Didnt play at all this patch

:frowning: so sad i wont get no ksm…help rip

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I’m not a fan of the ”Stare at the m+ list clicking apply for hrs without invite” so i have not played much at all this expansion.

Unless there is a change i don’t even see a point in buying the new expansion.

I mean, Diablo 4 for example is so much more fun, Can grind and upgrade stuff completely solo.


no one did


Most WoW classes aren’t designed for high-end solo gameplay, that’s why torghast had all those class specific anima powers to bring them closer to each other.

Plus you having to wait is because you’re a DPS. Tanks and healers get instant invites.

Meanwhile, I logged in, checked the keys in LFG for like 20 seconds, applied to a group and 5 seconds later I was invited.

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That’s pretty much the only thing you’re missing this patch.

But be honest with yourself. Does that mount really matter? Especially if you have the other ones.

And after missing one, it doesn’t hurt so much to miss another one.

Yeah, That happens if you have the score & gear.

Just not fun to do low keys when you gave gear to do higher and noone invites a low score.

I don’t know how to tank these days, Too many routes & Trash mob mechs to keep track of.

Stopped wanting to heal when healer dps was needed.

Also people are just toxic not just to tank & Healers, but to DPS as well.

There’s also just too many buttons and complex stuff in WoW these days.

D4 and also other games without massive button bloat just suites me more.

I’d play WoW for sure if they made M+ soloable similar to how ”The pit” is in D4.

Nice Facebook status, thanks for sharing


meh, that’s the point of these rehash seasons. It’s there is you want something to do. But it’s skippable if you don’t.

I’m sure the ksm rewards are just recoloured mounts that you don’t really need either.

That decline is due to Rmix and possibly even Beta. It will drop even more before the pre patch for TWW.

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brutality and more violence in story and the fights.
fixing pvp matchmaking and premade vs random problems.
recreating leveling from zero again.
removing botts with With faster activity and heavier penalties.
putting any kind of 2x4 and 1x5 and hyper respawn groups against the tos.
putting any kind of multiboxing farming (with or without program) against the tos.
and the most important in my opinion.
they should make the rewards of each content unique
for example
the effects of 4 set items of raids, pvp and dungeons should be completely different.

these are the main problem in wow if you ask me.
and i know a lot of people that went offline when df started or unsubscribed because of these problems

I wholeheartedly agree about the drop off but lets remember the starting point is so much lower because they removed M1-10 essentially this season. The lack of interest is there regardless of this drop down though.

I really don’t like S4 much myself. I’m not surprised others found other things to do too.

removing the old 2-10 keys is probably the main reason for the drop off. That was probably a huge part of the playerbase or maybe player bases alts who never go above +10.

We’ve argued before over this. But I have found it incredibly difficult to get my alts back in M+ this season, and it really has felt bad. They have removed the Veteran level gear stepping stone, and gearing up is very difficult.

After 3 weeks, I finally managed to get my Evoker geared up enough to get into LFR last night. And I had some lucky rolls.

But the process of getting there has been horrible.

Season 4 has been less alt friendly.

you know. i mostly play pvp and listening to podcast when im farming.
but since you and others here are pve players i really wanted to ask you this.
what you guys do in this game?
arent you bored of doing the same dungeon and raid over and over and over everyday?
i play pvp and since its against the reall people not npcs, i dont feel that much Repetitive doing it but pve,

You upset her again and she doesn’t want to talk to you

:sob: :sob:

Main problem of this game is the developers who are completely oblivious about everything. Torgast by itself could had been so much fun if they had listened to feedback and fixed things instead of again going by the route of basic Blizzard development and just abandoning stuff instead of fixing it and developing it…

The game is just way too much focused on instanced group content it has its place but if you just focus on that it leaves large portion of the player base bored out of their skulls


Didn’t they take the feedback from torghast and fold it into Delves though?

yes that is i’m asking this question to everyone.
especially pve players.
what you do in this game these days when you are done with your dungeons and raids

Play other games because only thing to do in WoW is instanced stuff and collecting old crap.

I had hopes that when they stole griffon riding from GW2 they would had also looked at world meta events and open world activities but nope instead of actually developing open world they again fell into instanced stuff that i really have no interest in the long run.