Demon Hunter RP

This is more by own deductive reasoning, if you look at the narrative it is meant to be a pretty big deal that Illidan was able to make so many into Demon Hunter, now when I say lesser I should probably clarify my meaning of the term.

By lesser this can mean a varying degree of things primarily, the potency comes to mind so we’ll look at that first. In my opinion it feels incredibly presumptuous for a player, to have in their backstory that their ritual was on the same level as what Illidan Stormrage created for the Illidari. Naturally, the safest option in my opinion is to presume the ritual that Pre-Illidari had was imperfect (lesser), version of what the Illidari has there isn’t any ‘concrete’ lore that says “This is so” however; the narrative makes a point in making it clear the fact of Illidan making the Illidari is a big deal.

Having player characters presume, that on there own or through some fictional scribbling or head-cannoning that Illidan left the teachings around somewhere; which to my knowledge there is no source or narrative precedent for is a larger leap in logic than to presume. What you achieved amongst the Pre-Legion DHs is lesser than the Illidari, saying that we do see Pre-Legion Demon Hunters join the Illidari so you could imagine that these ‘complications’ would be resolved.

Though its more of my general reasoning towards, Pre-Legion DHs creation over fact which is why I stated it was my opinion. Naturally if you guys have any official lore sources I might have missed, do send them over WoW Lore if vast so I may have missed some key details.


Illidan Stormrage polished out the rituals or/and their methods. However. The entire ritual process (All three of them) mainly and mostly depends on the initiate itself. Demon Hunter’s role is to prepare his initiate to surpass all three rituals. Shall initiate not be prepared, lack some understanding or simply fail any of those rituals, in 99% he is killed on site by a Demon Hunter. 1% is when said initiate can turn Renegade or… something alike :man_shrugging: Unsure here.

Besides. Once initiate becomes a Demon Hunter, eventually he might consider on taking a new person as his initiate. And train him. The rituals are the same, no matter who performs them. Yes, Illidan can have outstanding, ground solid methods to prepare his initiates for the rituals. But that’s that, I believe?

Also, here is something that occurs in my mind and I’m quite eager to learn your or anyone else opinion. Let’s see. Black Temple, initiate joins Illidan and is trained amongst the others. He becomes an Illidari. Years later, Black Temple has fallen, Illidan and most Illidari are captured (some are killed). Our Illidari by one or another reason managed to survive. Let’s say, he was on a mission far away.
Now, without Black Temple, our Illidari acts on his own, as he pursues his goal of slaying the demons and finding means to resist the Burning Legion. During this time, Illidari stumbles upon a potential Demon Hunter and takes him under his wing. He trains initiate, prepares for the rituals and then, once everything is set and ready, with time, one by one, rituals are completed. They are nearly the same as it was during our DH time at the Black Temple. Now, considering that the rituals are the same (Otherwise, they wouldn’t succeed and initiate would end up being dead) - here is my question. How of a “lesser” it all would be?

The rituals themselves are imperfect, mind you. Fighting a demon with a blind fold, sacrificing your eyes for the fel vision, binding your mind and body to a demon, etc. All that is quite a painful process and thus, imperfect. Because initiate can simply fail/break/loose control during each step of each ritual.

I have got a plethora of reasons, ranging from the direction of the narrative and my thoughts on an RP character within the story we RP in. I’m not too active on the forums so feel free to message me on Discord if you want a discussion.

  • Sulfar#0001

I have missed all of Legion, is there still any DH RP left? Or guilds?

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Don’t forget warcraft 3 Demon Hunters, originsl ones, before Illidari even existed…
They were in night eld society and quite powerful, yet shunned by their people, etc

https ://wow .gamepedia .com/Demon Hunter_ (Warcraft_III)

(Remove spaces please)

Read the story part…
Though i can assume they joined the illidari later, dunno…
But don’t know how would that relate to this case, just wanted to mention…

Overall i can say better to not tell others much about your char if has a special story or case, or if based on headcanons :slight_smile:
Good luck anyways

Is there any proof of BE DH’s before Kael’thas and BT? The few there’s info about in game are Night elves, it means there’s only head canon for a Blood elf dh before the Illidari.

For the guild, I understand they only want members of the Illidari if that’s what’s the guild is about, it’d be weird to be part of/loyal to a faction and recruit someone that’s not sharing their views. The safest bet would probably be to just remake your story, or make it a NE.


We’re an active Illidari guild with both Horde and Alliance members.

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Thanks! Will check it out!

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They’d be extremely rare, though. And there’s little to no lore on them. How does one see Illidan ( who was given Spectral Sight by Sargeras himself ) and figure out you need to stab your eyes out in a ritual and eat a demon’s heart?

How horrible! Can you tell me that person’s name so they can teach m–… so that I can avoid them?

Can’t, it would break Forum rules, But they know who they are, and probs most of the alliance know who they are.

Can you show me on the Illidan plushie where the bad DH touched you?


Not extremely, really…

They are Warcraft 3 Demon Hunters…
Which were around, specially in third war and most likely before it

My headcanon is most of them later joined Illidari, though dunno…

They were around, few and shunned, but not
-extremley- rare like Tauren rogue xD

Anyway, good luck :slight_smile:

Would they? Ignoring the one in Darkshore killed by Maiev, there are still some showing up in Warcraft 3.

I would not go as far as claim that their ways of becoming a DH were exactly the same as the ritual eventually distilled by Illidan himself. I refer to Sulfar’s input on the matter of “bootleg” Demon Hunters.

And some of those actually appears in Legion, or at the least, DHs with the same name + first name.

Like Feronas Sindweller, Jace Darkweaver, Lyana Darksorrow.

on that note
this also happens to the other “randomly” named hero units from warcraft 3
such as the lich.
if I recall correctly that is.

Some, yeah.

Been considering rping a DH but honestly wouldn’t even know what the point is in rping one atm. Like the Dk they kinda ran out of purpose and story.

That’s exactly where the juicy part begins. RP after the Legion has been defeated. How to continue to live without the purpose? Without the Legion?

I’d kind of like to see a guild of neutral or faction aligned demon hunters who go around hunting down warlocks and giving them the choice of either death or operating under their watch.

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