Developer Update: A Look at What’s Ahead for Wrath of the Lich King Classic

Still fighting the good fight

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Bring back the random dungeon tool :frowning:
I don’t want to waste 2 hrs every day traveling to the dungeons with my characters.

Nice. making things a bit more challenging is a good touch. Maybe this time we can not 5 DPS or 4dps 1 Healer all the heroics in under 5minutes.

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Nоbody cares of what you say. Try harder so that at least someone hears you.

You wont clear anything but naxx with that attitude.

Give this version of Wotlk half a year and ppl will en masse go back to kinky servers…which is sad.

clap ,

blizzard dev´s : I have an idea ! , for TBC classic beta we invited the streamers 1 st to test the game and then much much later we invited others and we got a massive backlash … lets do that AGAIN for WoTLK Beta because these Private server monkey´s know what they are talking about…

Streamer: doh ? what , proc rate on X spell is wrong because i tested it 3 times and it didnt proc with 30% proc chance!!!

Person with 10% brain capacity: Doh dude its 30% chance on EACH hit so if you are unlucky you might roll a 1 everytime on ur D12 dice ! so no proc for you ! /unsub :wink:

Stop catering to the clueless pls

I would also like to mention …

classic is actually easy, people only sucked back then … visit classic realm theres like 1-2 guilds that actually cleared naxx rest are progressing scholomance …

tbc is super easy, they dont need nerf raids … people are wiping on grull with t6 geared raids and “progressing muru” few weeks before end of tbc is badge of skill for tbc guilds …

Cant wait for “naxx easier than tbc raids” runs that need whole day to clear single wing …

Most “actually good people” wont give a damn about buffs and oneshot it on release … rest of people will either struggle with raids or want the game as it originally was …

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:smiley: I will enjoy wotlk with these changes even more now that i know people like you can’t stand what blizzard is doing


I love the WOTLK’s #SomeChanges. :slight_smile:


TL;DR - Summary

  • Emblems of Valor drops from raids at launch
  • Health and damage increased from monsters in Naxxramas

This is not surprising, because people like you have no taste, nor self-respect, nor demanding. You will eat whatever your owner puts in your food bowl. You should not have to brag about it, but who cares.

:smiley: is that you jeff ross?

For a moment I read “at lunch” instead of “at launch” and I was like “But I mostly raid in the evening”

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Next time, dont mention. Stay quiet.

Old Naxxramas wasn’t clear by many partially becuase it was hard, but other factors like TBC being around the corner, the roster requierments and people generally being burned out are a few. It was admittedly hard for it’s time and in context to other raids in Vanilla.

Old Muru was also considered hard. Nobody has ever at any point said that pre-nerf Muru would be a headroll for most guilds.

However, Naxxramas that came in WOTLK was never at any point in time - back then included - considered a challenge or difficult.

Your argument is mixing different things and makes no sence or point, yet you try to paste on a narrative that people underestimated old Naxx (which they didn’t as a majority of guilds cleared it in Classic - even “real” PUGs, not the pseudo guild ones), that people underestimated Muru (which nobody did as they knew he would be the hardest boss in there and perhaps in whole TBC Classic) and that therefor people now are underestimating Naxxramas in WOTLK.

So please, dont mention.


So for some reference, there were 21354 guilds on logs that cleared Classic Naxxramas - and thats only the people who used logs. Thats over 428 pages of guilds who cleared it. Yet according to your post it was 2 per server? Get real.

This is great actually. It means that we are able to get t7 4-set bonus just with emblems which is in-line with latest wotlk system for t9 and t10. Was so sick of TBC system already, where despite all your efforts your only option to get 4-set bonus was luck on roll, befriending a responsible person from LC or swipe your card.

Sorry guys, spent the past two years coding new abilities for MC, BWL and AQ for 1% of the playerbase lost on SoM. You’re just getting an HP buff on all Naxx 25 bosses
We don’t have time to retune WotLK, the 4 SoM guilds need new Twins mechanics

So everyone else should adapt themselves to a casual guild only raiding 10 man that can’t even clear naxx10, OS10 and EOE10 in one night? Come on, stop being so self-centered and just play the game

some interesting things, no doubt.

But please explain to me (in hindsight you dont have to, i see the dollar signs in your eyes) why boosting by other players with ingame currency is bad and effectively removing it all together, but gdkps are pretty much accepted standard. So, in a way you tolerate botting and gold buying. Gold buying is what is ruining the game. GDKPs wouldnt even be so bad. ppl who invested time and farmed/economy’ed th game will have gold to spend on gdkps. but you cant tell me so many ppl have 2 goldcaps to spend on raids.

Fresh Servers will be an interesting playing field to see how well/better you respond to botting or how rampant its going to be on those servers.

Or if its true that you yourself went on to become goldsellers (if the data mined wow token in wrath is to believed).

If you pull a bait & switch in wrath like you did in immoral, its likely blizzarD/activision has lost its last good will with the community

Now start perma banning the goldbuyers and sellers aswel!! Thank you :heart:

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