DH mobility - The mobility is killing the fun for everyone else

Your main shows your knowledge and skill of the game so yes it does make a difference.

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What ski[quote=“Eltomatoez-draenor, post:24, topic:135359, full:true”]
according to your profile you are someone who doesnt have a lvl 120 character has never raided or done anything to be able to argue here.

typical dh kido thinking he is skilled cause he can 2-button through medium keys.


according to your profile you are someone who doesnt have a lvl 120 character has never raided or done anything to be able to argue here.

typical dh kido thinking he is bad as s cause he can 2button through medium/low keys.


You are not making very relevant arguments either. Calling DH a 2 button class is a stupid argument because you will never see a DH that pushes literally only 2 buttons and do better than any other class.

Insulting others who are pointing out this fact and that DH is not that much easier than the other gutted classes in BfA just make you look like someone who is frustrated that he can’t come up with anything objective to bash a class for no other reason than it’s existence.


I took think that DH needs more complexity in their rotation. Something like abily X buffs ability Y or some sort of stacks to pull to do better dps. At the moment you can press whatever dps button and you wont be far off from doing perfect rotation

all melees are easy and overtuned. all melees need a nerf.

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One day, one day, Blizzard will axe DH. Or adding them cons, which they don’t suffer from.

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Lol fire Mages combustion, you spam instant everything that accounts to 300k damage in a short period.

I do agree though that DHs have a lot, their leech is big, their aoe is the best, and mobility is decent. Doesn’t take much to play a DH either, mainly 3 buttons.

In case you didnt notice, I am not playing this mage, just gathering herbs on it

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Best Perf. Avg

i dont think you are in the position to flame logs :rofl:

dh brain spotted

warcraftlogs. com/character/eu/draenor/eltomatoez#difficulty=5


The second the tank pulls it out of D&D you are screwed as dk

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Those are the first few mythic kills no one has perfect logs on the first kills.
Too afraid to post on your main so no one can pull up your logs?


So you are trying to flame him because of his MYTHIC raiding logs that already improved since his first kills, and he has very nice heroic logs while you have nothing to show…

Classic player brain spotted.


Another DH hate topic. Why are people so salty about this class. Again we arent top dps in this game and we can be killed. If you use netherwalk you dont have that 10% leech, meta wont last forever and has long cooldown. Yes we have speed but there are other classes with speed as well. Can’t we all just get along :frowning: I’m not here crying every week about fire mages almost 1 shotting me in pvp but people are so salty about DH who can move fast…

obviously because they was not prepared! this is a common condition that happens in none hero classes when faced with a hero class that generate huge amounts of salt if you or your friends are suffering from irrational class hatred please seek counselling it’s only a game

But take away their mobility and they’re just bad Rogues.
Class would need a whole redesign if mobility were to be taken away.

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Demon Hunter did in Legion what introduction of flying in TBC.
Fun thing at time, bad game element long term … Class which is much more powerfull in open world and solo content.

It was maybe “fine” in Legion… but with introduction of Horrific Visions and Throgast in Shadowlands?
If you don’t raid, you are doing it wrong if you are not demon hunter.
Just lets hope in 2 expansions Demon Huners gets balanced as DKs did…


Play the class, really gives you a greater understanding on how to effectively combat then.

DH is very vulnerable to roots and spammable CC, don’t get close unless you give yourself a window to get em down before they can fight back and regen up.

Also some classes you can fight and kill them 1 v 1, Paladins are very good against DH (and pretty much everything else).

But just remember, it’s an MMO, don’t be that mindless player in BGs who storms the enemy outnumbered, play with brain, work with the team and DHs get rolled like any other class.

In PvE? Other classes can outperform.
Frost DK last patch is just as simple and was perfectly capable of outperforming on dps, representation is just high atm for DH, new class and faster than anything else, double jump and… ugh… wings(only birds/dragons should have wings damnit!! Lol) so you see then much more.
People are happy to talk down DH all day and night, they are strong but I think you will find other classes have their strength in situations too, DH are easy and have good tools but I think their ceilling is lower than some other classrs.


This is the problem though. You have to take it to the face because you have a high chance to miss an ability. The game should not work like that. I know about waiting it out for Blade Dance, thats just common sense, however if you need to use a CC that can be dodged, you have a high chance to miss it due to some other classes retarded mechanics.