Demon Hunters

Aaaaaahahahaah Destroc Warlok complaints about demon hunts. so funny mens maked me laughings :slight_smile: both destroc warlok an demon hunts for squirrel brain mens. need remove from game make pley better for everiwan. too much, JUST TOO MUSH BLIZART! NERFD!

Oh get over yourself. If a DH wants to stand up for being a DH so what of it? There is nothing wrong with DH or enjoying yourself playing a DH but perhaps there is a lot wrong with Lock design! I used to play Lock in arena but the way they changed Lock mobility made it unfun as you melee is simply to fast for Locks. We might as well call you the first Lock whiner, welcome!

Only infant crybaby here is you!

You are braindead.

Sure, i like duels especially those 5vs5 1vs1 ones you can watch over at dalaran streams, there you can have a good measure who is boss sometimes many good players join them in one go.

Last time i watched some wargames in arena, a very good uh dk and a dh got both slowed, kited and controlled by an arcane mage and died rather quickly, because their selfheal mechanics only work in melee range. Its possible to control them the entirety of the game, if you are watching their mobility cds - if there is no dispelling healbot around, meaning all the mobility is for nothing, if theres someone good in kiting.

But the people here act like its just the DH that is op, while its rather a dedicated healer + his leech mechanics and from what i read so far its mainly an issue in 2s.

Well, why are healers still allowed in 2s?

Why not nerf all healers in this bracket or make 2s like skirmish without them?

Why does a mechanic like dampening still exists?

Why should a DH who does not play 2s accept a nerf from the most unbalanced bracket in wow? How does this makes sense?

Might this be the reasion why blizz does change nothing about DHs?

Simply change that bracket to non healer or nerf DHs in 2s, like removing their leech in 2s.

I just feel, outside of that 2s bracket, the DH is more a boss in PvE, because he does not get cc chained as much, cc stops him completely and shuts down his leech mechanic. Some comps might not have that much cc and slows and some classes if its a duel like confrontation are just countered by leech, but certainly not all of them so my point stands:

Among all the fotm melees, Dh is not any better as an Uh DK and WW monk in pvp.(with maybe the exception of 2s, which are horrible unbalanced for many years, way before DH existed)

We can list all those classes abilities and talents and look what is more baseline, might surprise some here.

why do you assume that dh’s leech is only op in 2v2… you literally by default heal less in 2v2 cus the game starts with dampening.

This is gold :popcorn:

I want people to die from feral dots and not stay alive with 10k HP while fully bled up. Had DH fully dotted up alone, his healthbar showed 10k and he didn’t die from full duration while being kited.

”I dont think that highly rated arena players should get good gear rewards”.

”Why? They want to compete in arena, why should they be forced to do pve?”

”Because demon hunters exists.”

”Ah, yes…”

Rogues should be the last to complain about anything!!! I see Rogues all the time doing higher damage than other classes better geared than them. All over the years all classes have lost so much talents and utilities when Rogues have kept there arsenal of utilities + cc chains and escape mechanisms and self heals. Rogues can fully burst and when they get into trouble or get caught out they just poof vanish come back again fully healed and ready to go again with a high damage burst. Rogues can make you see your health disappear in a few hits while you are cc chained and survive a heavy beating most of the times which was not the case a long time ago. The devs really been showing a lot of love for Rogues the last few expansions!

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And there are many of such videos about current feral under arena conditions in a more class vs class scenario.

Its just the leech+ healer issue people have a problem with, rest ist just trashtalk.

People could have said so, instead of bashing DH, because of its cool to hate them.

DH dies like anyone else without a healer, leech is good but not enough then.

Imagine leech as high as in DH meta(20%) on an uhdk and ww monk, people would cry rivers here.

And the other thing is of course mana burn.

I’d rather suggest to unprune most classes and bring mana drains back(e.g. warlock mana drain), because obviously there is a problem with healing and easy mana flows in the arenas for many years now in many tourney games the mana bar hardly drops, i think i remember this differently in tbc/wrath.

starting in dampening does not change anything, the advantage is still there with leech + healer until into deep dampening.

and now cool off guys, if DH gets his nerfs, the second most op class in arena will succeed him and you can moan about that one class.

why all the hate towards dh when specs like assa,guardian/ resto druid, and destro are just as mongloid broken.

EDIT forgot hpal.


Why would they nerf DH ?? Mage and Rogue have been OP since the begining of world of warcraft and they never got nerfed :neutral_face:
If anything it’s these two class that need to be nerf. The skill argument of these class and setup has ALWAYS been full of sh*t… When you have billion cc, very low offensive cd, imba defensive cd, it’s not skill, it’s just being overtuned.

DH is good as it is now.

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Dude when you say rogues could you be more spec specific please. Assa rogue is the best rogue spec in PvP at the moment with outlaw being second and sub being last (in my view at least). Assa when played well can delete people easily but Outlaw needs time to build it up and we can’t just pop out poison and bleed you up then vanish and wait for the dots to kill you. As for sub it’s a spec more for control then damage, I never trinket a sub rogue who opens on me cause it’s not worth it, they do tickle damage unless they have shadow blades up which is 3min cd. So please when you say rogue needs nerf be more spec specific as to which spec is causing you the problems.

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yo what you smoking outlaw is legit the 2-3rd worst spec in the game and sub is r1 viable if ur insane

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