Delves will ruin entry level m+ for sure

What ruins entry-level M+, is the lack of skill combined with the lack of communication. There, I said it. The average random-Joe player just isn’t as good as they think they are.

Since they scaled up the difficulty a little, this is much more prominent. As even +4s are now a challenge if you can’t move out of goo.

The lack of drops, eh, that was an issue since the dawn of time. Not really a reason for M+ to be less popular.

See this is what delvs needs imo moar HP and moar damage is just lazy design and boring for the players, if they had more mechanics but with lower hp pools would make it better imo. as it is they just do 3 moves and soak damage lol.

ofc they will never hand craft difficulty so we are stuck with more HP more Damage.

depends on the difficulty really, yeah t8 lacks difficulty, esp once you start getting gear and hit the recommended ilvl

t11 however has the more damage and more hp that you’re asking for, as a tank I needed every CD available to me on each pull (that had more then 1 mob) to survive.

You don’t get extra rewards for it sure but thats a different topic

M+ with friends is more fun than delves, plus to join higher keys, you tend to need to have experience with lower ones, so while delves might trivialise low level m+, the content is still being ran.

Not asking for lol its lazy and bad… more mechanics less HP is what I’m after lol… Think Dark Souls games are bosses and mobs just more hp and more damage or same with different mechanics :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah I misunderstood then

Personally yeah I get it, I’ve offered that as an alternative to affixes for m+ during multiple expansions since Legion because I just hated affixes that much, instead of mario’s hammerbro throwing more hammers at you past +4 a mob or a boss would get an extra ability, I wouldn’t be opposed to it if they did that in delves.

Not all bosses tho, because some bosses already are dance dance revolution bosses where standing still = death and there’s just nothing else to fit in there cause they’re already constantly casting (some of the fungal bosses I think)

Wouldn’t even have to be that deep 2bh, like take the boss in the fungel place have him have a shield that needs to use the spores around him to do it he takes X damage while under the effects of the spore… simple stuff like that would go along way imo.

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Those are initial climbs. One keys serves five people, and once there’s enough m5+ in listings you will not see many low ones as people out-geared them in delves.

No I spend my time where my biggest gains are. Why would I do otherwise?

I do have a 40% chance to get an item. From dawnreaker I got the ring 3 times, shoulder 4 times, waist and wrist twice. No upgrades yet but hey, loot amirite?

So you raid mystic then?

I think that´s a long running problem with the difficulty they offer us waay too often. I think if you´d just tune up the numbers from normal noone gives a **** about mythic raid. What makes it exiting is the new mechanics altering the fights.

I think they really missed a huge chance there with the Tyrannical affix just getting us an additional ability for the bosses instead of higher numbers, and now with delves they are failing it yet again by just increasing numbers instead of offering better gameplay.

More on topic: I think it´s really really bad if they stay on that course, a lot of players will lose interest in harder content if the reward is too low and the starting hurdle is too high and over time this will also diminish the pool on the top further, leaving the game quite barren.