Demon hunters don't have Heroism / Combat ress - making them less attractive to invite to pug mythic/raid groups

Dear @Blizzard,
WoW Dragonflight S4 experience:
Recently i have rerolled to focus on my Demon hunter after playing mage for a long time.
It is VERY noticable that with the same ilvl - it’s far easier to be invited to a party as a mage than a Demon hunter. the reason is very simple, as a party leader on mythics (and especially on S4) - i want to have 2x Combat ress + 1 Heroism classes in my party to have maximum survivability and output dps.

Demon hunters dont have Combat ress nor heroism - why shouldn’t they get combat ress or heroism? would love your input here.


Because they’re already strong without them. It would be completely absurd to give them any of them.


I just invite whoever I want. I usually try to have a 2-3 combo (2 ranged, 3 melee) and vice versa.

But most of the time I don’t host keys, I join them (since playing Healer offers that luxury).

how are they stronger than a warlock (CR) or a mage(Heroism) in mythics?

Only if Priests get CR first.


@Beerwolf - in my honest opinion i think that EVERY dps class should have either Heroism or Combat ress. there’s a party/raid wide CD for combat ress & heroism anyways. so why should some classes have it and some don’t?

DHs have a very competitive kit without BL or CR and seem to be pretty well represented in M+, particularly Vengeance. For raids I think it’s a bit of a moot point; there is generally space for a Havoc or two, if Vengeance isn’t already there as tank.

By all means give Havoc BL or a CR, but be prepared to lose give up some of the pretty extensive utility options…


Vengeance is the best tank out there because they’re completely overloaded in their kit. It would be absolutely absurd to give them even more stuff on top of what they already have, it would make it impossible to play anything but a vengeance DH in any meaningful keys. It’s already hard for people not playing VDH to get invites to keys as they go higher, it would pretty much kill off any non-VDH tanks.


Then dont give it to vengence. just to havoc. and in my opinion to every DPS class (either CR or Heroism).

Blizzard has never restricted such things to one spec and they’re not going to do it.

I disagree - Tanks are being invited anywhere simply because there are not enough tanks.
If anything is hard - its finding a group as a DPS class with no Heroism or Combat ress.

Just like warriors

What you’re discribing is an issue with melee spots in raids. There is limited amount of melee spots per raid. Ranged is always prefered. Hero doesn’t get melee classes invites to raids at all as raid leaders mostly take the ranged class that provides it.

It’s not a Demon hunter issue. it’s a melee issue.

Also the same with dungeons. Most groups go with 2 ranged, 1 melee dps. (The melee that gets invited tends to be the OP melee of that season) Funny enough that tended to be Demon hunter a lot of the time.


I’ve been invited within 5 minutes when I’ve opted to DPS even though there’s a ton of DPS applying.

Because they already have their magic debuff for raid. You must have at least one DH in a raid, if you don’t you’re trolling.

And in M+ this season VDH is the best tank with tons of utility: grip and grip with slow, AoE silence, purge, AoE fear and hard CC; on top of that they have a larger HP pool with meta and a ton of parry.


I’d love to see you post on your retail wow character because this thread just smacks of ignorance.

DH’s have amazing damage, a magic taken debuff that no one else gives and a great raid defensive.


and why can’t marksmanship huntres heal people by shooting them with their gun. like come on!

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i was referring to Combat ress / Heroism.
Healing other allies on dps spec is not critical and no1 cares about it in mythics. no1 is inviting an enchancement shaman because technically he can heal. they invite him because he is decent dps and can BL.

Tell me you never did a high key without telling me that.
One of the op things about SP in season 2 was the healing he provided with vampiric embrace.

Now when it comes to dh, people don’t invite dhs due to their reputation of taking every possible frontal in their way, not paying attention to mechanics, having an interrupt at 15 seconds for nothing (I can count on my fingers the amount of times a havoc interrupted more than me on mage this expansion). It has nothing to do with the fact that it doesn’t have any CR/BL.

Also the fact that you only need one spec of a class in a group is a thing, and ofc everybody would like a vdh which is far from op.

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