DH is Hated?

Pop a defensive and a DH’s healing is reduced to almost 0.

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Not all classes have 50% damage reduction or immunities

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Most have damage reduction or a way to disengage/root and move away.

I can’t think of others apart from Fury, but Fury already has a boatload of armor since you’re Plate.

İts my favourite class as well i dont know thay they are hating that much but they are for sure :slight_smile:

The class is fun for sure and i think more classes should get some sort of fun movement ability in one way or another. Make movement rewarding and you’ll make the game feel rewarding.


I don’t like DH. It’s not because it’s “too easy” or something like that. Sure it has a low skill floor, but so does a looot of classes right now. It’s DH aesthetic. It’s too narrow and edgy. Even worse than DK. With DK you have their past lives. With DH it’s hatred for demons, “super serial face” and “MEH SCARS WHAT HAVE YOU GIFIN”. All that “cooleness” clashes with perception of a noob riddled class (which is understandable - it’s a new class that starts on a really high level - you won’t get a lot of experience with it by 120 compared to others) and by the end feels hella empty. Elf exclusivity doesn’t help. I just can’t make a character that feels right for me. But man they’re a blast to play!


Because it’s simple gameplay that pumps out incredible numbers has spawned a whole “legion” of arrogant players.

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Unskilled players just want to rush in blindly and dps the opposing player just like in a PvE encounter while popping a defensive CD occasionally to make it look like they’re doing some serious HL PvP. Doing that against a DH is suicide, which makes it a noobstomper par excellence, which is hated in all games. It’s also a simple class, as opposed to mages, frost DKs, paladins, BM Hunters and boomkins.

I dont like havoc, becouse of its too much rewarded for litteraly everything what it does. While its toolkit is simply mental for being mobile class. Things like passive leech, magic dmg reduction? Range kick is super strong and easy to do, why is it rewarded too? Aoe/st same thing why? Cc range instant? Stun ofc aoe, dmg cd is also stun? Mana leech pvp ( it was removed from the game for good reason back in time). passive buff, simply passively overpowered toolkit compare to others. Its not cry i am sure Blizzard knows its messed up, i just dont understand how it could ever go on life servers like that , back in days.

I cant imagine unprunned havoc btw :smile:

This guy summed it all up perfectly! When the easiest class is also the strongest, (thus the most populated) it generates anger and frustration! It is only natural.


What does it mean simply mental. It is a game. For some people, the only field where they can prove themselves. As I said clicking 10 buttons instead of 3 to receive same result is more retarded despite that wow fans are thinking that it is super rewarded and they are smart, special and so on.

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I cant be the fan of your vision sorry, and yes thats realy what we are thinking, this makes wow different from the very beginning, thousands of small steps to one great victory. If you dont like it then you are lucky one, becouse of the market is providing a lot of another games for you. There is no secret about Blizzards fans, they are realy often dedicated players.)

Anyway why i disagree more choices = more ways to aprove your goal = smarter gameplay, simple as that.

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Not a good choice of phrase, and although I understand what you were trying to say, I’m not sure that I agree either. Pretty much every class has an optimal rotation, and it doesn’t matter whether it involves 10 buttons or 3, pressing all the buttons in the same order every time is equally simple. The only time skill is involved is when we have to make a choice, in the moment, between 2 or more buttons, and the choice results in a better or worse outcome. Regardless of class, that’s a rare thing.


This should really be all there is to it. If you’re having fun, ignore the masses :man_shrugging:

No, you think it makes wow different. Wow is relatively simple and most of the hardcore MMO fans are not taking it seriously when it comes for a hard and precise not “simple minded” games. Only the wow hardcores think for themselves that they are super smart and good.

Compare wow with Secret world and you will see how wrong you are. As I said before, people tend to think they do great things but at the end of the day press more buttons.

No its realy not easy. its just focusing the difficulty to the very late game phase (content)of the game. WoW is more like user friendly or easy as you say , in way how to get a all (basic) items spells what you need to be able to do that, reasonably, somehow.
But then the difficulty level and responsibility of every member in your group metters a lot, also the matematic in WoW is pretty deep for MMO game. Just go and try to be realy good at something in the game and then say how easy it was …

People are sick of world of elfcraft

As far as I can tell people are jealous of the high DPS.


Let’s see;
-Great sustained dmg and strong burst
-Easy to play
-Strongest defensives in the game next to rogue
-Insane mobility
-Great utility

hmmm i wonder why :joy:


It’s this paired with the fact that despite all of these points, it still feels like a solid 90% of DH players you meet still can’t play the game.