Didnt play at all this patch

i agree with you.

Well, can you guys name some open world PvE content in WoW over the last 20 years that wasn’t perceived as a boring grind/chore by most of the community?

Its all subjective because i for one liked MoP dailies those kept me busy for the entire expansion. Other thing is i would like stuff like Timeless isle style content that would last longer.
Then there is the thing that Blizzard could actually get up from their butts and look at other mmo’s and what kind of open world content they have.

PvP is very repetitive to me, in the same way PvE is for you.

Start of seasons are generally the busiest as you’re gearing, I’m sure PvP is probably similar. In my case it’s doing as much raid as possible to try and get four set in any mismatch level combination. Then work on getting it all at a higher level. I do as much M+ as I can manage to get gear and inevitably this also pushes your score which helps in later weeks.

M plus goal for the season tends to be to get KSM/KSH and for raid to get AotC and dabble with some mythic progression. I’m not a CE player, I’m neither good enough nor enjoy the atmosphere.

Once the heavy gearing curve is over it tends to be fill the vault with options. Usually all heroic options and the first slot Mythic and a full M+ vault which will reward Mythic track loot. As the season progresses and I don’t have many slots left to get I drop how much M+ I need. Sometimes I still end up filling all the vault options because I’m playing for fun with friends at that point. Other times like S4 when I am not really interested it means I can go do things like testing/Remix/other games.

Raiding is my most loved activity, getting through the difficulty and finding my level of challenge. Going from being undergeared and learning new tactics to getting whatever it is down. Feels very rewarding.

On my main I also do every quest, explore every zone, do every storyline when levelling/end game. I will do every rep grind and at the start of expansions and with new patches that usually means a chunk of World Questing/Weekly Quests. I am also a collector so I’m always working on doing things to get more pets/mounts/transmog/toys/achievements etc. Some are new some are old.

The times the game has made me venture into PvP I’ve not really enjoyed it. Winning to get access to a raid, for parts of legendary chains, for trinkets, for essences, for my Mage Tower recolour, for orphan achievements etc. After the Essence farms I don’t think I’ve really set foot in there much so back in BfA. In SL I decided to just forego the early access to weapons via PvP.

I don’t mind doing Comp Stomp because it’s not remotely PvP, and it means I get tokens to buy old pvp tmog sets and weapons from the past.

I don’t imagine what I do appeals to others. But I never mind answering :slight_smile:

Im usually not done with m+ before end of the season when we realise we’ve gotten as far as we can get scorewise. Then i usually play some alts in m+ instead.

PvP in wow just has too much crap to get through in order to actually enjoy it. I for one just play GW2 when i want to play mmo pvp as i hate gear grind for pvp with a passion and in GW2 i can still use gear in wvw that i acquire back in 2012. The other thing is i just do not enjoy Blizzards PvP class “balance” at all its constantly just a complete crap show.

We have got M+ and that is never the same. So it isn’t repetitive.

Call it an perfect system for an mmorpg. People are Happy with this Elitism. So listen this advice: “Find a Guild!”

Team up with me goat :frowning:

Try to lure her with some popcorn!

Ah, another useless topic by the infamous Retributor.

As this has kind of turned into a different discussion, do you not have guildies/friends you could run through some M+ with?

Or maybe try one of the many communities?

You wouldnt wanna play with a pleb like me anyways, or if u do it would only be to mock me when i make mistakes :rofl:

You have ~2 months for an achievement that takes 2 weeks.

How much are you paying?

I’d never :crying_cat_face: I guess she just swiped left on me

I already gave you my battletag, not my fault you didnt add me :laughing:

How dare you shun the spacegoat and not add her on bnet!

Fix that!

I completely forgot D:

there’s no UwU without u :blush: