DH and fury damage nerfs when?

Dark Pact is useless after 5 minutes into the round as the shield it provides scales down with dampening.

Aside from Aff; Demo’s and Dest’s healing is on par with the likes of Rogues and thats not really much tbh. Not gonna touch to circle, mortal and gateway. We can count utility tools for all classes. DH for example has imprison, 1 ST, 1 AoE stun, pretty much limitless mobility, fly up against melee cleave and what not.

I also don’t agree with Demo’s “strong cc”. It has a stun on 30 sec cooldown, another stun on 2 minute cooldown and coil on 45 second cooldown. That isn’t really an insane difference with mages that can DB, Nova, Ring, Blast. Or say an Outlaw, or a Sub that can literally cross cc your entire team.

It is though, of course, good control when its compared to say Ele.

Also; all the solid Lock players are playing Aff, despite the weird hype about Demo. Maldiva, Dakkroth, Fear, Gelewu. The only one I know that has high rating and plays Demo is Chãn. Who is, expectedly, getting farmed by RMX and will one day murder Whazz in RL (ikr, rofl).


this needs hella lot of upvotes.

The weird thing about DH these days is that they got so much CC (easy to use ontop) - why? But I prefer facing a DH over a fury atleast they can die - fury somehow tops himself while the healer is cced.

But the top casters cleaves are super annoying to face aswell - like shadowplay - both demo and spriests are insane tanky and you are cced half the game while you get blasted.

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they should nerf dh alone for the fact that all of them cried on forums that they were going to be D tier

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My problem with demo is not the tankiness or the dmg, this spec is just so toxic to play against because of its obnoxious amount of cc.

The fact that demo doesnt die and and can basically go afk while pets do the rest is just the cherry on top of a spec that should be pruned from the game.

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Mind explaining me in your glorious knowledge which CC is hard to get off? You mean hardcasted Cyclones on my Feral that matter zero if kicked because Nature School is irrelevant unless you need to offheal? And even then a kick off on one of the DPS is usually a good trade off?

Also, just stop. DH CC changed by one 90s CD, thats all. Im glad you think pressing Stormbolt or Blind is more “skillful” though or harder to use.

Demos strong CC comes in the form of unable to be stopped. Crazy that you dont understood this as a Warlock player. You doing a go on the enemy demo? He can just Axe Toss while Stunned. Ontop of Dark Pact and Unending Resolve. No class should be able to do that so easily.

Glad you mention DH Fly which absolutely no one picks since BfA anymore since they all just onetap ur teammates while youre helpless in the air for 6 seconds.

As for Afflic being more played: yeah, what a surprise, the 50k rot spec with 100k dispells is more popular rn from the fotm r1 players that abuse whats best to get their Glad. That totally makes Demo less good.

Doesnt change that all Warlock specs are the best caster specs in the Game with Spriest. Or what comes close? Ele? Balance? Mage? Yeah right.

go and watch better players play against what you’re complaining about is a bad mentality? ok let’s keep making changes for all the noobs that can’t play the 1 class they’ve played for years :rofl:

and what would watching those people do for you? it will teach you something you didn’t know

Feral isnt playing cyclone in most games anyways with the current druid talent tree you need to give up 4 points to get it - just look at the r1 ferals. You just play it in certain comps vs certain MUs.

DH has a ranged instant CC on the healer - you dont need to run on the healer to stun - I dont think DH would have needed the AoE fear ontop - DH shouldnt be one of the more CC heavy classes - you cant have everything - good cleave, strong passive selfhealing, good CC, insane mobility, strong defensives, healdebuff.


No caster can compete with a Demo Locks CC pal what on Earth are you smoking :rofl:

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His post was one of the silliest I’ve read on this forum.

Essentially “dont watch good players handle the Game differently than you”

If more people did what you suggested we would gave a lot less threads from Challengers on this Arena section.

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‘i died without pressing my buttons or pressed them wrong and got punished. wahhhhh’ :rofl: :rofl:

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Which has what to do with my statement? You said DH CC is easy to get off, all CC is easy to get off. You said DH has a lot of CC, they only gained one (!) CC since Legion.

Stormbolt? Blind? All spammable CC’s like Cyclone, Fear, Sheep, Hex?

Also people complain about DH not having any depth or being so easy. Blizzard tries to change it by giving them skillful pre-emptively used mechanics like Vengeful Retreat dodge. People cry hard. People cry DH can Metaleap your spells. All of that is skillful gameplay expression. :slight_smile:

Thats correct. Only Shadow Priest and Rogue has everything. Out of what you listed, DH doesnt really have strong passive selfheal anymore and they are squishy as hell when Blur is on cooldown.

Dark pact already feels hot garbage, and thanks to the cry babies during pre-patch, demo will now have a 1 minute kick cd xD

Was the spammable fears, 2 axe tosses, coil/AOE fear, shadowfury and a 24 sec cd interrupt not enough for you? :smiley:

Didn’t blizzard literally say themselves that demo has too much cc :face_vomiting:

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Not sure if Spriest has good mobility - ye with the recent DH changes they are decent target to focus now.

Yes it does

And they say DH players are biased. Look at Warlocks.

Yeah I’m sure if you opened the Oxford dictionary and looked under ‘biased’ or ‘delusional’ you’d see names like Inagony, Blacklock, Naze and Bloodlock. There was some other Undead clown lock as well. Warlock and DK players are something else.

:skull: :skull:

That’s weird, because they also said they wanted warlocks to be a tanky caster with low mobility. Seems like they’re taking back their word.

A wise man once said “We’d rather you didn’t play demonology”

Imagine believing Blizzard know what they’re doing when it comes to Demo.

If they had any ounce of a clue, they would completely gut this demon army summoning fantasy, and focus on only summoning 4 powerful demons or simply revert it back to MoP/WoD.