the alternative (Delves), for M+ being so very bad, though

I’d also like to note that if you AFK in Delves, you’re literally going nowhere.


So what is your point. The current sample size of +2-3 is 3.5M runs. +4-6 is 3M runs. 7+ keys is 1.5M.
Where is delves ruining <7 keys?

my point should be obvious.

like i said give it time. in a few week it will take you 25 min to find a tank in a sub 7 key.

will be way worse than any other expansion.

I mean, people complained about not getting a healer or tank for a whole evening in previous seasons.
I am not expecting anything else.

ye and you think this wont make it worse XD?

gl to any dps players out there coming into the expansion in a months time.

get that wallet ready for some tokens since you need a boost.

No, it doesn’t make it worse.

XD okay. fair enough your take has been noted and deemed completely oblivious.

Right now we play the crap out of those <7 keys. Even with our 605-610 gear. In a month new chars players will also do that. There aren’t new rules in a month.