And move it to a place where there are actual a good chunk of natural resources. Orcs deserve a home that doesn’t pale in comparison to Stormwind. They need a capital city worthy of an empire. My best bet where to place that new city would be in either Feralas or Stonetalon mountains. In these locations it would be very profitable to built up an entire new glorious capital city for the Orcs. Let abandon that sinkhole Orgrimmar be destroyed. It is a shame of a city without purpose.
Blasphemy. Orgrimmar is perfect and suits the horde. I would however like to see Thunder Bluff get the love it deserves
Orgrimmar is a craphole full of metal spikes. Nobody with a sane mind would live there willingly. The entire place needs to be razed and built up new into something better.
go back to your fancy Silvermoon City, we are horde and we are angry and we like the spikes. Respect our greatest warchief Thrall and our other greatest warchief Orgrim.
Thrall is a puppet ruler of the Alliance. I spit on him and everything he stands for. Once Orgrimmar is razed I just hope he will be killed off for good so he can’t betray the Horde for his human masters anymore.
I can’t tell who is more cringe here.
Destroy silvermoon and give the territory to an allie that is worthy of being part of the horde and slaughter the blood elves that have infested our ones great horde
Me at this entire thread:
Well, given the “taurens are moral compass of the horde” direction of the current writer team, maybe it’s better to keep the current Org as a memory of what Garrosh could’ve been?
Some update might be an interesting idea though. Maybe a mix of old and iron horde tech could result in something peculiar.
gl hf
I’d love an update, maybe even add Outland-Mag’har Architecture
Outland architecture is even worse then dem metal spikes.
I love Orgrimmar. It’s freaking legendary and full of good memories, it feels both solemn and chill, and its layout is unique. Also I love Durotar so there’s that.
I’m not against a deep rework and extension though. Or actually, we could keep it as an important Horde city but make another place the political capital. Maybe Dazar’alor/Zuldazar ? It’s awesome, it’s huge, has a big fat harbor, and most of all it stands at the very center of Azeroth
EDIT : Yessss Outland Orcish architecture is cool as hell !!! Doesn’t really fit a faction capital though. But i’d love to see it represented
Sorry but you have bad taste. Orgrimmar is crap.
It is barren of any resources. Thrall is literally starving the Orcs to death.
And it holds no waters against Boralus, perhaps the best city Blizzard ever implemented.
No. It is trash. Literally buildings made out of clay. Never saw anything as ugly.
If any aesthetics are added it should be iron Horde ones. They look how all Orc architecture should be like.
I… didn’t say it was a flourishing and convenient land. It obviously isn’t.
Yea well that’s pretty cool. Solid, monumental and resource-hungry architecture is lame, and I’ll gladly leave it to the Alliance.
Iron Horde architecture is pure dystopia to me.
Iron Horde stuff looks kick-as.s.
If you want to be a respected race you need monumental architecture. Every great civilization has it.
Then why are you defending it?
But we don’t need to do that. Just look at Zuldazar, Silvermoon and Suramar.
In WoW as in real life, I really don’t care about being part of a great civilization and I think ranking civilizations is nonsensical, useless and dangerous. But that’s another debate right…
But I’m not. Of course it was like the worst place possible to establish a capital in. I just said I love it - love the atmosphere, the colours, the peoples and villages inhabiting it.
And I love those as well. Variety is cool : let’s have big stone strongholds, elegant multimillenial elven cities and freaking clay huts. That’s the Horde right
Where is the extra Vol’jin when you need one…
Having clay huts as a means to fix damaged parts of Suramar / Silvermoon would be an interesting plot twist.
gl hf
Bla bla bla, useless talk as always from you.
Why do you play Horde if you literally hates the leaders and even the capital
Because the Horde can do better then what it currently has.