Didnt play at all this patch

Its sinaaki#####, and if u forget again i will throw popcorn at you!

It is not just the dailies but I believe Archeology has left a massive gap for players in downtime. This was one of those pass times people would pick up and try to complete before the next patch /expansion.

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I am playing more this patch then the other ones.

All raids are keep relevant.

Gear progression is more enjoyable

After trying remix coming back to S4 made me more invested in the second.

If I manage to get a full 6/6 heroic gear set, I will be a god on the open world with TWW launch.

i didnt get it too,but im happy!

Yes archeology is one of those things that really baffle me as it should be really easy and cheap way to give people more stuff to do but instead Blizzard just completely ignores it.

S4 was most boring out there
I really liked 1-3 seasons but 4 just annoying
I still did almost 2,4k and maybe if i will not be lazy i would do 2500 for hero but i just can’t bring myself to log in and do it
I rather play cata and mop remix :smiley:

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anyone wana carry me

Same, trying to get into keys take forever, the drops are pretty bad and the vault is so rng it’s not even exiting to fill and check it.

You didn’t miss anything …
M+ this expansion is more like a hustle rather than an enjoyment

From 10 Alt’s i tried only with 1 to do M+ and in general is pretty bad the whole gameplay in general.

The issue is that they made M0-M5 alt unfriendly so majority of people that previous expansions were playing with alts got a wall that made many of the players to take a break resulting in even more low number of participation.

The gear up system that goes from xx requirement is also a burn Out. Upgrade every piece 4-7 times that you need xx times to do the dungeon is already to much .

A better systems would be nice in not burning people .

Assume you are starting at 490 to do the M+ that give 493-496 .
You need 70+ m+ dungeons to reach 510 ilvl assuming the gear upgrades

Not only that but this season the requirements due the increase difficulties is so high that people need 2k and 515 ilvl to do a M5 at the point that you need to overgear and over the rate to do something so simple .

Not telling that the afflictions this season is quite bad with some dispel dps classes are in a higher position that pure dps class .
As a hunter i found extremely hard to enter a+5 where Sp/Ww/Shamans are having easier due the dispel .

So yes they totally @@##$$ this expansion with people not participating due the Scale on difficulty .

No, no. This is O K

i didnt play at all this patch

Arent u bored to do pvp all day over and over again? Same mode pvp is also always the same. Even it can be different everytime in PvE its the same not because its a scripted scenario its also always different.