Demonology in Shadowlands

But will it improve the playstyle? I don’t think so, when they change it, I will definitely try it out but I have no hopes for demo as long as blizzard insist on this beginner summoner style.

They should accept that s master summoner needs no cast time for lesser demons like imps, Felguard, Vilefiend and Tyrant. Of we soon a demon with cast time out should be a Big one.


As far as i am concerned - man responsible for designing warlock class openly admitted in one of interviews that he do not play demonology. How can somone who can’t care less about a spec be put in charge of solving it’s problems ? :frowning:

My last information was the warlock lead class design, is the one from the mages. But this information is very old

the entire design of the class and spec is not down to a single person, that would be idiotic, they have teams that are working on this between them all

Since WolTK they have class designer, who runs design of one or two classes and all specs. For example ghostcrawler was a lead designer on 3 classes in MoP, and Xelnath took warlocks from him. Some of designers are also work on Raid and PvE encounter design, or like Xelnath he on top of being warlock class designer did work on quests, locations and more.
The only big team that work on all classes from time to time is PvP team, they work with class designers and work on PvP tweaks etc. Such workflow existed till legion, how it is now, i don’t know.

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god I miss WoD Demonbolt it looked so amazing and felt like you were casting a nuke (which it was) such a nice ability :frowning: Thal’kiel’s Consumption was kinda similar they even removed that -_-


Since Legion they fail with demo and the whole class


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