Demon Hunters

You’re not correct. Every class can be CC’ed the same way. After the CC ends though the melee needs to connect again. DH is the most favoured class for this. Out of all melee DPS DH is the one that recovers from CC the best !

Other DPS classes ALSO do not heal when in CC. CC ing a DH stops the leech, so the self healing, but CCing another DPS also stops the self healing. No difference here!

What’s more, you say other classes can heal after the CC, well I got news for you, the leech works after the CC so DHs can heal too !

Many people actually use d
DH for free glad. A team is even going R1 with double DH. Hello !

As for why not everyone plays DH, well not everyone enjoys playing a monkey class even if it’s easy rewards. We may like other classes play style more. I for one have and would play Rogue, especially Sub and Assa regardless of their state just because I used to like both very much for different reasons in the past and while different now I still like the feel of the class. So if Rogue suddenly became the worst class in history on all specs I’d still try, and I wouldn’t play the easy dumb spec just for a glad. Everyone can do this. I’d wish to succeed on what I like, not succeed on what is dumb easy.


maybe you and your hunter don’t get how leech mechanics work and cds like meta, that further enhances it.

i wonder how you did your ratings…boost char? just admit it.

maybe play the game and don’t pay. haha

I am done with you, i am afraid.

sure, don’t cc the DH then, especially not in meta.

Must have worked for you, without meta the heal is minimal, while the same cannot be said of other classes that either spam it, or use abilities like death strike.

You must be bad at DH if you didn’t realise yet than over the course of a game a DH has more than 50% meta uptime.

By the way Eye Beam Meta Eye Beam plus another Rye Beam 30s into the meta makes Meta last for 54s. Have fun keeping someone CCed for 54s. Maybe if we remove DRs from the game…

Oh yeah it’s only 10% passive leech but not matter meta is only down 1/4 of the game. And btw aside from death strike no dps has a significant spammable heal.



I have a feeling you wont get anywhere with this guy. Even with good and viable arguments.


Do you guys want to beat demon hunters? que up with a resto druid and they will fix it for you, or play destro lock / holy priest and you will eventually win because DH and their healer will just fall over from dampening. Even some windwalker comp may work as well if you race down their healer before yours die, which is is completely plausible considering WW mobility is on par to DH. Rogues could win the healer race as well, specially when played with a resto druid going guardian affinity.

Demon hunters are absolute livelords with great pressure damage and amazing mobility to avoid setups from the other team, but lets be real here. If you pruned mana burn from them tomorrow dont say you cant beat them, because then the problem is most likely not demon hunter, then the problem is you.

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The DK has many more tools to get uptime and his heal, DA means you can never slow him as much as a DH, has chains(slow) and a stun, while DH has to choice and usually takes the stun, grip - death strike not dependent on meta or eye beam ready for massive leech.

He needs much support without his cds, like the majority of classes do. Meta is on a long cd, just duke it out with def cds, slows and cc and nuke the dh after its off? Still not a raid boss and immortal, he still needs to hit something, while in meta for a benefit.

not a joke at all, maybe you want to watch some streams instead of typing some fan fiction? Kiting a DH as a cc heavy range dd is child’s play. Maybe not a thing anymore when pvp is kinda dead 2 expansions ago. When people spam mythic+ and expect to trade cds for cds and hope someone scored a kill. :slight_smile:

See, we just found out, together, what your problem is…maybe next time use heavy kiting emphasis on the DH? I bet this will improve your games with them and i am not even kidding. :slight_smile:

Nice chat, but the rest of your points are just trashtalk not really something to discuss to.

The current demonic build is their strenght along with mana burn, remove any of those and bye bye DH.

Your arguments?

“i hate demon hunters, its cool to hate them, its fun, because latest hero class, elf and wings”

If logic exists, there would be no silly xy class is op threat anymore in a forum that is about comps and teamplay.

There is plenty of evidence on youtube and twich alone, that a DH is not the immortal juggernaut on his own under arena conditions, just another melee class performing well, no more and no less, certainly not better than an unholy dk or ww monk.

Otherwise, i would like to see proof for that. Leech and Meta is not enough as claimed in this threat so far, other excellent dds have equally good dmg, moblity and selfheal mechanics.

Just pretending that arena soloque exists, so this whole threat and discussion, makes any sense.

You shouldnt take dk as a comparison for survivability, death strike is ridicilous…

Stop defending that class. The Class was more than viable in legion, and there was no Manaburn and also no purge… They also hadnt the same Meta uptime cause you mostly played with the pvp talent with 2 minute meta cd and there was no azerite trait to reset eye beam cooldown when activating meta.

Even in Legion the specc was dumb and easy…

Theres no need to completly destroy the class for pvp, but it need some tuning.

These are removal of Manaburn and the dodge effect of bladedance.

Then either the cooldown of Blur to 2 Minutes or remove either the dodge effect of Blur, or the dmg reduction of blur.

This would be enought first, and we can watch if theres more needed.


Imagine thinking this seriously.

Nothing in this game, not even a game master, has more tools than a DH to get uptime.

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Fel rush, vengeful retreat, big meta, fel blade, netherwalk, double jump, imprison, chaos nova, rain from above, reverse magic, glide, spectral sight,mana rift, fel eruption, and master of the glaive.

All this sh!t is literally proof demon hunters need a big prune/nerf and the fact that there’s even more abilities in their arsenal that need to be gutted.


Like what clown thought netherwalk was needed for demon hunters!


What clown thought Demonhunter was needed?


As someone who has played DH I can say they are easy and forgiving to play. They are definitely overturned in many areas and need a serious adjustment to their toolkit. They have something from every class (with correct talents). Ranged single target stun, AoE stun, incapacitate, best mobility, leech that works during meta on every damage they do (including cytronic blast, focused Azeroth beam etc). Passive dodge in a rotational ability, and low cd on a powerful defensive. I believe they also have the most amount of ranged abilities of any melee in the game.

However in a one on one fight they are not immortal and can be killed if you know how to counter/have the toolkit to counter them. The only problem with this is not many classes/specs have the toolkit to do this especially with meta having the longest burst cd in the game when combined with eye beam. Eye beam or more accurately Demonic talent is the biggest problem here. If you read the tooltip it reads like you enter meta upon finishing the cast, however even if you get kicked or cc’d during the cast you still get your 8secs of meta without finishing the cast, this in my view is something that needs fixing before anything else (except maybe removal of mana burn).

So all in all in my view DH’s need a serious rework but this is mostly due to them being introduced to the game at a time when all classes had so few abilities and blizz probably couldn’t think of anything for them to make them more diverse with a higher skill cap. But they are not impossible to kill one on one but in arena they can be a serious challenge for anyone as arena is not a one on one fight. So when you do get a win against a team with a DH the satisfaction is oh so much higher then beating anything else.

P.s. Evil if you ever fancy a one on one duel let me know!


Guys, let him be. This guy is some kind of saint protector of the DH’S.
DK is strong, but not overpowered. Also DK’s require skill to become really dangerous, unholy is one of the most diminishing class between specs. It’s not based on spamming 2 buttons like how DH fuctions. You also need to manage your pet, as i’ve mentioned before, dk is strong, But it’s requires skill, it has also one of the worst mobility and to be able to heal decently it needs to facetank big damage.

DH in the other hand doesn’t require any type of skill, only the skill of tapping your 4 button. You can dodge meele’s attack’s half the time with your dance and you can keep up your form more than 60% of the time, wich is your burst.

DH is literally the stupidest easiest class in the entire history of wow and yet it’s still dominates. Kite DH? are you kidding me? every match i grapple and slow dh’s yet it can still connect because it’s movement and it’s toolkit is ridicoulos. Everything about DH is overtuned. Not saying you shouldn’t enjoy the class, enjoy as much you want, but don’t try to protect it as it would be your own child.

And i repeat, DK is strong in good hands, but also very diminishing in the hands of an average person. Even with it’s slows, you can kite dk’s pretty well as a druid/monk and even as a shaman.

What’s the DH’s cons again? nothing.


This guy seems like the dh version of monsterette or something… yet another clueless noob with 0 achievs in either pve or pvp talking about how the top tier op class they play is somehow low tier, and can simply be outplayed in arenas through magical inventions and strategies that they made up while not playing the game :slight_smile:

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He tells us to kite. I’m not sure he’s aware the CD for the forward sprint thing is only 10 seconds.

Do you think he knows it has 2 charges as well?

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Idk why i response a blind clown player with 1750 xp and not even challenger but:

Eye beam, 30s CD, 8s Meta (+26.7% uptime)
Metamorphosis, 240 CD, 30s Meta (+12.5% uptime)

39.2% uptime in META

If you play vision of perfection (minor at least) its a 20% less CD on meta => 192s CD, 30s META (+15.6% uptime), so 43.3% uptime. You have reason, DH is not just all the arena on meta, they sleep also on meta rofl