Did any of you

If only our alts could serve as our bodyguards for leveling or wqs
Me and the boys meme.

Yeah i like it and will definitely try out the new leggo that applies flameshocks and riptides to everyone hit. Using the earthquake on elemental now, but will try it out to see if i can get more dps out of it. Our pulls arent usually big enough for the earth ele to really shine. Overall i like venthyr covenant, but i dont like the mail mog, it does not fit for a draenei shaman imo.

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My 3 are on the same battle.net account but you do get a lot of free gametime with recruit a friend :slight_smile:

Now i want to actually try m+ this season.
Just for the visuals of this one spell on pulls.

In s2 bfa i solely leveled shammy for earthquake on reaping value and feels.

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hi, i am just possting to get active.

Yes you can have eight accounts on one battle net but my characters are all on one wow account.

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As a rogue in tbc you better get used to reading forums more than playing game.

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I dislike all the transmogs and all the covenants so my choice was made by what irritated me the least.

Is this resto only?

No, its the new covenant leggo u get access to at renown 48 :slight_smile: Elemental Conduit - Spell - World of Warcraft (wowhead.com)

Edit: Venthyr only ofc.

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Will it just apply the Flame Shocks in Elemental spec?

(Sorry just planning my x2 Hunter x1 Shammy grp)

Dont think so, think it applies in every spec. You can get the power in torghast and there it applies flame shocks as resto.

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How do you manage multibosing diff classes? O_o

It’s not multiboxing anymore… it’s multi-tasking :slight_smile:

I still dont get how can you do that :confused:

Edited other post to link to my video

I need to make a new video of my 3 boxing

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My lock is kyrian too, but that’s mainly because I loved having another dot as affliction. Managing 5 dots was just not enough to me.

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I couldn’t box all those dots… Demo is far more forgiving, and my fave spec.

Not so much for the tmog, but I definitely enjoy the look of Adaptive Swarm (Necrolord) on my Moonkin.

I miss insect swarm still, so it’s nice to get it back… kinda

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