A few of us were just doing call to arms in world pvp, solo DH came along, 8+ of us hitting them and their health did not go down even 1%, stayed at 100% the whole time for minutes… insane tanking but weird thing is they also had insane damage ripping through our tanks like they were paper, all with insane mobility. The damage being insane I can understand but the insane health sustain at 100% for minutes I don’t get with that much mobility?
Am I missing something new with DH’s or is this some kind of exploit? Never seen a demon hunter stay at 100% hp constant with 5+ players bashing on them before, never mind 8+…
In the end they just ran off and vanished after killing a few. There was no healer around either.
I can admit those bastards are a nightmare to kill. Usually an unholy dk or an assassination rogue can manage it by reducing their healing and hitting with alot of damage. I tend to use my rogue and dot them a ton while keeping them silenced and stunned as much as I can. However they’re still a severe pain in the backside to deal with, somehow they’re harder to kill a paladin with all their CH’s and bubbles Xb
Was it during an invasion as well? Just asking because on some of them there are these orbs you can pick up that buff you up insanely. I personally witnessed a prot paladin obliterating like 10+ enemy players at the same time in Nazmir (during invasion) while having this buff. Maybe the DH had one of those.
Yes, those orbs are insane, 1 v 3-5 is very easy if there is no healer among them, if there is a healer 1v3 is still a breeze. Too bad that no matter how you avoid killing mobs for quest, it’s completion is inevitable, and orb is no longer accessible after that.
There is no other item in WPvP that could give additional healing, or immunity for damage from 8+ players for minutes without even 1% dropping. And I never met a DH who could tank 8+ players even in Vengeance spec - all die in those minutes.
Yes, DHs have an OP self-healing considering all their damage, cc, mobility, defensives and utility. But not that much as you describe. There must be something else.
Maybe a buff from some quest, or shield-potion from a zone pick-up, and a minute of it duration felt like “minutes” for you when you were fighting. Because naturally, with only class abilities, what you describe could only happen if all 8+ of you weren’t attacking this DH at all.
Haha, and that makes me very happy, tbh ^^
One supermobile class in enough, even as Arcane to catch up to a DH who knows what they are doing - all my mobility + engineering and it’s still not guaranteed.
I thought DH were boring before but all tools they have actually makes them fun to play. I love DH, as well as Feral, Rogue and Hunter and I wish Blizzard would leave them as they are. Not sure about hunters but the others have mobility and this is what I like.
I have faced them and yeah they have this annoying habbit of having invulnerable frames and good escape ability, give them one not both, same with paladins. Its so annoying when you finaly start to beat one only for them to run away, try that as a warrior and you still die.