Devs trolling?

i support your hope of fixing dhs st too. and ill add that they give us a bit of our def back.

yes i totally understand momentum is not for everyone, i just hate the absolute statements that something isnt viable just cause the playstyle doesnt suit you or you dont do enough dps. Dont get me wrong, i suck at momentum, killed a few guildies with it on sludge the first time we progressed (good times :smiley: :smiley: :D), but for me its really fun to play. And since im not hardcore i have that option :wink:

but unfortunately think blizz decided this exp, or at least this tier, we will stay like we are.

lets hope 9.1 changes that

Renewing Mist
Cost changed from 2.2% of base mana to 2.1% of base mana

You know, your post and your name totally expresse your disappointment :rofl: anyway, I support what kiyanni said. Momentum it’s just l2p, and I hate it quite a bit… BUT having a spec around it could make it easier to play and fun too. Also the new momo could satisfy the craving of fellow Dh’s who want a more difficult and rewarding spec. I also feel that in pvp could be good. I Would still be demonic tho.

Well you’re still better than me. I tried momentum on a dummy and couldn’t even position properly there, let alone raids :laughing:

Anyway i just hope for a ST buff that puts us in the middle of the pack because up to now we’re at the very bottom of the barrel (at least class wise).

oooh you cant do momentum on a dummy, its awkward cause dummy has a really small hitbox. Bosses have huge boxes so you can just dash like " \O/ ". O -> is the boss and / are directions from a spot behind a boss…you can also like _ but you’ll prolly get out of melee range so you’ll stop autoatking.

I dunno, I hope they buff us but I’m kinda afraid they are doing this on purpose for whatever reason

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