I posted this on SoD but I think it would be interesting to say aswell.
I’ve been playing Horde for over a decade and decided to roll Alliance when Classic came out. I couldn’t pinpoint it exactly why the vibe fell off, I still played that character. But now in SoD, I rolled Alliance again. But for some reason, I get the same vibe.
Having played both. From my experience, and my own PoV, Alliance are more serious players than Horde players. Alliance focus more on the objective, and focus towards that. While Horde does also focus, just less, and have more fun along the way. Alliance just want to get it over with as fast as possible.
This was evident with Alliance being fine with losing in AV, because it was faster to lose and requeue, than to fight and play the game.
Alliance just care about the objective, nothing else. Horde has a ride or die mentality, this is evident in SoD aswell. Alliance will leave the mirrors of blademasters in Ashenvale up, with a few members getting sacrificed, ignoring world pvp for the objective, the Horde is more helpful towards eachother.
Let’s say if I were to get ganked by 3 Horde on my Alliance, 2 other Alliance would just walk past me, but if I was getting ganked on my Horde by 5 Alliance, even if it would result in death for both of us you can bet that another Horde would come to help out.
Alliance just try to play perfect, and if it’s not perfect, they will give up. They’re passive in that regard, while the Horde is more aggressive.
And I think it’s also because of the beast-like races of the Horde, savage and brutal, while the Alliance are noble but snobby.
I’m also generalising. There’s players on both factions like that, but this is my experience.