Developer Update: A Look at What’s Ahead for Wrath of the Lich King Classic

Cool story; can’t remember asking for any changes.


Pretty happy with the announcement.

I mean the player base has changed and besides that most of us already did Nax 40 for months in classic vanilla. Back in 2005 almost none of the guilds experienced Nax 40 so Nax 25 was exciting and new.

Look at Muru for example (prenerf) this was considered almost impossible to kill back in the days. Right now its getting face rolled and drops to 25% phase 1 in less than 30 seconds lol.

Keep in mind that Sunwell was pretty overturned compared to anything ever released back in the days / right now. Probably Yogg saron no lights and some other encounters might be about as challenging but besides that almost nothing else in Wotlk will come close to Sunwell difficulty ICC heroic wasn’t considered hard either.

Its good that we scale it all up a lil aslong its getting tuned properly of course. For example SoM MC/BWL being harder than AQ40 is not correct tuning.

Overall super excited good stuff happy to hear they are tuning it a little!

Many of us want transmogrification for WotLK, it would only embellish the game, at the limit if some really don’t want it for a reason x or y, it would be enough to create a feature in the game options to activate or deactivate the character transmogrification visual. That way everyone would be happy!
And if not I still do not understand the interest of not wanting to put the LFG, for the social links? It’s sure that spending 20 minutes minimum to find a group to end up saying only “Hi” and “Goodbye”, and not to mention class discrimination… You’re not meta, I don’t take you in the group… It’s sure that it’s better for social ties…

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I’m not saying that I don’t welcome these changes.

I found it hilarious that they have to wrap it and burrow it under a massive wall of text containing ideology principles and it’s mega-unclear what the actual changes are. Unless you legit proof-read line-by-line.

No summary, no trumpets. Just a lot of chatter. To me this entire post sounds as politicians. Plenty of talks, but deeds?

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During TBC announcement they had their granny talk about boost and how great it is. She is still there and likely soon will talk how everything is splendid and wonderful when showcasing WoTLK editions and it boosts and monetized services.

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Unless they change what the vendor sells, only two T7 tokens can be bought with emblems - the others are raid drop only. Same thing with T8. It’s only T9 and T10 that can be bought via emblems. And even then, only T10 is fully upgradeable. T9 items aren’t upgradeable - meaning that, if you spent EoT to buy the iLvl 232 version, and you got a token from ToC25, you’ll still need to pay more EoT to buy the iLvl 245 version. And the iLvl 258 version can only be obtained from the regalia that drop from the ToGC25 Tribute to Insanity.

You can buy T7 tokens (Heroes) with Emblems of Heroism. Gloves token for 60 EoH and Chest token for 80 EoH.

And you can buy T7,5 tokens (Valorous) with Emblems of Valor. Shoulder token for 60 EoV and Legs token for 75 EoV.

T7 and T7,5 set bonus is shared so with Emblem of Valor dropping from start, you can really finish your set bonus with emblems only. Unless they remove EoV vendor in P1, but why would they make EoV dropping from start in the first place, if we had no place to spend them :smile:

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Make it HvH so people could win trade and grab rewards ASAP, just like arranged rotations of ruins in Hellfire peninsula or towers near Bone wastes in Terrokar forest. If players or Blizzard wanted a fair fight HvH would never had existed and mirror racials and population limits around 45:55 would be introduced long ago to prevent rising of mono faction Megaservers.

Don’t be dramatic. I played original Wrath (since I started playing WoW in May 2005) and I would be super hyped if they released new patch of Azjol-Nerub zone+raid instead of two 5ppl instances they had to downscale to because of lack of time and financing during Wrath development.
wowwiki-archive.fandom. com/wiki/Azjol-Nerub

I wish we never had ToC to begin with.

Wrath is a roller-coaster with fantastic and underwhelming content releases taking turns, as if two teams: a primary workhorses team and filler content second team worked on it.

Same happened with Draenor as main team leading devs were taken to Overwatch development and content was cut from WoD.

Introducing the emblem consolidation that happened in patch 3.2 is a good move. I mean it’s kind of expected since we are playing on patch 3.3.5+, or 3.4 as they call it. So obviously ui systems and gameplay optimization from that patch should be in from the start (talents, glyphs, abilities, dungeon finder lol).
In a vaccuum, bumping up Naxx 2.0 slightly in difficulty would be a good idea, I think it really should be on the level of Malygos and Sarth with maybe one drake, and Kelthuzad 25 even as hard as Sarth 3 drakes (which was actually no mean feat in dungeon blues, let me tell you that). I don’t think I’ve ever done it sober back then, yet I somehow got immortal achievements by accident.
The problem is, I do not trust Blizzard to get it right. Yeah, bumping HP pools by 50% or more will force players to actually do the mechanics, but I am almost certain something will go wrong somewhere and some unexpected boss like Gothic or Loatheb or Gluth zombies will become nigh-unkillable without BiS composition in BiS gear and Hero/Time stop rotation on BiS dps group.
Bumping heroics dungeons in difficulty is yet another can of worms. Without RDF hardly anyone will even run anything other than daily hc. And if they are even harder? The meta will already be to do the achievements in every run (much like every ZA is bear run) and with added hard modes? Why would anybody other than Guild hand picked achievement group ever enter a heroic if they can just form a Sarth 10 or Naxx 10 group what will probably be easier AND give Valor emblems for guaranteed phat vendor gear.
I am telling you now, with these changes, Wrath heroics are dead on arrival.

I appreciate the sentiment, but the biggest issue here is buffing dungeon loot. This will, categorically, lead to paid boosting in dungeon groups.

Each time a new tier is released, increase the item drop rate from older raid tiers. This makes gearing up new players faster and does it by encouraging them to raid and learn mechanics.

Assuming people want to learn. Also in TBC older raids die while current raid guilds and pugs require some level of gear. WoTLK has it better as dungeons and 10 shoul be more accessible in such cases.

Jesus people here are over-reacting like crazy without even reading.

During WOTLK blizzard was throwing s**t left and right on the walls to see what sticks. With every raid tier they were trying to introduce something new to see what works and what doesn’t etc.

They are simply consolidating on ideas that were the best and sticking through expansion.

I don’t mind harder raids. Not at all, I even love it when raids are hard that not everyone can clear them. Give me them challenges. But this is the funny part. Blizzard doesn’t do this to make the raids harder so players have more fun… no, not at all.

This is to promote GDKP. They need these bots working to grind gold= more bot subs and players who will stay subbed cause they can buy the loot, which motivates them to stay and not quit the game. Also buying tokens and trading between retail and classic is what people do. So basically harder raids= more money for blizz

Then why would they remove Dungeon Finder? It’s clear they have no idea what they’re doing and trying to make a new season of mastery at the cost of wotlk classic.


I do not understand this as well. RDF hasn’t changed WoW as most people claim it did but here we are.

More bots =/= more sub money.
If bot’s flood the game (like it does now) and GDKP becomes the norm (like it is now) then the players that don’t participate in RMT get pushed out (like it happened now).


That is what im saying

Pour une meilleur expérience de WOLTK , il suffit juste d’interdire les GDKP qui ruine le jeu et de BAN les personnes qui achète des golds sur internet ou directement IG comme sur mon serveur Auberdine . Il y’a juste ça a faire et le jeu sera parfait …

Pst, Bridoumage, I think it is not allowed to useany other language than English in the English forum (Translation to bad French: Ces’t interdit (je pense) d’ecrire une autre langue que l’anglais dans le forum nglais)

me and my old WotLK memory