DH mobility - The mobility is killing the fun for everyone else

DHs are strong but not better than many other classes, when they r root or stunned they are dead. I think they are hated because they are the newest class in game, people always tend to flame a new class in game.

People have accepted the idea of a fire mage having huge surviving abilities while killing u in 2 seconds with combustion, and spamming this braindead aberrant gpyro the rest of the time.

They accepted the aberration of a pala bubble with 100% damage and healing

They accepted insane CCs from rogues and to be killed from stealth in a stun well they are used to

They also accepted the idea of unkillable geared healers and so many other broken things in this game

But DHs are recent so it will take a while to be accepted, probably until a new class arrival


that goes for literally every single class

With any hopes, come SL, DHā€™s are left as they are and while all other classes get new stuff and buffs theyā€™ll be left in the bin where they belong.

Blizzard has historically given gross offenders of an expansion the affliction warlock treatment, so fingers crossed.


I got grappling hook, sprint and increased movement speed if talented to it. And when I see a demon hunter running from a fight, even I donā€™t bother to make chase.

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Same could be considered for Druids travel form with flag, shaman spirit wolfs.
and what i really hate is warriors jumping accros the map.
to be honest as a hunter it sucks. druid travel form cost nothing, shaman wolf cost nothing. paladin horsemount cost nothing. demon hunter flying arround. warrior jumping arround. Hunters hati cost gold and it is not like a spell


Wow ret pala is broken overpowered.

Can we get the nerf squad in here please?

I had to struggle for quite a while, trying to remember my password just so I could log in to this cesspit of a place for one time only during 2020 just to say to you that this comment was bloody perfect.

Thank you for writing it.

says the rogue

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they shouldnt.
other classes should actully have atleast some moblity aswell like many used to in past.
not your class/spec cant ever do this,this,that and that even if as essentialm stuff like interupt they do that.

Thatā€™s why he lost. Boosting also exists in pvp and we canā€™t really see the rank in there. Assuming from words he is +1.5k and you donā€™t have to be good to reach 1.5k. Even i did it with no knowledge about pvp on multiple toons.

Sorry mate but as a rogue , you should 1 shot dhs with your stun lock. And you have enough amount of mobility to catch a dh.

Why am i even trying to reason with people tbh , i even saw a monk cried about dh mobility on forums lol.

Itā€™s on 2.2k mmr lol, thatā€™s why itā€™s so dumb

Well boosting exists. Even asmongold at some point reached glad in 2v2s during bfa

I hate DHs with a passion. One of the reasons I cant stand playing retail anymore for all the reasons OP listed. Like DHs are so easy to play that you could play them on a tablet.

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You canā€™t do that without having a higher gear than the enemy player - and most players have 450 and higher these days. On top of that, you have way too much vitally, shields (warfront ring, azerite slots) which prevent this from happening as well.

Should probably also adress fire mages and warlocks with 500k chaos bolts for exampleā€¦
But yeah im not one to complain much, but i did recently gear my dh for a bit and found that its so much easier to do damage with than it is as shadow.
Add to that me being so luckily that in one night of hc Nya i went from 446 to 459, including 2 trinkets and a corrupted ring and Salty Sandario was doneā€¦

Well, of course it is. Some specs are really bad (Shadow, Assa/Subt Rogue to some degree comes into my mind). Thatā€™s why are so many people resentful towards DH-players.

People arenā€™t mad at DH being easy to play, everything is easy to play. Theyā€™re mad because DH is super hard and annoying to deal with in PvP because of all the passive sh1t they have going on, and because of them having literally every best tool from other classes.

Some are also salty because DH is top dps (they actually arenā€™tā€¦) but I donā€™t care, in PvE dh is on my side, so enjoy the DPS they give :smile:

The problem is when Sub rogue had a lot of mobility (teleportation with every shadowstrike to the target) people were whining about it, although subs had GREAT time playing this useless spec (at least Me and other subs around me were) and it was nerfed SO much that now itā€™s completely pointless to play as sub.
But for some reason DH have even more mobility than subs now and they arenā€™t nerfed nor tweaked.

Because a majority of players are playing that class and changing it would come with a greater loss and cancelled subs.

She did roasted you good tho.