Dh and the class changes in Shadowlands

salt cleave to collect salt fragments and heal


DH is in a really good place tbh. They don’t need to add a load of pointless fluff just because other classes are being de-pruned.

Minimal changes would suit me.

Maybe just replace the essences with 1 new active ability that performs a comparable function. That’ll do.

A game that I use real money on.

I ain’t mad lol I just don’t care about bfa anymore

i want my artifact wep ability return

Glad i’m not the only one. After having bumped into seeing how Gluttony + Vision worked in m+ and casual raiding, I went to just drop my BrM to try something I left behind since start of BFA.

I am too fearful of VDH when Vision goes away…

Dh have Always been very dependant on the rented power Indeed.

Being a melee class but not having a slow feels really off to me.

If DH gets a slow then ret pally and DK should be getting double dashes.

Throw Glaive + Master of the Glaive. DH has slow.

Then you lose your stun. Nova can be dispelled. A slow shouldn’t be a talent. It should be baseline.

Go reroll a non broken class noobs

Then you lose a stun.

You still have Imprison and Chaos Nova.

Anyone slowed by Master of the Glaive is not going to escape a class that moves as fast as a Demon Hunter with Fel Rush.

Both dispellable and on a very high cooldown.

Yeah they will, they just use a root.

Unbelieveable guys, they just use a root. Who knew.

It’s weird when a warlock QQs once again as it has been in previous years. Warlocks do literally top damage along with mages both in raids, also if you are non-retarded, mythic+. Yeah, sure, DHs, rogues, huntards, etc, they all pump in general more damage than warlocks, but a warlock who knows his class can make them look like little kids doing small-scale numbers. I’ve seen that happen more than once.

So why is a warlock once again QQ-ing about other classes being op when in arenas you can hit me with 1 chaos bolt and 75% of my health will be transferred to the twisting nether.

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Well, as a DH, you can actually flee that warlock, since warlock can’t follow ya. Once his burst is over, you can dash-in meta and bully him.

Warlock top damages ? Let me correct. Destro is. Not Affliction nor Demo. Since we’re play spec, it sucks to being told that “Class is op” whereas we no longer play a class.

Oh wow I never knew Demonology could use chaosbolt :open_mouth:

Just proving how low IQ the average dh is. You assume every warlock plays destro unlike you I don’t play broken specs :wink:

Lol, you judge my IQ just because I was talking about Destruction spec of warlocks?

You proved yourself to be low IQ when you actually use such an argument against me when I was clearly speaking of Destruction and I clearly do not give a flying fck which spec you play.

You have some mental and intellectual issues there mate, but don’t lash out against random people on the internet like that, it’s very pathetic.

“You are low IQ because u assume blah-blah-blah.”
Let me use that against you. You are low IQ because you assume someone is low IQ because of a comment on a thread, that you previously whined on. How pathetic is that even?

Also imagine judging people’s IQ based on what class they would like to play. 2020 is definitely the peak of stupidity