DH is Hated?

The so called mobility doesn’t mean diddly when you get rooted. Seriously, plenty classes can escape a DH. A healer should be able to run around the pillar no problem vs a DH. A class like Monk, Shaman or Druid that have plenty slows AND movement bonuses should be able to kite forever.

That’s even better. “An improvement in mobility that will not screw up pvp balance”.

I mean, fury warriors does not require much skill, but its still twice as hard as dh

That should say something

How do you measure this part “twice as hard” ?

It’s just a random number pulled out of the air, and meaningless. I don’t play havoc much now because I’ve discovered I prefer ranged dps, but I don’t find balance druid harder than havoc DH - different, but not harder.

Yet you see tons of people playing Fury Warrior wrong tho

Lets compare a normal class like feral to DH in arena:

defensives DH

  • absurd leech
  • every 9 sec a 1 sec dodge, that is extremely frustrating if it overlaps with ur stun
  • blur -1min CD
  • great mobility
  • Metamorphsis - 1 sec dodge -“decent self healing”
  • Can just fly in the air and deal great damage spamming 1 button while unattackable to melee - 1min cd

defensive feral

  • great mobility
  • 2* 6sec 50% dmg reduction with 2min cd
  • bear form

Do you DH’s see a small difference here. Ontop of that DH always wins on mana.

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leech and heal are the same.

Yet you ignored druid heals ?

I dont really care whos stronger i play many classes, but making such biased statements only make it look silly hence making your point dismissive instead of something which could be constructive …


From a druid main, Dh’s & Dk’s outheals feral by a ton

Although feral isn’t the worst in terms of self heals, pretty good actually, but its mostly the fact you dont have to do anything for health as dh meanwhile as drood you need to rely on procs if feral, or cast it which can get interrupted 4 times by a dh, the only thing to interrupt a dh is a stun that lasts longer than my will to live or mortal strike and hope you drop the (B word) in 6 secounds

never said whos heals are stronger

what i’m thinking from a casual stand point of view … Druid has potentially 3 specs which have a shoot at competitive pvp lets say arena. Lets leave tank spec for now. DH has one, they screw that one over, it’s done, you cant do pvp there is no alternative.

Druid on the other hand has more, its not ideal, i loved feral for pve world content, but i did some off side healing in arenas, it was strong, it was a healer all great points.

So ye it would be great to have a perfect balance where boomkin feral and other 15 dps classes are perfectly balanced but we all know very well thats impossible.

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Ye but the easiest to play 2v2 class shouldn’t be dominant at the highest MMR in 2s. Yes I forgot feral heals, but they are not near DH leech and need gcds. I just answered to OP why I feel people dislike DH. And I myself dislike facing DH the most. Its just frustrating to play against, if they fly in the air every minute and blur every minute and randomely dodge ur stuns/burst spells.

i see 10 druids
5 dh’s
25 monks

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First of all you should probs reply to me if you want me to see your msges instead of the thread

No but you keep talking like ‘‘Drood cant compleen when drood can heal so mooch’’ when in reality they can put a bandage on their wounds while dhs can auto-regenerate with leech x)

I was responding to the rest, but i am getting too bitter so im saving you the hassle

How many expansions ago did they get rid of bandages?

In my experience, druid healing is far more effective than havoc DH against a single target. Vengeance is a different matter, but since it’s havoc most people seem to complain about…

Fight my Dh! Meet me in boralus in 3 hours!

Oh, you’d beat me because I’m incompetent at PvP. My brain goes, “OMG, it’s another player. Quick! Go hide!”

I dont even know how to play dh

… but im a dh by the end of the day so … :man_shrugging:

I really agree, with that. I used to be a warlock main, all the way back in TBC and Wotlk, came back for some MoP. Warlock was huge fun in MoP, thats a class rework i would like. Druids and Spriests got it good, too.

But since blizz tooks everything away in wod-legion-bfa, i’d rather play DH for fun and giggles until blizz brings back class design.

People call DH gameplay, BS, while in reality the devs of this game dumped him down in BfA, making autattack and passive talents stronger or more efficent than active ones requiring a button to push, while prunning and nerfing other specs of classes to oblivion, played a lot rogue before in wod-legion-bfa and boy did they destroy sub and outlaw, everytime they actually can compete with assassination for a short while. Thats Blizz class design.

Its all on blizz and their lack of vision in regards to class design - bfa remains to be an failed experiment that only worked with legion artifact and class legendaries in mind.

Thats true, but i think people do not like the gameplay of DH currently in BfA, and think its mindless and easy, it might be a bit boring with so many talent made passives and requires merely positioning for high autoattack hits, other than abilties, lets not forget how BfA increased autohit dmg and gave us more GCD fun.

Actually, i wonder where the class design is in this whole expansion, or lets say why blizz did break the fun of the gamplay we had previously, even legion design was not as bad, i mean at least there was no GCD change and high white hits.

The balance talk is utter nonsense, especially the mobility part, many classes are mobile or in the case of a dk have simply more ranged abilities or passive dmg that does not require melee range.

There might be a problem in 2s with healer+leech synergy and mana rift.

But other than that the balance DH is more than fine in pvp, i feel he is much stronger as havoc in pve than pvp, mobs do not run away, do not kite, do not cc, they always stand there they are or use little movement and we get a lot of leech selfheal out of that, if people stop to kite or chain cc, DH i see how that is a problem for them.

doesn’t work in a kidney, slowed by poison, and a pyro cast into your face.

Most people do not understand DH mechancis and how in fact CC is really killing the DH more than most other classes as there is no blink out of stun or lichborn/Ibf and absolutely no heal while kited.

So other than maybe 2s there is no balance issue and 2s was always very unbalanced.

In fact, i dare to say most classes are balanced quite fine, other than essences and void effects, but its a boring unsatisfied gameplay nobody wants. Like people complaining about high autohits by melee too much kicks and mobility while there is chaos bolt and pyro and quite some complain threads about it.

So classes are balanced, but in a pretty dumb way. Its easy to see how balanced dds are in arenas by just watching some dalaran videos over at YT, maybe people that complain are too lazy to watch them? you can see that most classes are balanced every class(other than priest) can win a 5 -0 under arena conditions and dampening. Surving there indeed requires your personal skill as there is no other mates that help you out with obscene amounts of heals and peels.

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every spec has 2-3 buttons rotation