I’m more than sure, that this subject has been brought to everyone’s attention during the Legion expansion and yet, I would like to raise it again, considering that I have faced a rather curious situation last night.
What we basically have now, are two generations of Demon Hunters. OOCly speaking, that is.
New Demon hunters - the one that were introduced with the Legion expansion and have received an official lore of their whatabouts. Trained in Black Temple, became Illidari, survived Maiev one way or another now are associated with Fel Hammer and so on. Completely OKAY considering that many DHs RP more or less around that.
Old Demon hunters - the one that were RPing way before Legion was even on the horizon. During that time, not that much information has been available to RPers and one of the options to build your character upon the pillars of knowledge, was Raptor13 website with a lot of more in-depth information regarding DHs. Be it official or not.
My own character is from the Old DH. In short, my rogue once met a DH Player and after year of RP, she became a DH herself. Our mentorship RP was heavily based exactly on Raptor13 information. With the specific type of markings the one applies during a trial, so on.
Last night, I was tinkering myself with a thought of joining a DH-oriented guild and during a conversation, our vision upon DHs was… quite different. The guild follows only official lore and apparently, accepts only Illidari DHs.
However, because my DH has been trained outside of Black Temple and is not associated with Fel Hammer, not to mention that the entire story&RP was based on an unofficial lore… I wonder.
How one does represent itself today then? Will the others ignore my character merely because of that, does one has to change the entire RP experience in one go, merely because big blue boys gave an official lore? Are there others DHs that still follow the “old ways” ?
I would very much like to learn your opinion regarding this, and if you have questions, I’m more than happy to answer or elaborate!