Demon hunters everywhere

im not surprised after they are so overpowered with nzoth corrupted gear XD

I agree that it’s dull to have one almighty DPS ranking top for every single instance. But that isn’t the case. Especially not tanks.

I’ve been in groups where Mages and Rogues have come out on top a LOT. And I don’t complain. All it does it make me want to work harder to understand how I can climb that much higher.

It’s about perspective, and unfortunately, there’s a heavy defeatist mindset coming from those that aren’t happy they’re not towering above the rest.

Mark my words:
Shadowlands will change the meta, and not a soul will complain. In fact, they’ll celebrate. But guess what, it’ll be the same problem now, but with a different class.

lmao what? Just deal damage. That heals you on demand. That’s healing on demand.

[quote=“Shwosh-stormscale, post:76, topic:121830”]
You make it sound like we can have Metamorphosis up 24/7

With the essence buff and right traits, you can have almost 70% uptime.

If I had a 70% uptime on vampiric embrace I’d be nerfed to the ground.

Tab is unreliable at best of times and only works on adds you face- Additionally, you have to pick between adds that are far and close etc. With DH you just single target and aoe everything around you.

Your CC is ranged. Your mobility lets you be wherever you want, whenever you want.

They both offer counterplay and cons, DH doesn’t.

Problem is that a badly played dh can beat a well played of other specs when that happens all the time it gets annoying and you start to resent the class.
A bad DH is as good as a decent to really well played any other class.
Will it change in Shadowlands yes it will change.
I am not complaining but i do feel it sometimes.

This depends on blizzard they changed how every single physical ability worked in BFA making them not scale with weapons at all.
they also made Auto attacks far more important.

Yes, I have and I’ve won and lose. I used to main one back in Legion that is.

When comes to PvP some classes do better than others, although Demon Hunters are one of those classes than have a complete toolkit.
PvP relies on the player skill and reaction, group composition, strength of your group and weakness of your opponent group.
Demon hunters have answers to all situations, just look at Arena forums.

I don’t support their removal. Many players enjoy that class, that’s why their population is high and you see Demon Hunters in all type of content.
Thing is, they’re above of any class in all aspects of the game.

How to improve all classes? Well, Blizzard should implement unique abilities for all classes, so they become a valuable and desirable asset.
For example, I think they won’t remove the magic buff from Demon Hunters, but maybe they could create an item, consumable, whatever to replace that buff and make them less mandatory.

so you know
just revert
to mop

Exactly! Finally, the right mindset. Instead of bring one down, lift others up. It’s possible, but Blizz have to step their game up.

Yup, let’s ignore everything else I’ve said :+1:
Please just link me your main already so i can confirm my suspicions, thanks <3

10/10 troll

Yes I knew this would come from a class that doesn’t do anything else than dmg

ye thats why this class only does dmg because whole toolkit got shifted to DH and this is what makes them S+ tier in every aspect of the game.

you are probably not even aware of this since only things you do are worldquest and lfr where such things arent a thing

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