Devs trolling?

OOOOOH NOOOO!!! fel rush only 2 charges??? HOLY MOLY WHAT ARE POOR DHS EVEN SUPPOSED TO DO NOW!!! How are they going to catch up to that extremely mobile dk/priest/paladin/warlock/shaman/hunter???

DK: death’s advance for 10 secs of 35% movement speed bonus on a 45 sec cd, nothing else

Priest: literally 0 baseline mobility, can talent into body&soul for a 3 sec sprint when they use their defensive ability, nothing else

Paladin: 3 sec horsie on a 45 sec cd, nothing else

warlock: circle teleport on a 1 min cd, nothing else

shaman: ghostwolf for 30% movement speed, literally need 10 seconds of uninterupted straight line running to create a distance of 15 yards between you and a person running normally, nothing else

hunter: disengage, cheetah on a 3 min cd

How are the poor DHs going to compete with those, when they have ONLY 2 fel rush charges on top of their disengage + 40yd leap meta + felblade that resets its cooldown randomly???

I said 3 charges because if you start your DASH ROTATION (yes, thats a thing, DHs have so many dashes they literally have a dash priority list to rotate them optimally) with fel rush, by the time you run out of other dash abilities, another charge has filled so you can use it a 3rd time in the same cycle.

As I said earlier, it’s impossible to tell who is being serious and who is trolling in this meme goldmine that are the DH forums. Never change DH forums, never change.

Problems lies in the fact that others classes vs dh get some kind of gap opener plus kite potential with slows, roots… etc. we got really good mobility, using it for dmg isn’t good because we need it to reach targets AND get away, since we are like enh without heals we badly need it for surviving. Now, 1vs1 it’s hard to stay on target, if they can slow you, stun you or root you it becomes really hard, even with all of this. Escaping is no problem, I’ll give you that.
Ps: also, apart in 1vs1 scenario you just don’t use meta to gap close just because, you need to use it wisely… or to run away and survive

You are 1750 all-time high. Why do you even comment in this section when clearly you dont understand anything connected to PvP?

uh sorry my bad, at what rating exactly do you start noticing that DHs have no mobility? Because thats what we’ve been arguing here with my fellow pvp experts. When I mention a class with low mobility, DH is the first class that comes to mind, largely due to one of their 4 dash abilities having ONLY 2 charges instead of 3.
Sorry, my 1750 brain can’t quite grasp those advanced concepts yet, and believes that having a dash with 2 charges on a 10 sec recharge, a disengage, a 40 yard leap, and a charge that autoresets its cooldown, is a lot of mobility. I hope one day I’ll reach 2k and realize how crippled DH feels compared to those mobility monsters named priest and warlock and dk

When you get down to business…

DH Mobility is supposed to be our defence, however we aren’t as mobile as you think…

Have you looked at Mage/ Sub Rogue & Monk mobility… The amount of gap closers isn’t far from a DH so we aren’t that unique in mobility… Then the second question is, have you seen what happens when a DH mobilty is on CD? We get slammed, Meta leech isn’t that strong anymore so we can’t try to fight for health.

Shroud of darkness is a strong ability, but it really sucks having to stand still in a cloud of smoke (Not very mobile) + We’re basically forced to take shroud as a legendary aswell that auto procs at 35% hp. It’s not ideal having to nearly reach a death state just to stand still for protection… It’s counter intuitive… (personally I would fix this by giving us something like - 40% damage reduction that clouds you and allies in 5 yards for 6 seconds).

Blur is ok… But pointless when you get stunned through it and hit in the back by a rogue/retri or warrior…

We can take Nether walk, but then sacrifice all Leech completely since it’s on the same talent row as Meta leech.

Overall the mobility is ok… But we are not the most mobile class by a large margin.
But like any class… If you leave them sat on your face then you’re going to have a bad time!

Maybe you just need someone to put a little bit of damage on a DH and then you can witness what his mobility is really like… It’s a survival tool since the rest of the toolkit is underwhelming. (Also, Mortal Strike being used on Fel Rush?! Wheres the sense in that, we need the dash to escape this expansion not for kill potential).

Remember guys, make sure to flag the posts of trolls so they get a nice timeout.

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In my honest opinion devs really dont know what to do with dh in rush/momentum vs rush/demonic styles for dh.

Like they want do make rush a part of rotation but they are afraid of refunding a charge on VR or on any other skill. They are also afraid to implement momentum as a defining dh skill cause a very large amount of ppl makes a big fuss over it. So basically we get stuck with what we have. Half finished out of ideas class or lack of courage to finish class like they want it to look.

Maybe the solution is to get rid of all of the movement based dmg/ms from havoc and transfer it to new ranged spec for dhs that would implement a better solution for fel rush as a dmg buff or some such. :man_shrugging:

Or they could just make a spec around momentum making it mastery and design it around this, and fix havoc on the same line with demonic. In the end the objection for it being too op it’s just numerical, you can change the scaling and duration for both… there you go, third spec and havoc total chaos fixed.
Want to be some kind of anime class? There you go with momentum killing things dashing trough it, wanna be a frigging awesome demon? There you go.
This class has just to much awesomeness potential not utilized…

would be awesome, but the moment you make momentum op like arms is now over fury or mm over bm, youll get massive riots like you always get as soon as someone mentions momentum as top talent pick.

Proven by Avade/Kibs interview on Sloot twitch stream before SL released. They mention momentum, 70% of dhs go “boooo momentum should have never been a playstyle”, “booo ill quit the gameif momentum is better than demonic”, “who the hell ties movement withdmg its such a bad design!!” etc etc etc

its kind of funny actually, since on legion beta fel rush had like a global cd and ppl were constantly dashing.

anyways, i suggested ranged momentum case think it would get rid of the crying since its not the same as having two of the “same” specs, but ehh im prolly wrong, wed end up like hunters surv vs mm or surv vs bm or ele vs enhance anywho

but yeah would love if they separate demonic from momo

I’d just a numerical problem, they can adjust scaling and dmg whenever they want. What I learnt is that a lot of dh enjoy that playstyle… they are just not vocal about it. plus we DO lack a third spec, why not take the chance? Imagine a dual wield fel samurai that rush trough people cutting them down… never to stop! Building this AROUND momentum. awesome fantasy, and again for demonic would be the same, just imagine a REAL demon that actually scares people when triggered, incenerating and splitting everything that stands in your way. Just awesome. not like now when I pop meta and they don’t even care. Finally we could rid ourselves of the stigma 1buttonloll2p4realhahhaanooob

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No? At least during BFA we weren’t doing that at all.

m8 id love for blizz to get their heads out of their arsesahm i mean sand, and make momentum truly viable with 100% fury gen on DB, maybe reduced cd on vr that refunds fel blade which also can give momentum stack and is baseline or something. Getting bloodlet back or we steal chaos bolt from locks and make it instant cast if build enough charges or something :smiley: :smiley: … hope dies last right :smiley:

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:frowning: u already got meta from us and now chaos bolt to?

A job is well done if done completely :rofl:

Momentum in PVE will never be viable because we use all the mobility to avoid mechanics.
Immagine a momentum build on bosses like sludgefist, you’ll be doing half your dps.

But i can see the potential in the PVP scenario. Like others said above it’s time to deliver a 3rd spec and split the 2 fighting styles.

Yea, demon hunting centered around momentum and demonic hunter centered around meta kinda like specs.

When you reach 2k+ some day i think you will see another monster there Flighing around and doing insane dmg but it will not be some dh then you will realize the difference in mobility and dmg combine in one class

Problem with momentum for me mainly is that its glumsy. Easy to kill yourself with that. Also blizzard isnt going to make their game around our momentum build. At the moment there are boss fights in the raid you wouldnt be able to use momentum without killing yourself and others. Some dungeons would be horrible to play with momentum build. That is my main issue with it. Also the fact that 9/10 times i fel rush too far and i have to back down to the target. I just personally find it super glumsy and not enjoyable build.

rooofl, if you need ALL of the MOBILITY of a havoc DH to avoid mechanics than i dunno which game are you playing, cause it ain’t WoW, or maybe it is WoW but its prolly you daydreaming.

And I’m sorry to say this but if you need all of your mobility to avoid mechanics than dude you’re playing this class wrong.

2xfelrush on 10 sec recharge per charge, vr on 25 sec cd, neatherwalk on top of extra movement provided by mastery…lemme try and quote Avade: “the argument of using dhs abilities to “dodge” mechanics is nothing more than pure laziness. Not a single wow raid boss mechanic or dungeon mechanic has been made around fel rush.”

I do wonder how half of the classes even survive the encounters. Sudgefist is like what 1 boss in like 50 other bosses that are not optimal for momentum. Hell there’s even more bosses that are not optimal on mythic for sure. But somehow some ppl make it work.

Theres a difference in saying “i hate momentum”, “i cant play momentum”, “i like just standing near bosses behind with my 2x felrushes, 1xVR, 1xNeatherwalk and pummel the boss cause my gameplay exp is centered around details”. Its something totally different to arrogantly and all knowingly proclaim a BS statement that momentum will never be viable for pve cause you are too lazy to react on a WA that’s screaming 10 sec before the mechanic will happen that a mechanic will happen.

Momentum is viable even now, its not optimal. It requires a lot more awareness and effort to pull, and if you mess up, your dps is nowhere to be seen, if you even survive your mistake. But again thats l2p issue not build issue. Hence what Laserbeam is saying, a separate momentum spec would be a great addition to the class, either as melee or ranged. So ppl that hate the talent dont even have to consider using it and rest of us that want something different can play something different.


Do i have to really elaborate my sentence?
What i meant is that escape abilities are usually kept for the occasional “oh Sh*t” moments and baking those skills in your rotations feels (at least for me) quite unnatural.
It’s like forcing a mage to use blink on cooldown to improve the dps. Or force a rogue to run away from the boss and then use shadowstep.

Like I said, i’m all for a new spec centered around momentum. It has the potential to be a very unique spec. I just find that type of playstyle better in pvp.

Meanwhile I hope they’ll fix our ST damage, because is garbage right now.