DH is Hated?

a lot. i see DHs with 430 gear and 10k dps in m+

my main is feral and not DH, but i love the fast gameplay from DH.

People hate demon hunters cause they are just jeallous of gliding and meta!
Just transform into demon and show them!

30 seconds is included or less. Immolation and eye beam are as much part as the rest of my rotation.

Don’t forget that if you play demonic appetite, you regenerate 6~7x as much fury and you constantly decrease the cooldown of your eyebeam, making it a lot less than 30 seconds.


Because fighting against them in PvP is like having a prostate exam while doctor wears a boxing gloves wrapped in barbed wire.


good one

than they are afk -_-, I get this dps when i spam only demon bite. tested it :slight_smile:

When i heard they were going to make dh elf-only i started to get disappointed despite the lore. We didnt need an elf-class, there are WAY TOO MANY ELF PLAYERS. What i wanted to see is a class that made other lessplayed races more popular. Like tinkers, anything non-elf/non-human.

Doesnt mean i hate dhs or elves. I am just wishing to see more diversity of races in the game. Kinda sad to see mostly elves everytime i go on a world quest, its like if this game only have elves playable… and i dont think vulperas or mechagnomes will help at all.

Hopefully venthyrs and kyrians are playable in shadowlands, thats the races i think people want to play.

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You have edge lord DH to thank for that. Not to mention the beta night elf Illidan.

Power OR mobility
can’t have both.

yeah pretty much :\

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hunter equivalent of disengage xD

I hate them because they remind me of blizzard’s disgusting class and game design.

A literal 2 button retard class. Also they look disgusting and sound disgusting with all their screaming and jumping. Just doesn’t fit into wow. In Classic you can outplay someone that is bad, in retail you literal can’t, especially if you are facing a backpedaling demon hunter.


Bit late to the party I suppose, but as a warlock main it annoys me that DHs got so many of the class toys that used to belong to warlocks. Our language, our meta…

That said I don’t hate the class, I just wish it hadn’t taken things off other classes when it was made.

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Instead of thinking that we took things from classes, think that we joined in. Then you don’t have to wish things :slight_smile:

I am with you in spirit and would have been very happy if Warlocks and DHs could speak Demonic to each other!

However unfortunately Blizzard thinks ‘joining in’ is a bad idea, so Warlock got some of their class features removed the same patch that DHs were released with them. :frowning: I would love to see them brought back for Locks and retained for DHs though.

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Try play warlock on VM. 0 spells to use. DH is free to go where he wants - and I have both lock and DH 445+. Warlock is vomit on racists level from Blizzard, they only care about their precious DHs which is are also so easy in mythics etc.

Nah monks were not hated but DKs were.

Don’t hate DH. Its a fun class but braindead simple and way to OP. Anyone can look like a good pvper on a DH but in all honesty, it’s a zero effort class that should only get half the honor and conquest any other class gets.

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Reading this thread really puts a smile on my face. Seeing people getting triggered because someone chose to play a class they simply enjoy is really amusing.
On top of that, people REALLY think their classes require a lot of skill to do moderate damage in BfA.
Thanks everyone for making me smile while reading all of these comments.


Hero classes have always been hated on. Ignore it. DH is a fun class.

How easy/difficult a class is should not affect how effective they are at the skill cap. Optimal balancing would have all classes performing equally in higher levels of play, regardless of how difficult they are.