DH mobility - The mobility is killing the fun for everyone else

Blizzard might be happy with how many plays DH these days. We see them everywhere. Every BG, at least 30% is DH. Every M+, at least 1 DH. Wow. This class must be really well designed huh?

Or maybe everyone else quit playing due to this dumb spec having the best life steal, best mobility and best aoe in the game.

It’s really fun to play WSG and have an enemy DH fly half the map away from you in 4 seconds with the flag.

It’s really fun to play a Unholy DK in a dungeon and seeing that DH do better AoE dmg, better single target dmg and have 1000% more mobility than you all while with worse gear. Spamming his 3 button dps rotation.

It’s really fun to do world quests 50% slower than these guys. It’s really fun to watch these guys breeze trough Horrific Visions while you are stuck there with your Shadow Priest trying to pull off a cast while having to move out of the thing every second.

It’s really fun to 1v1 a DH and he is constantly in demon form, healing to 100% HP before you even see your crit number appear on your screen.

I don’t care how balanced it is in terms of win rates in 3v3 arena. It is trash to play against. I don’t care how your Ny’olotha DPS parses are looking fairly balanced between all specs. They do the same DPS AND has much better utility.

It’s just a trash design of a spec, and I really hope Blizzard don’t see how many play this spec and think “hmm more specs should be like this, so many enjoy it!”…

(The same goes to a lesser extent on Monks (WW and MW) and Fury Warriors.)

You really have to stop this madness in Shadowlands. I hope the DH madness is just a joke from Blizzard to fit the Old Gods theme of 8.3.


DH is easy to play.
Rotation is super easy. Heck even wrath DK were not such an abomination like the DHs.


Good, use your aggressive feelings, let the hate flow through you.


Have in mind those tar… i mean People that play DHs were other classes before.
I bet most sucked.


Every time I see one of these threads I’m reminded that I need to level my DH for those face rolls…and this is the perfect time to do it :smiley:
Let the lobotomy begin :laughing:



well idk if much changed since december but prot wars might be more mobile than demonhunters in bgs. Especially when using the terrain. Using heroic leap to jump on cliffs/ledges or dragoncharge to fly off a cliff crossing half the map and then landing with a charge/intercept/heroic leap. Probably could go much further when actually using kites

So true. I don’t really care about their performance, let them be top dps or whatever, but in PvP they’re frustrating to play against. Their mobility doesn’t belong in a game like WoW, passive dodge and healing is retarded and a cherry on top - fly in the air and chunk you with %-based damage with 100 yard range. Are you fukn serious, blizz? :smile:


Careful guys we have a huge pumper here 3/12 heroic, and learn to play your class before you say stuff like that.

https:// www. warcraftlogs. com/character/eu/ravencrest/deillwyna#


Well atleast i don’t roll a demon tools Hunter and swag and brag how good i’m compared to other players that play other classes.
Watch out Boys we have a badas$ demon tools Hunter that will roast you to the ground.

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Many of them but rarely someone knows how to play them properly and use every advantage just like rogue.

To be honest, I feel more mobile on my rogue than on my DH :woman_shrugging:

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Good that you didnt roll a DH im sure you would suck at it aswell.
And btw every class is easy to play these days so shut up and stop thinking that you are better and smarter than everyone else just because you dont play a DH


Compared to DH, every spec is advanced.

Havoc - Easiest spec to play both in pve and pvp in the history of wow. At the same time the most OP spec in the history of wow.

Come with some arguments instead of your toxic trash.


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. That’s what’s fun about being a DH though. It’s a hero class.

Remember how Death Knights were seen in the same light as well back in wotlk?


too afraid to post on your main there m8?


Why would i be ? My main makes no difference to the subject. and fyi i play several chars, one of them a dh. all in the range 465-477

tho it plays no role. just stating what is true.

you think dh is ok? not broken? maybe u should have a buff even? delusional dh-kidos.


I remember :frowning:

Not that i care about the performance of DH-s though, most people who hate on them are too focused on blaming that class instead of them trying to bring the best out of their own. At least i never saw any of the higher ranked pvp streamers blame their loss on the design of another class.


Use your 45 sec stun after you see Blade dance (<6 sec), Death Sweep (<3 sec)
It’s trickier with predicting when DH goes meta and get this 1 sec invulnerability…

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This looks like a got gut isue to me imo. Especialy the aoe part, if u do higher key there is no way DH outdps good UHDK, maybe with iris…

But yea, DHs got so many of pros and so few cons compared to rest of clases

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