Demon hunters everywhere

Can’t hit anything at darkmoon fair either

Reading comprehension isn’t your strong point now is it?

Nice assumption but okay, I’m just upset that I can go play on my DH and perform way better DPS wise with way less effort, than when I play on my rogue. That’s so super unreasonable i am fuming!!!

I’ve so far only met four DH players that have performed better than me FYI :slight_smile:

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In my opinion this is one the their strengths in M+.
It doesn’t matter how a tank pulls, doesn’t matter your group composition; Demon Hunters will always do good damage.

Same as ‘Asphyxiate’.
Imprison’ doesn’t count as an crowd control (single target CC)?
Even if you don’t choose ‘Fel Eruption’ you still have a single target CC.

Metamorphosis is one of the most powerful CDs in the game, and even if you’ve your metamorphosis on cooldown you’ll still be able to do massive damage.
Demon Hunters do not need CDs to do good damage.

Army of the Dead’ is a 8 minutes CD, if you have it on CD your damage will be laughable, instead if you don’t have Metamorphosis sure you damage will be lower but still good and competitive.

Yes, every class is simple to play; thing is, Demon Hunters do not require a high skill to be competitive.

I’m not saying Demon Hunters are a three key class, I played Demon Hunter through all Legion and I can assure you they are not difficult.
You could solo robots on Kin just with Metamorphosis…

Tattoos, horns, various demonic and normal skin colors, blindfolds? Those are customizations many other classes do not have.

Edit: I would like to add something here: unique emotes. Demon Hunters are the only class in WoW that has unique emote (aka /silly, /laugh, etc)

The only thing Demon Hunters don’t have is a Battle res and shroud.
Shroud is a powerful CD but can be replace with Invisibility potions, Battle res can be replace with Engineering battle res; instead 5% magic damage increase no.
There’s no way you can replace that.

But you are constantly generating Fury.
Mage? Try to use ‘Spellsteal’ and see if still have mana left.
Warlocks? Try so heal yourself with ’Drain Life’ and still have mana left.
Fury? Hit mobs and you’re good to go.

Let’s compere two one resource classes:
Fury warriors and Demon Hunters:

  • Demon’s Bite gens 20 to 30 fury without CD.
  • Raging Blow gens 12 rage, have two charges with 8 second CD.

Do you see the problem?

Then we live in two different worlds and play completely different games…
From my experience is hard to believe you haven’t seen Demon Hunters often, they’re everywhere.

Edit 2: Grammar and additional information.

Yes and I’ve yet to meet a rogue that uses his utilities more than me in a dungeon. If a rogue uses everything you mention he is something special.

Let’s say there are two classes that are both very easy to play.

Class number 1 are only offensive and have one button so they can tunnelvision.

Class number 2 have two buttons one for offensive and one for defensive and needs to keep track on both.

Witch one is harder?
Because let’s face it, there are very few rotations that are hard in this game.

But why do I even bother argue with someone that doesn’t even know how DH’s work or perhaps you have just have taken up a DH to max level and played it in maybe one dungeon where you just did damage with free epics from world quests and thought that was it.

Well yes, but actually yes.

Well, since you wanna talk about knowledge, what kinda content do you do?
I take my rogue into 20s and my DH into 15s.

Yes, there are very few rotations that are hard in the game and the DH one is by far the easiest.

Rogue has defensive cooldowns too, just so you know :wink:

My dude, there is legit no point. People have recycled the same false arguments over and over as nauseum. They hate it because they’re either getting eaten alive by one or because they’re being left out over one in instanced content.

The fact they think DH’s have no weakness and are perfect in all forms of content is enough to realise they don’t actually have a clue.

This isn’t complex lol. Not at all.

Not to say that other classes have it much more complex but DH’s are baked in wheelchair class with little to no drawbacks.

Your single target is your aoe rotation.
Your rotational abilitites are also your defensive abilities.
Your damage sustains you (instead of having to sacrifice a cooldown)
You have a burst cooldown that in practise is almost always available.

Hell, the class even has a ranged interrupt despite being the most mobile melee in the game. What the hell were they thinking? There’s just no cons or counterplay.

On top of this most of the CC a DH does is unavoidable, offers no counterplay and pair this with them being more mobile than even monks and you have a mary-sue class that only a complete buffoon could have designed.

I genuinely hope they fired whoever came up with this abomination of a class. DH is definitely in the top 5 of things that made this game unfun to play for players (specifically for those that do not play a DH).

It’s worse enough that you see players that can’t get past 1500 bracket on any other class suddenly get 2k+ on DH and then think they somehow got magically better, but it ads insult to injury that the players of this class are the most edgiest things around.

I truly wish that when the unprune comes it will make DH unplayable for the whole expansion.

I haven’t made dinner yet, but when the time comes, I’d love to have you over to season the meal.

They sacrificed their chicken nuggets for DPS.

And what exactly are you doing that is harder, Power Word : Shield, off heals and press one button for aoe rotation on your Shadow priest.

Doest it matter when I know how both a DH and Rogue work, I’ve played both for a long time.

That helps the team and not only yourself?
What are you going to do on a boss attack, gouge the boss?

Tbh every other class after gcd changes feels like crap atm. I completely abandoned my warrior ,lock and rogue after 8.0. Only fun/fluid class in the game atm is dh and probably only class thats been less effected by gcd changes.


a) I have to sacrifice damage in order to shield myself or heal others. You don’t.
b) Even when I do heal from damage (vampiric touch), the numbers do not add up at all. DH healing is far over the top where it should be. My big healing cd is also just that: A cd, not a passive.
c) I have to multidot for AoE.

As I said, not saying the class is any way more complex (something I dislike about modern game design), but DH is a wheelchair spec because it offers no counterplay and is way too rewarding for doing so little.

Yeah, it does, since you don’t seem to know how WoW works lol

I sincerely doubt it.

Demon hunters, are one of the best and popular classes in the game.

Weakness don’t rely on the class itself, relies on players who don’t know how to counter something in a X situation.
Demon Hunter toolkit is simple and complete.

You think/say people are ‘salty’, haven’t you thought this behavior is justified? I mean… Demon Hunters are disgustingly good.
Sure, rogues are good too. Death Knight? Yes, they’re good. Good as Demon Hunters? No.

If you think Demon Hunters are average then I fear you’re wrong:

1)Demon Hunters are one of the best classes to farm achievements, mounts, gold.
With Vengeance you can do things any other class can do.

2)10 out of 20 Max simDPS are Demon Hunters.

3)For Ny’alotha raid (from wowhead):

4)For M+: 25+ keys season 3: 7 out of 9 groups have a Demon Hunter.

Mythic+ Unique Class Population - All Levels: Demon Hunters 9.5%

Comes from someone that only comes up with my class is harder than yours arguments. It’s quite shallow and narrow minded.

You can heal yourself on demand, DH’s can’t.
You make it sound like we can have Metamorphosis up 24/7

Yes, it’s hard to tab and put up dots

You do know that Demon Hunters must attack their targets to generate fury witch isn’t the case when they have to cc or focus on saving their team. And how is shield and a heal witch is 2 buttons harder than all the cooldowns a DH have to manage?

I have a question for the demon hunters here:
Would you still play demon hunter if demon hunter was doing the same kind of dps as ret paladin does and would lose the 5% magic damage increase?
And would you be ok with that?

Yes, because they’re fun af to play. If I went solely by numbers, I would change class every other patch.

Have you played as a DH against a competent Mage? Good luck.

Yes, they’re great for instances, but that doesn’t warrant their removal nor does it warrant rendering them inadequate. Why not debate about how to have other classes improved, instead of how to nullify one?

You see part of the problem is that DH is doing top damage AND have insane utility.

So 1 of those things needs to go away.

If demon hunters utility was intact but the spec was the lowest damage spec (meaning there could be specs from classes with more then one spec lower then them but those classes would have at least 1 spec above dh at all times in the whole expansion)

Would you still be ok with it if it was like that for a full expansion?

You see in expansions in the past the top and even the good dps specs have changed from raid to raid.
This is where BFA is uniqe the same classes that was good for dps here has been good the whole expansion.

Il use an example as i saw someone talking about Wrath being DK being awsome well DK was good then came the end of expansion (12months of last raid here) and Warrior with armorpen builds crushed everything.