DH mobility - The mobility is killing the fun for everyone else

and these are his first heroic kills?

but reason enough that you first go check his logs because he shares his opinion about dh shows me enough about your insecurity xD

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OMG did I just witnessed a 'PRO"? right… Shut up please…

I am sure you are mad running around with those claws…

how does it matter what i have to show or anyone else? are you some 12y old kid for who it matters what logs people have to share their opinion?

point is dont flame other peoples logs when yours arent that amazing yourself. just looks childish but i guess cliche dh players spotted

While I do love my DH, it is pretty much evident that our DH-characters are way too rewarding in every possible way. The only dumb thing about the DH is to use Demon’s Bite to get the resource, otherwise you have

  • a very good AoE-damage option
  • can blend easily in/disengage
  • have a fall-preventing option which also allows to take many shortcuts due
  • the double jump, which helps a lot in certain situations (ToT island, WoD if you don’t have pathfinder)
  • have an invisibility-detector
  • another AoE-attack which also fills HP/resource and
  • a second form which amplifies everything mentioned above
  • and oh, before I forget: A stun as well. Bonus for being a Nelf, you also get Shadowmeld.

I love playing my DH and always look forward to Timewalking Dungeons because I’m the most reliable class, I don’t have to think anything about my performance and have only fun while also using the Demon’s Bite-adding legendary. It’s the perfect character for lazy people and I do understand why other classes and players are that extremely resentful towards us. If you can’t grasp the idea behind their grudges, then you really should play every class and spec inGame (and yes, I do that on +30 characters, one spec only-charas). DHs are too good at the moment.

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Well i used to main warlock, but i cant say im familiar with every class in the game. I never said DH isnt a good class, it is i just said we arent as OP as people make us to be. we are mobile and because of that we can do many things and help out in raids with mechanics that require speed.
But do you people want DH to be nerfed to state of warlock or DK as mobility goes ? Even with our mobility we can still be killed, or are you just salty because you have to walk behind me because i can go faster? I dont use demon blades i am specced to immolation aura. I personally hate that i have to rely on passive skill to get more fury i rather control it myself.

Are we the only class that has invisibility detector? Do we have to nerf every class that sees that rogue hiding behind a pillar getting his cooldowns back?
Ok we dont take fall damage we can glide…why does this make you so salty? I dont think its a very OP skill to have in this game more like visual due to the wings. You want to clip our wings.
Oh we can stun…are we the only class that can stun? no im sure there are classes with many stuns and roots even more than we have. Ours have to be specced if you want a second stun.
Meta, yes that is our biggest dps /leech skill but it doesnt last forever and has big cooldown. i wouldnt call it OP. DH is very weak against roots. if you slow us down what can we do…nothing.
Again im not saying DH isnt a good class to play . Its very fun class to play and can do multiple things good. Is it a perfect class… no are we top dps… no.
I understand people can be frustrated, but all im saying there are classes that can do the exact same things and are easy to play as well. not pointing any fingers. I personally wouldnt mind if they added little more rotation to demon hunters making it a little bit more challenging

I think it would be nice to remove the cooldown on eye beam, and instead of making (lesser) soul fragments give HP and fury, charge a “fel battery”. This fel battery would be a second resource that lets you use Eye beam, where channeling it would use the resource. Same goes for fel barrage. The reason DH are so easy, is that they don’t have to pay attention to their resource, just smash buttons. Swapped to rogue from DH recently and I feel like having a second resource gives a lot more depth and variation to a class.

All DHs should be aged into their mid 40s:

Groaning sound effect when moving from seated to standing.
Out-of-breath debuff when running for more than 30 seconds.
Old sports injury random freeze when fighting.
“I just can’t be bothered” loss of haste every 5 minutes.
Trod on child’s lego CC effect.

That should balance things out a bit.

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[quote=“Seracia-draenor, post:46, topic:135359”]
Well i used to main warlock, but i cant say im familiar with every class in the game. I never said DH isnt a good class, it is i just said we arent as OP as people make us to be. we are mobile and because of that we can do many things and help out in raids with mechanics that require speed.[/quote]

DHs are mobile because it’s their feature what other classes do not have. Nobody can be compared to them and it’s way harder to escape a DH than with other races. In theory you have three catch ups (including your second form which is also a stun). It’s too rewarding for that low skill level the class provides and not balanced.

It needs justified. Higher cooldowns and it can work.

DHs function as a lockdown-class which is actually reserved for rogues, that is their specialty. It’s way too rewarding for the Havoc-spec to have two stuns any time even (and yes, I include Metamorphis into it - as I stated it before, the skill amplifies the performance on top of that).

DHs biggest problems are slows, contrary to what other people write. It reduces the damage output by 50% to a near permanent basis which is the most reliable source to lock them down. How I do that? With a Shadow Priest from afar. They either need to use their two gap-closer and lose them for the next +20 secs or they have to endure it. It goes without saying that people hate me that so much that I become usually the #1 priority when I play a Shadow Priest. Stuns and roots are just temporarily, slows can be used almost all the time and it nerfs their damage and movement significantly. Brewmasters are also very good against them.

Which classes can do the exact same things?

Dk’s were annoyingly op back in wotlk but not on a level of annoying to play against as Dh’s are.

Back in wrath i still enjoyed pvp but demon hunter made me quit pvp entirely and without pvp there is no point even playing this game.

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  1. Fact: Demon Hunters cannot glide normally while carrying the flag, as their glide speed is slower than normal. But they can still jump with the vengeance skill I assume.

  2. Fact: Demon Hunters have mediocre to high AoE damage, an unholy death knight can do triple the aoe dps of a DH but this situation is both dependent on how many mobs are pulled and the level of the key, where at lower mob count a DH should rightfully so outdps a DK.

  3. It’s a known fact that visions are anti-casters and cater heavily towards melee players.

  4. Fact: This game was not designed for 1v1 encounters.

  5. Why are there so few DHs compared to other classes in high rated arenas?

  6. It’s not a joke.

So you watch low ranked streamera.
Trille, drainer, snowmixy.
When ever they face a DH team and lose to them they say why.
Its not because they made a mistakes or enemy outplayed them.
Its because the enemy DH is such a strong class. Combine that with broken corruption items.

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How a rogue can complain about someone being a strong class in pvp? :sweat_smile:

it’s bad in those area’s, but it’s horrendous in pvp, getting down to 1% jumping up on an unreachable location and start eating. (the AV bunkers come to mind)

removing double jump would be one of the best nerfs to give to DH’s. Glide is kind of fine, although taking damage should disable it.

Demon Hunters are actually surprisingly easy to kite, they lack a dedicated slow so if you put some distance between you they have a real problem catching up.

The real problem with DH is their god dam leech, seriously, its like they have a pocket healer AT ALL TIMES and they have to do NOTHING to get that healing, they dont have to press something, or lower their downtime, they just get given free gargantuan healing for doing what theyre already supposed to do with no questions asked.

Sounds like resto shaman
DHs gotta do damage

If you can kite them how do they heal?

Well for me and a lot of melee its a catch 22, if you let them connect they heal for infinity, if you kite them they dont heal but you dont deal any damage to them either.

Its an unwinnable situation

I believe you are like level 106 or something when you leave the DH starter zone, thanks to the buff.

Seems like you can control the distance…
Just go deeper into dampering I guess

My most deaths on DH are to rogue mage combos :roll_eyes: I can’t heal through stun

Oh, i love me a good fairytale…

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I wanted to be on the op-train as well, but the class is so boring to play. I admire people that can stand to play that class. They are always welcome in m+, but people are quick to call them demontardz when they die or something, since it takes almost no attention to do their rotation.

To ask a demon hunter to blade dance mechanics? Don’t do that

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