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It’s hard to judge in a crowd too.
Crowds reduce the “value” of the individual and people often “go with the flow”.
When everyone around you cheers, it’s easy to begin cheering as well and very hard to openly disagree with those around you. There’s a whole branch of psychology related to this.

As for the forums, it’s not a good way to measure anything either as a very low percentage of the playerbase frequent the forums.

If they really wanted to accurately see how people felt about it, they’d need an anonymous voting system.

And how people voted would depend on how you worded the question.
If you just said "Remove factions Yes/No."
You’d get most people voting No. Even among those who don’t participate in PvP, as they might like the “feel” of their faction even if they aren’t participating in fighting against the other side.

If you rather asked whether people would like "*Optional* cross-faction play for PvE, Cross-faction guilds, *No entry* to opposite faction cities. Yes/No."
Then I think we’d probably see a sizable portion voting Yes. But how many? Who knows?

But in the end it’s Blizz’s game… They make the game they want to make.
It’s rare for them to ask the playerbase such things.

As it stands now I’ll stick around for Shadowlands as it seems to go completely away from the Race War.
But if they return to it I’ll most likely unsubscribe.

Yeah, maybe I’d have done that too if I played back then, not sure though, since I’m so hooked haha. Couldn’t stay away from playing I think, even if flying was deleted. But it’s really good that they did listen to their customers, since removing flying is just an incredibly lazy way of increasing contents longevity. Make more content instead of artificially inflating the time it takes to complete the content that exists.

Still though, I get that people wanna play with their friends and all that, and it sucks if you’re different factions. Ofcourse. But sometimes we as people need to sacrifice convenience for the greater good of something or a products actual worth and longevity.

I remember watching the WoW documentary that Blizzard made, where one of the creators talk about one of the early Blizzcon where the crowds would rage on each other and shout “For the Horde”, “For the Alliance” etc. And how that made the Blizzard dude feel as if they had created something really special that people cared a lot about and got emotionally invested in.

If Blizzard would remove the faction restrictions beyond what we have today (mercenary mode), to me, it would be like when Coca Cola tried to “reinvent” their Classic Coke recipie, which ofcourse was a huge disaster for the company, before they eventually returned to the original and instead got a huge boost from doing just that.

The reason I think that the crowd reacted positively at last Blizzcon when Ion said that they wouldn’t do cross faction, is cause I believe many of the more “hardcore” WoW players to be just as invested in their faction, race and character as I am. I don’t roleplay, but I sure understand the people who do and what they get out of it.

I don’t think at the end of the day that people really care about N’zoth or Torghast or the Mage Tower, etc. All that is good and fun content, but in the end we spend most of the time with our characters and sort of “live” with them, in a sense. And our characters have their own identities which are shaped from their faction, race, culture, etc.

If we would suddenly be able to play freely with whatever faction then it feels like that identity doesn’t matter anymore. Why do I care about being a Human or a Gnome, when I can just ally up with my mortal enemies, who up until now would genocide me if they could?

It makes no sense, and that’s why I never see Blizzard doing it. Even if a section of the playerbase wouldn’t mind or care, I think the most die hard ones would, such as the people who created huge campaigns to lobby Coca Cola to bring back Classic Coke. And I think Blizzard knows this. Horde and Alliance is Blizzards stroke of genius, it’s their Classic Coke.

Also, the fact that you’re transformed to the corresponding race when you use mercenary mode, tells me even more that cross faction isn’t coming anytime soon. If Blizzard we’re about to loosen the restrictions it would make no sense not to just show a blood elf being a blood elf when they use mercenary mode. And the fact that they removed the honor buff that alliance get, when you use mercenary mode, tells me even more that Blizzard actually knows theres a problem with that form of gameplay and that giving horde players the exact same rewards as alliance doesn’t make sense in that context, since they’re not the disadvantaged faction.

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Majority of the players do not care about the lore now, it’s either racial buffs which amazingly favor the hordes which is the main reason we see that high end activity there “ sheep “ or no brainer wannabe the bad guy orc player like the movie , mostly no brainer.

Other then that , no crap is given to horde faction, polymorph players. :joy:

Our almighty King Anduin shall bring the glory.


I wake up this morning and thought this my Thread was no longer in Top Forums, i said “I already ended to Discuss everything in this Thread, i have my Opinion, all of you have your own Opinion, it was a good time of talking but now let this thread sink in the Forums depths please” but nobody respected that, since i Created this Thread i have rights to writte something like that…Ok you don’t give me another choice, Fine

This is true and I would hate to lose the factions myself, but I would advocate cross faction play. I am not suggesting that you could have an Orc in your Alliance guild or a Night Elf in your horde guild, but the factions as ‘constantly at war’ makes little or no sense now in the current and previous storylines where we continuously come together to fight off a larger threat.

However good a writer is, how many times can we be at war with each other? How can anyone make the same story interesting and different each time? No side really wins and we start again on the next expansion.

I would rather see us (both factions combined) lose to one of the big bads that we fight, this would at least lead to some sort of ‘resistance’ scenario, something new.

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What I mean my dear human is that most people do not want their faction to be officially the bad guys that will lose.
If there cannot be a conclusion, the repeated Red vs Blue wars are being basically bad storytelling.

You might have heard what happened to Carthage the third time the Romans had to beat them.
After the third time they dismantled Carthage and salted their fields so they would never rise again.

It makes no sense for the 2 factions to both remain enemies and survive at the same time. They can either make a proper truce or to be friends or for one of them to be destroyed/assimilated.

Oh no, what are we gonna do ?

Also, what kind of person wakes up in the morning thinking about a thread they made in the WoW forums ? Hue hue hue…

I am not sure why you would want to close the thread. To be fair if people had become toxic or rude I could understand, but instead the response has been good with people offering their views (it would be a rare thing if you see a topic where all agree). :smiley:

Right but can you stop pushing my thread to Top Forums, i already ended for talking here there is no point to keep this going, i want this on Forums dephts, can people respect that? I tried to deleted Thread but i can’t do it only they can do that now

If you want to keep talking about this Create a Thread on your own with same thing about the Topic Discussion

If i want to suicide you really want to go with me :man_shrugging: just move on man

Not exactly selling the Alliance player base as mature players there, can you cut those of us who play both factions some slack, Alliance actually have the strongest racials at the moment (Unless you listen to streamers, in which case you’re kind of saying you can’t formulate an opinon)

Seriously, this is the sort of attitude that drives people -away- from Alliance. I sometimes wonder how much Baine, Lor’themar and Thrall are paying these Alliance ‘Fans’ to continue the anti-alliance propaganda!

Actually it was a bit more complex than that. First time they warred, Rome had finally met a power that could oppose them, and Rome had only one way to deal with that, to crush them, no matter what. Rome could accept losses, but they could not accept international opinion viewing them as weak, which was pretty much a dichotomy of the Roman person themselves, not even the city, state or eventually empire.

Rome lost every war to Carthage, until the crucial one, and were so terrified of Hannibal’s army, that forever after, conquered states were banned from owning Elephants as weapons of war, or rather, they could own Elephants, if they were hamstringed (I’m not even making this up)

The final conquest of Carthage was not a War, it was a violently opposed Eviction notice. Rome needed to do a powerful flex, it had already beaten Carthage in the second Carthaginian war, and even Scipio, the General in charge was in tears at what was done (By historical accounts). Rome basically told all Carthaginians they should leave their homes and property, or die.

People refused. Roman legions went in, killed everything they found, looted the joint, set fire to anything that burned.

It wasn’t even a war, it was just a sheer naked assault on an already beaten enemy city.

They also famously did -not- salt it. That is a myth. Not sure how they would have salted Carthage’s fields, as like many African empires, the fields were in the fertile areas of land, nowhere near Carthage itself, and in areas the Romans never even discovered, -ever-.

They did however utterly destroy the city. And then Destroyed Corinth as well, perhaps the original origin of the ‘Powerful Flex!’ as it was all just to prove a point, neither Carthage nor Corinth were threats, but by doing it they could go “look how -bad- we are!”

Rome had really fragile ego moments at times…

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Once you make a thread, it will receive responses, the more popular the thread the more responses it will receive, therefore keeping it at the ‘Top’ of the forums.

If you make a thread you are asking for people’s input, or why make the thread? So as you ‘already ended to talking here’ doesn’t mean that others have too. It’s a free forum and as far as I am aware anyone can comment, however, if you want the thread to close because you have finished speaking, then I would suggest you mark it for moderator attention to close it.


You made the thread , the fact you stopped talking in it doesnt mean others should. :slight_smile:


Lets talk about the Edit of this post. The least you could have done is put an interesting story, its such a shame. This couldve gone so many ways, like shifting the entire topic of conversation so you could slowly forget you didnt get the replies you wanted or just making some jokes and have people forget about the thread. But you had to come up with this which, frankly, is very disappointing.


hahaha ; keep farming herbs man. Yikes

Oh look, the wanna be pokemon has something to say

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Might not be an option if the server is suffering from a multiscumboxer plague.

Every plague has been created by the forsaken, that mean you !

You are the reason why multiboxing has been created !

Shame on the forsaken !
Shame on you Drae !
I knew it you were a bad one !


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I know attention span, and thus reading, is hard if there’s a behind to sniff or cat to chase, but try to read up on history. The undead plague was deployed by the Scourge (another pro-undeath institution) initially, not the Forsaken. We modified it and used it, true, but later came up with a vastly better and more effective product, The Blight.


You try to tell me Pepsi and Coca-cola is not the same :joy: :thinking: ?


Yes, though it’s fine if you like either one or both. As long as you promise to drink it cold.