Demon hunters everywhere

A class whose AOE rotation is the same rotation as single target and is also easy to play… Imagine how a feral main like me feels seeing that.


Forget frost. Blood was where it was at.
Vampiric blood plus the right talents gave your death strike a full heal everytime you’d use it. At least they got heavily nerfed in Cata in comparison to Demon hunters.
Imo the most broken thing about Demon hunters is the double jump. Breaks way to many aspects of the game.
And requires a lot of extra work for the devs to reduce the exploit potential.


Dude, fel rush and the fact that their mastery increase their movement makes them totally ridiculous. What this Ferrari crap?

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They suck at pet battles


That is totally broken too. Double jump is just a higher level of broken due to exploit potential.
The movement speed issue is not that different from the burst of speed rogues used to have with basically no downtime.

I always get the feeling it’s more druids that are all over the place

They were in Legion. But they got nerfed a little in BFA

apparently not enough as they top tier in every aspect of the game :smiley:

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The rogue speed buff isn’t really an issue at all, but combined with fel rush it’s all over the place. I mean you can’t even kick them from a mountain without that they fel rush back. Me as DK know that I will always lose against them in PvP since even their ridiculous selfheal can’t hold a candle to a DH.

So we all agree, Demon Hunters get Shroud of Concealment and then we can just remove all other Classes from the Game?

They would need a healing spec then though. :laughing:

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Well they basically lifted their toolkit from old demonology warlock, especially if anyone remembers the demon hunting glyph. My main was demonology warlock. Now I play demon hunter.

Still needs heroism, all those party buffs scattered across the classes, built-in permaslow, soulstone, health stones, healing reduction, AoE slow, aggro dump, party cleanse and of course the food table.

Can’t forget the food table.

Woops sorry mis quoted the wrong person :S

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I don’t understand why Havoc is still untouched. This is the most retarded spec and Blizzard shrugs off.

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Using your buttons is expected from literally every class in the game, having one focus button doesn’t change that the class is still fairly simple to play lol.


All this hate, I love it. Feed me more :kissing_heart:

How about you play a class that actually requires some effort not just 3 button spam op class that needs a long overdue nerf for both PvP and pve.

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As if Prot or Ret paladins are hard.

Never said they were?
Neither is my rogue or my monk or my warrior.

But that still doesn’t change that DH is by far the easiest.

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