Demon hunters everywhere

How is it easier to keep track of everything both offensive and defensive than just doing damage.

All you see is the rotation and measure how hard a class is.

What is there to keep track of?

Your CC cooldowns? When your blade dance comes off CD? Which abilities you can dodge with blade dance?

I measure them by how much i have to do to perfom well lol

DH made in mind to be very easy and powerfull (havoc) as said by blizzard when legion hit beta. And prob remain the same…

Ofc how people reakt, that 2 xpac in a row, DH-DH-DH overpowered choice in every content could be bored out very quickly.

Nah just buff their leech to 100% and call it good.

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What does it matter? WoW always had an easy spec class, TBC it was BM hunters with their Iwin button in BW, Wrath had DK’s Cata think it was MM hunters again (well I found it easy to top charts)

with the gutted talents, dots no longer needing proper timing to keep them at maximum ect no class is hard maybe feral with all the timers you need to watch?

If I see a mobs casts my utility helps the group, I dunno how many times I saved the times I saved above all the tank.

Let’s say a rogue is in the group, what can he possible do more than kidney shot and shadowstep kick to help the group.

And your paladin, BoPing the healer and keep aggro?


I always have one for the 5% magic dmg increase for my shadowpriest & mage friend, does not take long to get an overgeared dh no matter the key level

Warmode … i opted out of it because everyone was rogues & dhs with pocket holypallas & restodruids, couldn’t be arsed

It doesn’t matter, but DH is incredibly strong for how little effort you have to put into, I just don’t think that’s how it should be :woman_shrugging:

On my outlaw I can Blind, vanish and stun, gouge, use between the eyes and the rest of my toolkit?

DH has an aoe stun, woah!
They also have darkness, woah…
DH isn’t the only class with utility, what’s your point exactly?

Since its skittish this week, you should know how useful a rogue can be :crazy_face:

Rogue isn’t nearly as strong right now in raid as DH. DH has no weaknesses in any content now.

I’ve mained a rogue from classic up to WoD and sometimes played my old rogue from times to times up to this expansion and never found them hard in pve

But you find DH more difficult?
Rogue isn’t difficult, neither is it weak, infact its probably the best class for mob control.

Damage wise DH is way superior for its complexity though, especially considering the downtime and tank dependency rogue has.

According to you all there is to it is damage, so yeah their rotation is pretty easy.

But if you can acknowledge that it’s not easy to keep track of everything and help the team they are pretty useful and about at the same level as DH.

No, but the reward for what you have to put in is a lot better on DH than rogue.

Keeping track of the 4 cooldowns I have on DH is a lot easier than playing rogue, especially considering how there’s no RNG on DH.

While still outpdsing my rogue too.

In conclusion: Simple but powerful classes are popular, so all other classes need to be stripped of abilities further and have their toolkit merged into the remaining.

TL;DR my response to a lot of people crying about something because they are salty for some reason.

Funny how little you know about the class.

Play a DH and you’ll know what the weaknesses are.

Single target stun is a talent, one that not everyone takes, especially not on demonic appetite. Oh and no build-in slow, you have to talent that as well, which shares the same row as the AoE stun cooldown/cost reduction and single target stun.

There’s only 1 big CD and it has 5 minutes cooldown, unlike a lot of other classes that have multiple and on lower cd.

Slow them and they won’t get anywhere.

Every class is simple to play, hard to master.

Yeah, a massive lack of mogs :roll_eyes:

As do most, if not all other classes.

So do a lot of other classes.

I hardly see any other DH, and if I do when pugging, they are usually pretty bad.

I’ve hardly seen any DH in 8.2, so I guess most just checked the raids after being told it was a class with good advantages and they rolled one. People love rolling meta classes.

If it was that easy, I’d see a lot more good demon hunters.

Why would you take mastery one a DH though? It cripples your DPS. And the movement speed? I was at 107% movement speed at ilvl 445, you don’t even notice that difference.

The game was not made with this kind of mobility (and glide) in mind. Though the double jump and glide is really nice during certain mechanics as you can negate a lot. I’d say this is more of an issue with how glide works, rather than the ability to glide though. Glide will always give you forward momentum, no matter how fast you were going backwards, this should be fixed.

When it comes to tanking, DH are not top tier. In DPS spec, the only reason they are so strong, is because certain traits and talents line up extremely well. Without those traits, DH would be pretty bad (furious gaze).

Why? It’s not like havoc is top dps all the time. Havoc is good, not the best. I’d much rather have them uplift other classes and increase their potential, rather than touching a class that’s fun to play.

Same old crying. My survival hunter has 4 buttons in the rotation while my DH has 5. Playing with 3 buttons only would cripple yourself and I see no reason why this would be nerfed, you’re already nerfing yourself by playing like this. I don’t see anyone complaining about survival hunter for example… 1 resource, 1 button less than I have on Havoc, has actual build-in slows and stuns, not to mention binding shot and build-in turtle.

You’re just salty.

I disagree here. I don’t have to put more or less in here than my hunter for example.

Until you get rooted for 8 seconds and you die because you can’t do anything :slight_smile:

Wrong again. The entire resource generation mechanic is RNG. I also have about the same cooldowns to keep track of on my hunter, yet nobody complains about that :woman_facepalming:

The fury is RNG, sometimes you get so much fury it’s hard to handle other times there are a lot less fury. It’s prox like any other class.

And I can’t remember I’ve seen a rogue do those things you mention, it’s not because they can’t it’s just their defensives are more ackward.

If I see a Rogue do the things you mention my jaw would drop to the floor.

Which is in no way comparable to the RNG of RTB, which rogue has.

Remember how people called hunter the easiest and dumbest class to perform well on for years, until DHs came along? :crazy_face:

No offense, but if you don’t see rogues do it, you just play with bad players :woman_shrugging:

Rogues are still S tier, watch dratnos. Actually i dont even know why i have to tell u this. Rogues have insane dps, utility, survivability, they also have 4 stuns etc and can always vanish away when the rest of the team dies, if the rogue have engineer on top of this, their wanted like if they were a bar of pure gold. Just look in M+ how badly a rogue have been wanted entire of BFA and even now in BFA since the obelisks will switch locations like every other seasonal affix did.

Not really sure why u are here posting this crap mate when rogues are the top tier and have been for a very long time

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DH is only too strong because all other classes are in the trash :slight_smile: bring back MoP class design and everything would be better :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

The same could be said about you and how easy you think a DH is. You probably only seen clown DH’s that only do damage and you got salty because they did more damage than you in a dungeon.