Devilsaur mafia? Time to put end to the pserver madness

40 is not enough lol. We are capable of grouping up 80 + players and getting them to crater in 10- 15 mins at pretty much any time of the day (except maybe early morning)

Ur most likely playing on a dead irrelevent server though

You should add that to your resume.Very impressive.

Idgaf im done with crater, made a few thousand gold from it

Cross faction collusion. That’s not massive open world pvp. That’s your own faction helping the opposite faction with your location, even as ghost. Thats a mafia that are helped by the opposite faction to gank their own faction and ignore them so they can farm. Its both factions colluding so they can dominate as a mafia to get monopoly of some areas and world bosses.

But its ok. I dont blame you guys for being ignorant about this. Its only an issue on some few realms and most people doesnt even notice it.

Because its one of those cases where you take your video games way to serious.And its a small part.

But if you are “done” how come you wrote your previous post as you are still part of it?If your are done then it also proves its just couple of guys 20-30 reaching a consense where they farm them and sell them for a specific price.
And just go with your posts,if you are done then other people will be tired/done with it too.People will get bored of it…or the money really isnt that good for all those people.
Surprise there hasnt been a whistleblower regarding all of this,so at least the story is in some part feasible.But keeping “100” of guys silenet is just yea,not buying into all of this.Drama is bound to happen at certain time be that for suspicion or competition,like it happens with any 40man raid guilds.Someone will at some point feel left out for there cut or something and will have prnt screens.

Do I take the game to serious when me as a casual player is affected by and inform about a super hardcore cross faction mafia that dominates on the realm I left? Or what do you mean?

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I am talking about this “conspiracy” regarding realm gold manipulation by holding a monopoly over 1 item.That somehow involves 100s of people and nobady feels left out to whistleblow the whole thing.Not specifically you.

I am not saying they arent earning some gold,just that its not a big thing as some people would like to believe,same as with the “layer hopers” abuser over blacklotus and devisoul we had at the start of Classic,and blizzard had to come in with offical Blue to tell people to chill.

I dont blame you for being ignorant but please educate yourself about this issue. There are a lot if info available. Google info about the mafia on Nostalrius. I have seen this exact same thing for years.

I really dont care.

You care enough to post ignorant comments here though. Why not try and learn something instead? Its kinda impressive what they are doing.

Then join them and be done with it.As it is now its just “speculation” regarding how they earn work,as i said people are bound to be left out of the deal and start talking if its that “big” people wise and gold wise.

Imagine being that person whose wastes his lifetime roaming around in un’goro, following Devilsaurs 24/7 just to grief players not-of-the-mafia who try to kill and skin it.

Sounds very realistic.

Time to put an end to the fake news.

Cross Faction Collusion is not allowed in our guild. It goes against everything we stand for; Faction war

So we just moved realm. I will never cross faction collude, I hate that.

I recommend anyone who care to read up on the Nostalrius Devilsaur mafia. This is what they are doing on Firemaw. A copy adjusted for layering.

I play on Zandalar. Big healthy population there.

So it’s a PVP problem. Then Blizzard won’t do anything about it. You can put together a bigger group and go take them out.

there is no maffia stop being so damn gullible. It’s just something some youtuber brought up and it’s completely fictional. there’s never any footage to back it up, in an age where twitch comes stock on any gaming device.

it’s plain, devilsaur is a rare material for serveral BIS items so there’s a lot of competition because it’s very profitable. It was like this in vanilla, on private servers and today in classic. It’s just healthy market behavior.

damn kids take everything the internet tells them for fact at face value

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