Hi all, I have been spamming solo shuffles ever since S1 started, it has been fun up until 10.0.5. I dont know what was changed with the MMR system but I have seen a lot of players discussing that the MMR got screwed up since the patch.
Anyway as a person who played WoW for most of his gaming exp. I feel totally demoralized by the past week’s solo shuffle experience. I got to 2064cr and I tought to myself that I would reach Duelist and upgrade my PVE item level to 402 and start doing some raiding, but NO. The past week has been all about losing rating every game in a row… to the point where I am now 1280cr… from 2064???
Of course, I understand how MMR system works but I couldn’t give a damn about it anymore. It is completely unfair going 4-2 or EVEN 5-1 and winning 0 rating, not even joking, it happened. , going 2-4 results in losing 50 rating, but going 4-2 gives me 0, or at best 2cr . This is not enjoyable by any means and requires immediate changes, Not to mention the 20-30 minute long queues, which contribute to the demoralization.
whole bracket is just unenjoyable. actually looked forward to Dragonflight a lot at first but now it turns out LFG during the first season is more dead than it was during the worst seasons of shadowlands thx to everyone just spamming solo queue all day which is just a trash format with trash matchmaking and idk how anyone actually enjoys playing this.
the absolute last thing i want to do when logging on this game is queuing up for mythic+ solo queue to play some D tier hunter mage comps
Yeah, the shared sentiment in the player base is not really getting any better with time. Blizzard really are in need of a new design for the rating system, and putting in those maximum and minimum amounts won & lost would solve some big problems with the current system.
Even if Blizzard don’t decide to go with that suggestion, I really don’t think it’s possible for Blizzard to continue with the rating system as it is for shuffle in the long run. They’ll have to make some major changes to it eventually.
IMO the mistake from Blizz is to tie a rating formula (as in an equation to match you up with people of your skill level) to actual rewards as Raredrick states.
The algorithm does not need to change. It sort of works as intended. I don’t get match-ups with people of extremely different skill level.
The issue is linking rating to rewards (ilvl upgrades, cosmetics, ect…). The solution is to transform rating into a form of currency that never goes down. Or, goes down slower than it goes up.
To better underline my point, lets imagine for a moment that arenas are M+, and that rating is Raiderio score. Imagine for a minute the chaos if the raiderio system worked like rating and you could actually loose score by not timing keys. That is what we are witnessing in the forums right now.
All that blizz needs to do is put in place a system where based on the MMR and other formulas it calculates how much rating you earn. But, you can never loose.
And before you jump to my neck about rating inflation: There are a lot of exponentially decaying formulas that prevent issues like that. Sort of: The maximum rating one can achieve is X. The closer you get to that, the harder it will be. I am not a blizzard analyst, so its not up to me to find that formula. But the concept still has to be there: If you grind enough, you will eventually get that sweet 1800 mog.
MMR will still exist though. And it must exist. But its purpose would be exclusively to judge the quality of a player. The only difference is that a Glad skill player will get the rewards from rating on week one because he is so good. And someone with less skill will have to grind for months to get the same thing. But, whats important is that EVERYONE gets the stuff in the end.
Except the glad mount. Thats for the top 0.01% of MMR players.
terrible idea thats not how a competetive ladder works or can work. By your logic top players are just people who play alot more than everyone else.
just look at the top specs its all the top players if it would not work correctly we had random players on top and top players at low rating but this isnt happening.
The difference between Dota, Counter Strike, Overwatch, Age of Ampires or any other game with a competitive ladder is that those do not have character progression tied to it.
And to be clear, I did NOT suggest removing the mathematics of ladder placement, or publicly showing what your MMR/Rating is. I agree with you 100% that the ladder is working correctly (EXCEPT for healers in SS) and I said it in my previous post.
However, what I did suggest is remove the link between that rating number and the associated rewards. You cannot treat wow as if it was Overwatch.
Read the post from Roaredrick. Maybe ilvl of pvp gear is irrelevant for you. But not for him. Who are we to judge?
Actually, i will mention an example: The PvP mounts. You can get them by winning above 1000 rating. But don’t actually loose rating bellow 1000. But if you don’t win you don’t advance in % or gain any rating bellow 1000.
How many people do you see complaining in the forum that they cant get the mount? And do you know any do serious PvPers that care if its easy to get that mount?
Why not with everything else then? And have different tiers of dedication. Like win matches above 1200 you get X, above 1400 you get Y, ect… all you have to do is play play play. Thats it.
you said character progression and compared it to overwatch etc. so i assumed you mean there is character power tied to rating which isnt the case in wow.
i mean thats what a reward structure is for. There are rewards for lower rated and for higher rated players and some rewards for something inbetween (1800).
I agree that there should be way more rewards in smaller rating steps/goals but you cant give everything to everyone or it loses its value.
i want rewards for not only playing but also playing “good”. Otherwise its super boring.
Ok good point. But I never said give things for free.
What I meant is that currently, getting the mount requires you to WIN 200 arenas at 1000 or more rating. But you don’t loose progress (rating or %) by loosing matches and it feels rewarding for everyone. For you, for pros, for casuals and hardcore alike.
But at the same time you cannot have a matchmaking system where you never loose MMR. That will never work.
So, the solution to that problem is to make them independent (MMR/Rating and rewards) instead of arguing if matchmaking MMR is good or not.
you need to incentives for people to play. Rewards motivate people to push rating and have goals.
Many people play arena to get the 1800 elite set and would que alot less if there would be no rewards at all.
Same for glad at 2400 or any rewards.
Yes. You did. You want it so rating never goes down, like m+ score. Guess what? This is P. v. P. It’s not PvE. What you’re suggesting is just playing enough games until you get enough wins to get enough rating and then it never drops. That isn’t a rating system. That isn’t a competition. It’s just. a. grind.
Sure, you want MMR to still go up and down, but there’d be no rating system for placements, there’d just be an MMR for matchmaking. It’d become so extremely dysfunctional that it’d not be a ladder format anymore. It’d just be a GRIND. Ok?
I get it, you’re not a PvPer, but you can’t turn PvP into PvE even more without major repercussions.
Go suggest it in the general part of this forum, lots more people will agree with you there. And that’s because they’re PvEers. That alone should tell you something.
But pushing rating does not an incentive for everyone. Might be for you, but not everyone.
Look at my case in particular: So my incentive to do PvP is because I like to play PvP with my PvE friends. Your incentive to do PvP is to push rating. So you LFR and invite only FOTM specs to achieve that goal. Fair enough.
Except that I will never get the set, and you will. So you are rewarded for a specific way of playing PvP and I am not.
So, in this case rewards don’t have anything to do with skill but play stile choice.
What I propose is to reward people for playing. The more you play, the more rewards you get. And one way to achieve it is the one I proposed earlier.
What you’re suggesting is to get rid of the ladder and turn it into a grind. It’s insanely incomprehensible how little you understand about PvP, and the spirit to compete. Stop trying to bring PvE into PvP. Mkay?