DH mobility - The mobility is killing the fun for everyone else

Being a DH is like being the cool kid in class.

Every other kid hates you because they’re not you.

Except this “cool” kid wears Gucci, OBEY, Supreme and walking around with latest iPhone when everybody else knows that those brands are visually disastrous bullpiss and iPhone is overhyped unnecessary device with tweaked camera and innards, that has better and cheaper option.

Only stupid, irrational and irrelevant kids without real world understanding want to be as “cool” as this kid.

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See? I told you they hate you because they’re not you.

Did you thought of that comeback all by yourself ??..wow…epic…

Ok so we can state two things:

  • People love playing with DH.
  • People hate playing against DH.

This game became too casual.

Not everyone loves playing with DHs either. For instance in raiding, DHs now get the duty to “go over there and click the thing mechanic”. Other classes might have enjoyed doing that before, but are now concidered unsuited for the task.

How sad do you need to be to actually dig up someone’s logs and without any further analysis just say “ha you have 46% noob” :roll_eyes: logs is such a great tool for getting tons of info, but apparently people with 1 brain cell can only see the color of the number and nothing else.

Nah… Hunters are more cool. We get to have 2 pets… DH has no pet.

But the DH’s can’t spam out chaos bolts that take a third of your HP with every hit. If a DH is flying half the map then your team aren’t doing their job. They’re also in tank spec so doing next to no damage. QQ more.

Get them in a stun and they’re squishy AF. I die to ret palas in a single HoJ if I don’t have medallion up.

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