Difference between mentality of Alliance and Horde

I posted this on SoD but I think it would be interesting to say aswell.

I’ve been playing Horde for over a decade and decided to roll Alliance when Classic came out. I couldn’t pinpoint it exactly why the vibe fell off, I still played that character. But now in SoD, I rolled Alliance again. But for some reason, I get the same vibe.

Having played both. From my experience, and my own PoV, Alliance are more serious players than Horde players. Alliance focus more on the objective, and focus towards that. While Horde does also focus, just less, and have more fun along the way. Alliance just want to get it over with as fast as possible.

This was evident with Alliance being fine with losing in AV, because it was faster to lose and requeue, than to fight and play the game.

Alliance just care about the objective, nothing else. Horde has a ride or die mentality, this is evident in SoD aswell. Alliance will leave the mirrors of blademasters in Ashenvale up, with a few members getting sacrificed, ignoring world pvp for the objective, the Horde is more helpful towards eachother.

Let’s say if I were to get ganked by 3 Horde on my Alliance, 2 other Alliance would just walk past me, but if I was getting ganked on my Horde by 5 Alliance, even if it would result in death for both of us you can bet that another Horde would come to help out.

Alliance just try to play perfect, and if it’s not perfect, they will give up. They’re passive in that regard, while the Horde is more aggressive.

And I think it’s also because of the beast-like races of the Horde, savage and brutal, while the Alliance are noble but snobby.

I’m also generalising. There’s players on both factions like that, but this is my experience.

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There’s nothing passive about being focused on getting a win. The opposite, in fact.

From what I’ve seen over my years playing WoW, there are few “die hard” players of either faction. The majority of the playerbase does PvE content, and they play whichever faction is more convenient. (You can see this from the way the top M+ players have switched from horde to alliance since cross faction PvE became a thing. They don’t need to be horde to get groups any more, so they’ve changed to alliance for racials.)

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That’s not what I meant. Once the Alliance face a bit of loss, they stop trying most of the time. Horde will keep on zugging until their death.

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Even the mentality within Alliance is different between other Alliance players.

Tons of players abandoned the Alliance to become Horde before cross faction was available.


I realised this too in the last years of Retail when I still played it. Somewhere around end of Legion did it become noticeable.

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But that’s the point. They don’t want to “keep on zugging until their death”. They want to win. If they’re not going to win this particular fight, there’s no point wasting time on it.

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That makes them quitters, passive.


It makes them practical and goal focused rather than journey focused.


You’re playing a game called WORLD of Warcraft. You hate the journey?


One of the reasons I went back to Alliance is that Horde ended up getting the same mentality. I know exactly what you mean, in bg’s I preferred Horde for ages, even if that came with a queue. You don’t give up, you fight! We won quite a few seemingly lost matches because of that, some of the best, most exciting games.

But then the whole “Let’s lose quickly” seeped in there too. Blergh.

Probably cause of all the Alliance that faction changed :rofl:

How does “WORLD” = journey? The words mean two completely different things.

It’s a game, you should have fun with it. If you’re only focus is to just get it done asap and get it over with, where is the fun in that?


Have played horde and alliance.
And have found that Alliance players are nicer.
I may be wrong, but I think most horde players have a rather peculiar mentality.
But this is just my personal opinion, and probably only mine :slight_smile:


Ah, I see. It’s a game, so I “should” play it the way someone tells me to play it.

I suppose I should do everything else I enjoy doing the way some random person on a forum tells me I should do it as well?

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Ngl I like a bit of banter, I find the Horde are trading banter while the Alliance are nicer. You’re right on that, but I find banter fun.

You perfectly showcase the passive aggressiveness I meant with some Alliance players :rofl:

Have played both factions. Guilds are now a mix of both factions.

I can’t say players are different depending on what faction they choose. It’s just one of those wow myths that people use to insult the other faction. Same as people joking about Gnomes.


Sounds like a passive agressive behavior, which is not passive at all.

But I found some Horde player like that too. It’s not an Alliance thing.

Yet another W for horde

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Not sure where you got that idea from, to be honest. You told me I “should” play the game the way you like to play it because (presumably) you can’t imagine how anyone can enjoy playing it differently. Rather like telling someone who enjoys running road marathons that they should take up track sprinting because it’s what you enjoy even though they probably hate it.

There are many ways to enjoy playing a game. The way you do it isn’t the “one true way”.