Disappointing situation in the 3v3 competition

The situation in the team 3v3 is very depressing. Usually the first season in Warcraft is very popular, the release of a new addition attracts most players to return to play WoW again, but unfortunately not this time.

But now, even with a cross-faction LFG, it seems impossible to assemble a team, even if you have a lot of time and have teammates, it seems impossible to push the gladiator.

Is Blizzard monitoring the situation? Will there be any adjustments in your opinion? How to motivate people to play 3v3, maybe it’s worth lowering the bar for a gladiator? or return 0.5%

It seems to me that when Blizzard reworked 0.5% in 2400, they were based on the statistics of the participants, but unfortunately online in Warcraft often drops, people are not motivated to play the arena, as I believe, due to the lack of getting a pve gear. It is very sad when, from the 15th key, which a person is able to pass by clicking on the buttons with the mouse, this ilvl(from M+) it equals a duelist or elite.

Now it’s really very difficult games at 2000 mmr, you have to play against R1 players who pushed before 3600+, it looks confusing, very often you have to play against the same teams, and often against boosters, there is no variety from different setups. The gladiator should not be equal to R1, this has never happened before,

it’s just a seasonal reward.

In conclusion, here are some visual statistics in the prime time of the weekend. 182 people (60 teams) played at least 1 match in the 3v3 rating.

I think about something with a solo shuffle, make it either seasonal or as a rating brawl with a weekly cooldown. So that people at least sometimes play rated 3v3.

Peace for everyone.


2s and SS are more popular than 3s.
You want to prevent paying players to play the things they want.
To try to force them into playing something they obv don’t want.

Why stop there?
Imagine how much more popular 3s would be if they deleted raids and mythics too!


It’s not just because SS. They removed gear upgrades which is the main motivation for casuals, so all that’s left is try-hards who mainly care about rating e-peen. Remember SL S1 was the most active arena has ever been because there was gear.


:rofl: :rofl: :joy: :joy: :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :v: :love_you_gesture: :+1: :+1: :fist: :facepunch: :facepunch: :point_left: :call_me_hand:

This exactly, and the only reason for this trash is the Race to world first. That abomination will probably be what kills WoW, but they are willing to sacrifice even the game itself for the RWF.

Let me explain the logic: they don’t want pvp gear to be on par with Mythic 15+ or Mythic Raid because top 0.1% sweat nerd raiders would have to pvp in the first 2-3 weeks of the expansion to get to 2400 or whatever and get 2-3 extra BiS items ahead of the PvE curve. This is what happened during SL S1.

I say: So freaking what. Its just some items in a video game. Everyone will be bis at the end of the patch if they are a raider anyway.
Let us have GOOD pve gear from PVP. Stop destroying everything about this game for the freaking RWF.


only more popular because its hard to find 2 extra good people to 3v3 with

The reason they stopped this, is because PvE players complained about being forced to do pvp and pvp players complained about PvE players in pvp

Why would they be forced to do PvP. Forced is only if Blizzard employees enter your house with a Magnum to your head and ask you to queue arenas.
Everything else is just crybabys wanting gear that they dont want to work for.
They can get the same gear by doing PvE. Oh, you also want Extra Elite PvP gear to skip the line? Play pvp but dont complain about it.

How about in the best part of WoWs life when PvP players were forced to play PvE to get bis weapons/trinkets/off parts.


I love Magnums. The white chocolate ones are my favorite.


With forced i ment, having a better item in pvp for PvE content or a PvE item being better than pvp item. So to get bid you need to do the other content.

No, it was cause ppl were excited about the shadowlands hype and many players returned, till they found the game is thrash. Uograde is 0 motivation, gearing now is perfect, in sl it was nearly impossivle to climb when everyone GĂłt like 30ilvl more than u lol


I’m shocked that there are more players in RBGs than in 2v2 and 3v3.
I swear I can’t be bothered finding 10 players and having to do that again after the first game because people constantly leave.

Too much waiting.


Blizzard could increase 3s gladiator cutout % but that would have a negative effect on the healer’s situation in soloq, isn’t it?

make every bracket a SoloQ

  • game fixed.

soloQ 2v2
soloQ 3v3
soloQ RBG


and force zugg zuggs to heal :smiley:

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Give healers their own pvp mount and rewards for getting rating

  • game fixed.

  • give the Benediction staff tmog to 2400 rated healers

  • new resto druid shapeshifts for 2400 rated healers



how? This barely interests anyone lol. Why would anyone care if its healer pvp mount or dps pvp mount…
Also transmogs… there already are transmogs for rating, why would anyone need more than 1?

imagine 2400 rated Druid shapeshift ( armoured cat/ travel form etc )
i can tell you depending on the shapeshift people will farm it

2400 rated resto sham spell effect change ( instead of water , fire effects to healing spells )

2400 rated holy pal ( silverhand, ashbringer, scarlet crusade tmogs ) etc

the possibility is endless

use a bit of imagination and people will want it and farm it


soloq is just terrible for healers, so doubt there is any possible cosmetic that will bring reasonable amount of healers to it

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FOMO will bring everyone too it if you have limited time rewards