Details For Blizzards legal department

Sue them for class imbalance.


TOS means nothing in a court of law.

Feel free to believe that, best of luck with your case.

What do you think governs the relationship between you and Blizzard when you make use of their services?

Actually you can subscribe and cancel it after a few days every time.

They work perfectly fine for me and they have their get out of jail free section of the Terms of Use.

They don’t have to supply anything other than the financial side.

You aren’t exactly the first hostile armchair expert we’ve had who doesn’t understand how it works.


Thanks mate. Appreciated.

Actually it does. As long as it doesn’t break the law, like saying you have to give them a kidney, it’s legally binding.

It’s called a contract. Damned t key not working properly.

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This is manifestly untrue. Your mom’s basement is not a court of law.


As I said, it’s a contract. Which are legally binding.


We are not in america mate, in america you can put your cat in the microwave and then sue the people who made the microwave because your cat died.

I don’t think you will have much ground to stand on when it comes to the 3 terms you listed

blizz is a big company wich is bound to have itself covered by an army of lawyers

So if blizzard wrote in the TOS " we will sacrifice your first born child when playing wow" it is suddenly legal?

I covered that, as long as it doesn’t break the law it’s a binding contract.

Taking them to court, but don’t have the intelligence to find the information yourself? Okay noob


So, the terms of service are not legally binding because Punyelf does not have legal credentials? Okay. Your ad-hominems are clear evidence you don’t have a single argument supporting your claim that the terms of service are legally irrelevant. Your arrogant and belligerent tone is completely uncalled for.


UK consumer law states that if you are not given a service you pay for then you legally have a right for compensation or face getting reported to trading standards.,contract%20any%20more%20legally%20binding.

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I suggest you go and seek legal advice if you willy nilly sign agreements without understanding that there are consequences to breaching them.

Some people seem to mistake legal terms for something that will result with them going to jail, rather than understanding that it’s just something that can end up with them losing their account. Blizzard have that right to terminate if y ou breach.

Sometimes Blizz have to pursue things through the courts but that vary rarely involves individuals and is more related to protecting their intellectual property. A game in the far east springs to mind that had various characters from WoW in it which was nothing to do with Blizzard.

I really don’t understand your anger. No one here has been unhelpful to the OP and the only person being hostile and nasty to people is you.


Can somebody tell me how to save the game so I can still continue after this guy has got blizz to take the game down?


It’s often a lack of maturity or an inability to debate/discuss. I’m used to getting abuse for trying to help. I blame the green text colour, it just sets some people off, a nice soothing pink would be much better.