DH nerf when?

Let’s welcome another dh with no pvp experience at all.Welcome newbie.Go play your busted af class in pve now and thanks me later.

actually nr 1 DH in PvP (Mvq) for last few seasons said that the last nerf was absurd and is totally wrong. issue is not with skillset and their core dmg but Chaotic Disposition that can literally vaporize people randomly.

Also if you would in fact play DH you would know that by now. Having a 150k dmg spell every 1 minute and another 100k per 1.5minute isn’t something sky shattering. The issue like I said is with multiplier and everyone who plays DH know that

So where did you get that I dunno.


Well you must be delusional af i guess.Prepare for the nerf hammer soon they even add an article on wowhead.Go reroll fast

Idk if you are delusional or you live in another dimension even MVQ and Tren(tren is th best dh actually) said in their stream that DH need a nerf only on dmg and right now its very big…Last nerf was not enough and guess what…They even made an article just 1 hour ago for possible tuning again for DH!Prepare the nerf hammer and go reroll soon after reset the class will go back to its normal state.Even 15 OF 20 top ladder in Solo Shuffle only DH and no its not that they are more skilled.So wake up and stop being delusional statistics are available to check.

You are obviously a troll.

First of all you are rude as hell. Second of all you do not even read what other write here. The issue is with surreal damage spikes that are coming out of ridiculous designed Chaotic Disposition. Third of all, you are obviously lying as Mvq has even on his channel a video about recent nerfs and how unjustified they are (with exception of Fel Barrage which in fact is ridiculous). Fourth of all - DH needs mostly tuning now in PvE as it is ridiculous there right now (It has just too much damage in any situation).

Fifth of all - DH has also a massive issue with surreal 2-tier set bonus which is on absurd level compared to everyone else 2-tier set bonus. it not only reduces class complexity but also gives massive boost to rotation by removing one of spells from rotation and keeping your highest damaging spell on opponent at all times

Sixth of all - I dunno why I even respond to obvious troll. You cannot tell what is broken just simply writing “OMG OP NERFFFFF it XDDDDD”. That’s just cringe and quite obvious troll.

Seventh of all - you are not even playing demon hunter. I’ve been playing this class since it first appeared and im not delusional to say that it is overtuned. But random nerfs are as horrible as overtuning.

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Oh yeah we are definitely busted right now in AoE, together with a few other specs that also do insane AoE damage, but Havoc is number 1 right now by a decent bit purely in AoE, ST is fine, its not the best but also not the worst, AoE is completely out of control tho, it is just TOO strong, they need to tune that down to normal levels, but not butcher the spec ofc and nerf it into the ground, it’s fine that Havoc is S tier for M+, but right now it is just too strong, there’s no denying that.

Nerf the top Specs a little bit to normal levels, and buff the underperforming Specs, they feel terrible right now, the gap is just ridiculous.

So its not damn ridiculous that in 63 Dh’s there is Only 1 Ret Pala at 2269 and the rest is dhs that they get up to 2562!In edited by moderator 63 ppl only 1 inside.Yeh i guess all these Eternal Gladiator Ret Palas that are consistent at 3k rating fron the Warlords of Draenor expansion till now are not so skilled compared to DH players that some of them are top and they have maximum 2.4xp.I mean gtfo already.Completely busted class both pvp and pve while in PVP topping all ladders completely leaving behind other classes.I guess its SKILL DIFF.

Are you capable of reading or this is beyond your skillset? No one said here that DH is not overtuned. But there were often situation where nerfs lead to a situation where class from overperfoming went to underperforming.

What’s more - doing changes based on 1st week is dangerous and there are few reasons why:

  • early rating doesn’t matter in general as like most of the rating and final standings is set usually in later phase of season due to inflation and final gearing
  • scaling issues (different classes scales differently with time)

We know that DH has insane early scaling due to absurd and at this point in time overpowered 2 Tier set bonus which basically reduces rotation complexity, gives one extra spot to fill instead of needing to apply debuff. But this will change as some other classes has great 4 set bonuses which might be simply better

We also know that late game season legendary in hands of DK pala and warrior will be simply insane if it won’t be nerfed in PvP. The only hope is that it will be weapon nerf not class nerf

Still the issue that I have been mentioning recently will be changed in next reset with Chaotic Disposition

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Nerf DH nerf DH nerf DH is all that you can type ?
Crying in forums and ingame 24/7 abour PVP and PVE…
Just another crybaby :smiley:
Havoc can be 15th in the dps rankings and people will cry out for nerfs…
Havoc seems easy but its not, just playing the class aint the same as mastering one.
SP was OP for the whole 10.1 and no1 cried for nerfs but the hate for DH is real.
No1 talking about BM and Rogues ?Why is that ? :rofl:
People are just bad at playing the game regardless of class, don’t project your anxieties onto a class, Git gud ^^

If DH is overtuned on pvp and its EASY to play since you guys are crying so much, play DH and do the same as the other DH’s do :wink:

Nerfing just IMMO will fix the “problem” :slight_smile:


DH has no downside.
St, cleave, 5-15 target AOE. They can double interrupt if they use Imprison, bring 5% magical dmg debuff, Darkness.

Can you please put some of their strength on their Meta and make them less strong outside Meta? Same nonsense with BM Hunter.

And then you Giga nerf Rampant Ferocity for Feral fx which there is no point in playing anymore.

Your balance team is atrocious.

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2-Tier Setbonus is Ok for cleave (4-Tier also) but don’t get confused by raw damage numbers in the meter. To make any use of these Tier bonuses you need to choose several (useless) talents. The overall dps of Throw Glaive + Soulscar of ~15% in damage meter is effectively just a 6 or 7% push in total damage, which is fine for a 2-Tier Setbonus i think.

So you’re claiming BM hunter brings a 5% damage increase for the entire life of every mob in a pack and a group/raid wide damage reduction CD.

Can I have some of what you’re smoking?

Didnt claim that at all, you clearly blind and cant read.

I can read perfectly well, thanks. I even quoted exactly where you wrote it.

they are good let us have some fun for now , how long other classes kept stop on top whil DH only have it seasonal … stop trolling mate

Nerfs Incoming to all the DH ABUSERS!More are on the way!!

The rework has made Havoc a strong spec with a very good talent tree. While nerfs are badly needed, I would like to see such reworks for other classes as well.

I can’t remember when Feral was ever that good in M+.

Feral isn’t bad in M+. I played with a feral in AD yesterday who almost kept up with me on my BM hunter. Watching them inspired me to start playing my feral again, even though I’d said I wouldn’t because I really don’t like playing FF.

As for havoc DH, there are so many terrible havoc players out there at the moment, obviously FOTM rerollers who have no clue how to play it. Hopefully the nerfs coming tomorrow will put them off playing it, and the DHs applying to keys will be a bit more competent. At the moment, inviting any havoc to your key is a game of pure chance because you never know whether they’ll crush the meters or be barely above tank damage.

Pre-DF nerf. Before Psybear posted his video about doing good dmg.
Was about 2weeks on PTR.

I don’t have any issues with FF, but I understand when people don’t like to be forced to play with it.

Yes, I remember that MDI pull in “De Other Side” with all cooldowns. Weeks later we had Destro Warlocks and SV Hunter with similar damage on every trash pull.