Difference between LoL and wow pvp

In league you get an op champ, gets balanced in a week. WoW, broken class, leave it until next expac gets released.


Ye because you have 1/10th of the abilities in league that you have in wow.

Yeah, but you can see when a class is dominating week to week

There is not even a class that is dominating right now there is many comps on ladder almost everything is viable probably only frost dk / holy paladin need some buffs thats about it.

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MOBA and MMORPG comparison is just waste of time.


LoL is doing alot of efford to keep their game E-sporty, and they doing nerfs no matter what community cry or not, they doing what must be done

Blizzard is other hand liesen community to much, and they created circus of game where classes are so overbloated with power to degree they are almost impossible to be played bad. WoW was created WITHOUT community, and commuinity come to good product, than blizzard start to liesen to them and WoW become bad product.
:dizzy:Because a game for everyone is a game for no one

because pvp is the main game there, and in wow it´s a idle game like pet battles.

and even then, in lol u also have pretty often a bad meta for more than a Month, like the Tank domination back in s5

or Malphite Toplane meta where there was hardly any counterplay because tank did the same dmg as an brawler, and also was tanky on top of it

or how about rammus, can farm 0/8/2 and can still dominate and kill every brawler/melee when the team is be able to go into the late game before losing.

Copium. Also LoL is a PvP game WoW isn’t. The main design premis is making specs cool in M+.

I know one thing when LoL players trys wow pvp they get absolutely derstroyed.

Another important factor is that WoW has alot fewer specs than league has champions, if my favorite champion in league is terrible ill play something else, in WoW if my favorite class/spec is terrible im simply not gonna have a good time if im not a fotm reroller, i get attached to my classes so i dont want to play a new one.

In league theres also tons of champions that arent even remotely viable, it just goes unnoticed because unlike WoW, playing a champion in league isnt a time investment we just instalock something else.

I would say the main difference is how balancing is done overall in league compared to WoW, in league you can see an S tier champion get a 5% damage nerf n suddenly it drops to B tier. In WoW you can see a spec literarelly get an 80% damage nerf to a certain ability n go from S tier… to S tier… Any situation that requires an 80% nerf to well anything shouldnt ever make it to live game in the first place.

DH has been broken since launch, whats new.

The one has devs who care about the game and the average player experience and the other one only for 1 content and its Elite mostly.

after the multiple nerfs dh isnt broken anymore

Pres evok Assa/Affli is currently op

League has 3 buttons, 1 button you use a few times a game. In MoP you could have 40 buttons. That’s not counting extra macros like @focus and @party1/2/3 and @arena1/2/3.

I have 120 key binds on my Survival.

And Blizzard only figured out recently that they could balance damage and utility differently between PvP/PvE. Previously they tried balancing the game for all game modes with one stroke.

DH is still a very strong pick. Look at the DPS meters from the last AWC. DH was very prevalent.

mages and rogues be laughing looking at this, it didnt take 1 expansion they been broken for 20 years soon

The view lol season i have played there always was a view meta speccs that stand out and a view that where rly bad
For a game wich only contant patch is one champion and the rest is balance notes only for pvp nothing too cross tune for pve they where quit off

League gets frequent patch notes, not sure if it’s 1 or two weeks but they are always there. Sometimes they are very minor but you still know they are observing the game and meta.

It’s funny that game has 4 buttons but the weekly patchnotes contain more changes than an entire expansion of WoW.

Also every new release / rework is usually very weak on release and gets buffed multiple times unlike WoW where new class/rework completely breaks the game to unplayable state and remains like that for months or even years.

It’s time to accept that wow is not a pvp game and never will be.


The problem more is with players and their mentality. Ohh no I lost, must be OP spec, not the bad play or counter spec. Its casual player or any top 1 player nonstop crying. From these forums alone we can draw conclusions. All the time players try to prove how broken are other specs, but not his.
In reality its one of the most balanced seasons ever.

after the Awc dh got multiple Nerfs, this class isnt the main problem currently

Shadow/affli/ assa affli/ and presv evoker gang is more of a problem currently

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Let me guess, played a bit of League and decided to come here and broadcast a statement?

Also, how tf do you compare a RTS to an MMO :smiling_face_with_tear: