Demon Hunter RP

warlock license 2.0: hellfire boogaloo.

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For some reason I feel like a warlock would win that fight, as they can just cast banish and run away.


banish is criminally underrated in my opinion

Demon Hunter: weapons at ready You will either aid me, or you will die for dealing with demons.

Me, an intellectual warlock: Sure, I’ll co-BANISH!!

skips away like the lil devil I am

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warlock escaping DH police colorized.


DHs have a variety of ways to make life very hard for a spellcaster, not only OOC. Many spells you see are explicitly cut out to consume/disrupt spellcasting, magical effects and mana. They are most definitely one of the more harder foes to deal with as a warlock or any spellcaster by lore, likely together with Death Knights.

uses imprison on u easily

godmoting, geez.

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I don’t see how DH are so tough, like, they still have crotches, just kick them in the nards. lets see them block that spell!

But that’s the best part. How does your Illidari react to their life’s purpose going up in flames? Do they go depressed? Do they return to their old lives? Do they use their powers for another purpose?

Demon Hunters aren’t really like Death Knights. They’re still alive, they still need to eat, drink, sleep. They still have positive emotions, if somewhat heightened/dempened depending on the character.

Yeah but we have scales now. It’s like having an alligator jock strap.

Fancy -and- functional.

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My Demon Hunter is driven by vengeance so he continues to hunt down demons, creating portals to other worlds to hunt down Burning Legion Remnents.

Just because Sargeras is gone doesn’t mean the demons just disappeared.

He is still chasing the demon that ruined his life.

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Was it alcoholism?


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